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VillaTalk.com Messageboard Guidelines

The basic ethos of this site is to be welcoming to all and to treat other posters as you would like to be treated. This means no swearing, abuse, threats, insults, racism, sexism, homophobia or “better fan” comments and no unsubstantiated accusations against any public figures. If you wish to post satirically about these subjects, please make it clear your post is satire, because the bots of advertisers can't recognize it. If you notice any infringement of the site guidelines, please use the report function to alert the moderators.

Please post in English, follow netiquette and don't use text speak (txt spk).

If you like this site please consider making a donation towards the site's running costs. Donations are very much appreciated and purely voluntary. Donations are never taken into consideration if you break the site guidelines.

This site only exists because most of the costs of running it are paid for by advertising. This means we have to ask posters not to post images or use language with which advertisers do not want to be associated - so please, no indecent images, no hate speech, no discussion of anything criminal, no images containing large areas of exposed flesh, and no offensive language even in images. If any thread is not suitable for ANY workplace please mark it as Not Safe For Work by putting "NSFW" in the title.

Please stay on topic. Please search to see if a topic already exists (and use it) before starting a new thread, unless in your judgement the story is major enough to warrant its own discussion - in which case please include the 'breaking' tag. When starting a new topic, please make sure the title reflects the subject accurately. If starting a thread on "This weekend's Games" for example, please include a date, as this makes it more obvious and easier to find at a later date.

When linking or quoting content from other sites always post BOTH a link and an extract from the original (do not include the entire article). The one exception to this is Twitter - please only ever post a link to the tweet. Here's how. It is not acceptable to post a screenshot of a tweet, even for the purposes of censoring it. Consequently, if it needs censoring then don't post it. When starting a thread about a player linked to the club, please start it with the title in the format "Player Name" and the tag "Speculation". Include an extract of the article in your post and include a link to the article. Please don't use articles from sites that are in the blacklist topic at the top of the main Villa Talk forum.

Please don't flame or create points just to argue or get a reaction (PFE). Please post about what people have said or written - post on the comment, do not criticise the person or an imaginary grouping you might perceive them to be part of such as "doom and gloom merchants, happy clappers...etc.". And please agree to disagree, rather than prolonging debate or argument of the same points. Please don't make posts consisting only of smilies or a quote plus smilies use the "like" button.

If you'd like to promote or advertise something or wish to buy advertising space, please contact the admin for permission (or use the contact us link). VillaTalk does not have the resources to validate any of the large number of requests to promote charity events. Therefore the only topics we will accept promoting charities is one where an established member (see below) is personally participating in the event. We will only consider charity topics from properly registered charities.

Established members (see below) may offer their season ticket for a game they cannot attend. The offer must be posted more than 24 hours before kick off, ask for no more than face value and the trade must be registered with the ticket office. No requests for tickets are allowed. No away tickets can be requested nor offered - follow the rules of the away scheme.

If you choose an avatar please select one that does not contravene the site guidelines. Please keep signatures small and short.

A member of this site is considered established once they reach 500 posts and have been on the site for six months. Established members are allowed to promote their own charity events and sell their match tickets as per the relevant sections of this document.

Occasionally the moderating team may edit a post. Where appropriate, this will be recorded by placing comments in red text. If this happens to one of your posts, please do not edit what the moderator has written. If a moderator writes in red text, they are speaking as a moderator. Please avoid using red text in your posts and signatures for this reason. If they use any other colour, they are speaking as themselves. Mods are people too.

Please never post about site moderation in the forum, if you wish to have moderation clarified or have some comment to make regarding moderation, please do this by PM to the relevant moderator.

We use a warning system to help with the smooth running of the site. Warnings are not punishments. They are guidance to keep the board running smoothly. They are not held against you, however if you are continually in need of guidance then stronger action may be taken – ranging from a temporary withdrawal of permission to use our site through to a permanent ban and reporting to your ISP for abuse of the account. Duplicate VillaTalk accounts are not permitted. 

Please keep your email address current. VillaTalk will not use your email address for marketing purposes.

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