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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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35 minutes ago, Risso said:

Not an especially Polish thing that, is it?  I'll always offer a seat on the tube if there's an elderly person who's standing, it's just basic good manners.  I've brought my kids up to do the same.

very much a  this ,  It's quite satisfying in a way when you see your kids give up their seat unprompted , shame my kids usually then shatter the illusion they are well behaved polite kids by squabbling with each as the journey continues :) 


though in keeping with the OP when I lived in Hungary it always made me smile that some bull necked clearing in the woods would barge in front of you as the Tram doors opened as they don't really do the old queue up and wait system on public transport over there  ....and then give up his seat the second an old lady (or man) got in board .. .



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1 hour ago, Risso said:

Not an especially Polish thing that, is it?  I'll always offer a seat on the tube if there's an elderly person who's standing, it's just basic good manners.  I've brought my kids up to do the same.

I see it more here then I ever did in the UK. Pretty much every time here, whereas in the UK, it was mixed at best. Maybe Birmingham is just a rude city :D

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8 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

I got out, picked up their litter and asked "shall I get that for you?".  He said smugly "yea".

So I went and put it in the bin next to their car.  When I came back round he said "what's your problem?" so I said "your littering my town" and he said "I live here too" so I said "well stop turning it into a shit hole".

Well done. even little things like that might make them think twice. As silly as it sounds that might be the first time anyone ever called them out on that.

Like you say, I also have no idea why people do things like this, I can only assume its sheer arrogance that the rules just don't apply to them for some reason.

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59 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

I see it more here then I ever did in the UK. Pretty much every time here, whereas in the UK, it was mixed at best. Maybe Birmingham is just a rude city :D

Try living in London. The number of times I've given up my seat on the tube for some old dear or pregnant woman only to have someone else jump in ahead of them drives me nuts. In the 18 years I've lived down here, I can probably count on one hand, the number of times I've seen someone give up their seat for someone more deserving.



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1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

Dunno if I mentioned it previously, but litterbugs.

I went to McDonald's with my son in the back about 5 months ago.  Went through the drive through, was asked to park up so food could be given to me shortly.  Did so.  A fairly smart Astra with 2 young 20-somethings parked next to me.  One of them rolled down the window an inch and tossed out the paper straw packaging, then rolled the window back up.. He was in a car and worse, in a McDonald's car park, with a bin no more than half a yard from their car. 

I got out, picked up their litter and asked "shall I get that for you?".  He said smugly "yea".

So I went and put it in the bin next to their car.  When I came back round he said "what's your problem?" so I said "you're littering my town" and he said "I live here too" so I said "well stop turning it into a shit hole".

He said something, but I just got back into the car (my kid was in the back, so really I shouldn't have, and this is the first time I've done anything "brave" because I'm a pussy). 

His food got delivered first for some reason, and they sped off, looking cool or something. 

I've had a real urge lately to just get a roll of bin bags and go picking up litter - I absolutely HATE it.  

I still feel bad for a sweet wrapper that fell out my pocket when I was sea fishing and blew into the sea last October.  I've seen a video of those dude in the States that just started picking litter up from the beach and the sea near them, they now run a business collecting shit - I'd love to do something similar.

There just isn't an excuse for it, it really really pisses me off.  I can't stand driving round Lozells on the way to work, because I know if I drive past the school, I'll see 2 or 3 kids tossing cans into the bushes, sweet wrappers being tossed aside like it was nothing.  Why don't people have more respect for themselves and their environment?  Even if you're not into being "green", then surely just not having to walk past shit on the pavement all the time is enough for you to consciously not drop litter? 

I pick litter up, if there is a bin nearby. One thing I have become obsessed with, is plastic. I always try and make sure it's binned, or can't blow off anywhere. 

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1 hour ago, Rugeley Villa said:

I pick litter up, if there is a bin nearby. One thing I have become obsessed with, is plastic. I always try and make sure it's binned, or can't blow off anywhere. 

Are you the bloke who ties dog todd onto trees in little black bin liners? 

Like a shitty Xmas tree..

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Some excellent posts in the last couple of pages.  Basically people being words removed in a completely avoidable way through ill-manners, laziness or general scumbaggery.  I've seen a lot of it recently, I don't know whether it's just because I'm older and notice it more but I don't remember it being this bad growing up.

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49 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

Some excellent posts in the last couple of pages.  Basically people being words removed in a completely avoidable way through ill-manners, laziness or general scumbaggery.  I've seen a lot of it recently, I don't know whether it's just because I'm older and notice it more but I don't remember it being this bad growing up.

Nope it’s definitely got worse and tbh parents are too blame ...my parents taught me to give up seats on trains , a lot of parents nowdays appear to teach  their kids to push through as soon as the doors open and  reserve seats for the family ... maybe we just had more carriages on trains when I was younger , I don’t know ?? Or Maybe it’s just a sign we are getting old !! 

Edited by tonyh29
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12 hours ago, AVFCDAN said:

Well done. even little things like that might make them think twice. As silly as it sounds that might be the first time anyone ever called them out on that.

Like you say, I also have no idea why people do things like this, I can only assume its sheer arrogance that the rules just don't apply to them for some reason.

I would've cheerfully rammed the litter back in to his smug face, but like you say with your child with you it's just not worth it.

The worrying thing is that they'll go on to breed more like themselves in the future with some waynetta/vicky pollard type :mellow:

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my accounts department at work is full of **** idiots

there is a cheque request attached to an email that says can you please raise and send to this address, so the person in office 1 posted raised the cheque but posted it to the person who made the request in office 2 rather than where it should have gone, the woman in accounts at office 2 is confused by this and just said i dont know why this has been sent here or what to do with it so i'll hold on to it until the person who requested the cheque is back form holiday next week


i feel sorry for the person who requested the cheque because they will be the one returning from holiday having to sort out the shit from a late payment, happens all the time

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The woman on my missus' FB who posts a home made video with pictures and an oh-so-loving message to her 4 year old son for his birthday.

Only he isn't on FB, it's just to show everyone else what a great job she thinks she's doing and get a bit of attention.

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One of the things that I've noticed most since moving back is the amount of litter and fly tipping everywhere.  We live on a quietish country road, and low life tossers just seem to think it's a free area to dump their rubbish when the tip, that's about five minutes away, isn't open.  So far we've had bits of old carpet, a load of old paint tins, a pile of tires, old fridges, a TV and so on.

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2 hours ago, Risso said:

One of the things that I've noticed most since moving back is the amount of litter and fly tipping everywhere.  We live on a quietish country road, and low life tossers just seem to think it's a free area to dump their rubbish when the tip, that's about five minutes away, isn't open.  So far we've had bits of old carpet, a load of old paint tins, a pile of tires, old fridges, a TV and so on.

In Cardiff in the last year Ive been turned away from the tip twice for not having any council tax paperwork on me when dropping off household waste. I have had to go back with proof of residence and show it to the poor embarrassed chap on the gate in the yellow jacket. Since they introduced this nonsense the amount of fly tipping en route to the tip has gone up noticeably. And it is often left there for weeks on end, even though it's metres from the gate of the largest waste processing facility in Wales. Presumably our taxes don't cover a service like the council picking up bits of shit left lying around anymore.

While I'm ranting about litter. On one of the main roads into the city centre there are quite a few hostels and flats that are effectively half-way houses or used to house asylum seekers and so on and there are often large piles of rubbish outside. A few years ago Black and Green bins were rolled out across the city and like most places these days if the bags aren't in a bin or there's too many bags or whatever they just leave them there. I get that these places might not follow the rules the rest of us do but I don't get why the 'punishment' involves it being ok to leave piles of 15-20 black bags rotting away for months on end outside these properties. The ridiculous thing is if they took it all out the bags and scattered it loose all over the pavement it would then get cleared away yet because it's in a bag, which may be the wrong bag, or in the wrong place or in the wrong bin it's not their concern. Go figure.

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43 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

Only for globetrotters like you and Drat, sends us all to sleep ;)

Struggling to see what Facebook is for these days. There are probably about five people I know (am FB friends with) who post regularly. Other than them it seems to be a bit of a ghost town. Sure it's still very popular but id be surprised if it's just me and my pocket of the world who use it less and less these days. 

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37 minutes ago, villaglint said:


Struggling to see what Facebook is for these days. There are probably about five people I know (am FB friends with) who post regularly. Other than them it seems to be a bit of a ghost town. Sure it's still very popular but id be surprised if it's just me and my pocket of the world who use it less and less these days. 

I made a post on Sat , first one of the year  , before that it was the 20th Dec


I still use it to see what's happening " in the world " but just don't contribute like I used to

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