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choffer last won the day on June 9 2020

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  • Birthday July 10

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  1. I watched the original this week ahead of seeing the new one tomorrow. It was less than fine and I’d remembered really enjoying it back then.
  2. Actual chicken, rather than reformed chicken bits. Really good quality chicken (although it is US chicken so it might be GM). It’s just so tasty. And the sauce is the nuts. Like a honey mustard. And the waffle fries. Their drinks are really good too. When the prospect of a “chicken biscuit” was first mooted to me, I thought it’d be bad but it’s really great. I guess it is US fast food though so it probably tastes so good because it’s 193% sugar.
  3. I suspect if you only watch the trailer, you’d get a sense of what the answer is. I don’t think anyone in any scenario just wakes up one day and decides to make a major change to their lives without any prior thought.
  4. You’re right of course but I’m not worried how to pronounce it. I just want their chicken.
  5. Conflicted about bringing this thread back to page 1 but I think this looks interesting and I hope will change some opinions on the subject.
  6. Yep. I remember it well. When we went to The Oracle to sample it, there were two teenage lesbians with careful now banners protesting outside They’ve played down their xtian stance in recent years so hopefully it sticks around a bit longer this time. They announced their intention to return about a year ago with a plan to start opening in 2025. Can’t find any details on where though.
  7. The giveaway was him washing his face in everyone's sink.
  8. Popeyes in the US is decent. In the UK it's awful. Still, not a patch on the lord's chicken. Can't wait for chik-fil-a to open up in the UK next year.
  9. Dunno about you but I got a coffee cup. What more could I possibly want?
  10. I drove past Eddie Jordan who was walking up the pavement in Chelsea the other day.
  11. Thoughts and prayers incoming. I know most of us got bored ages ago with all these stories but I was in that area a couple of months ago and spent time talking with the kids of friends over there about how often they have to go through active shooter drills. They’re not even teens yet and they fully expect to go through a real scenario at some point before they finish school. It really is just madness that it’s allowed to continue.
  12. This. This. 100 times this. It's been my biggest bugbear for years when watching film/tv. I've asked a couple of friends who are actors why this is. They've both been in telly and film and they both independently said the presumption is that if you hire an actor, they should be able to act like there's clothes in the suitcase or coffee in the cup. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, there still seems to be a belief in the industry that realism isn't important in this regard.
  13. Just in case you haven't seen them already, the GK tops are available on the website now.
  14. Au contraire. It’s the contestants doing the choking.
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