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Risso last won the day on April 3 2016

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    Sporting Nostradamus

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  1. Stuff that the kids need for homework, like today, the youngest daughter needed some pictures that had to be cut out.
  2. An old school mate of mine who I've reently been back in touch with, is a proper born again Christian fundamentalist. He did geology at university (pre shiny-eyed conversion), but now believes the earth is 4,000 years old.
  3. BMI's not perfect, but for most people it's a handy guide. If you're 6 foot, weigh 16 stone and your BMI is 35 then if you're NOT a professional rugby player or body builder, you probably could do with losing a bit of weight.
  4. Risso


    That's excellent, well done!
  5. I think he was almost certainly still carrying on a knock so on that basis probably shouldn't have been on the pitch in the first place.
  6. Torres is a very good footballer, he's just not an especially good defender.
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