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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Thread has definitely lost its reason. Turned into things that piss you off and should

It annoys me the way people park their cars in two spaces. Plenty of other spaces about for me to park in. But it really winds me up 


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**** state of the toilets in New Street at the moment.

I mean... Given what's going on in the world, is it really that hard to use the loo without leaving it looking like a rapid chimp had a fight with a bucket of Nutella? **** people just have no concept of hygiene, or just common courtesy for your fellow man, who doesn't want to be presented with a Turner prize entry when he just needs a pre train shit.

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1 hour ago, Sid4ever said:

Take my leave from @HanoiVillan, for things that piss you off that should, but how is Jeremy Hunt now criticising the NHS about Covid-19 when he was health secretary for so long

Are you talking about this type of rubbish?

. . . because yes, that absolutely boils my piss.

However, I know I'm not supposed to be talking bolitics in one of the non-bolitics threads, so beating a hasty retreat now:


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The in-laws have started lecturing my wife and I on how to parent during the virus lifespan. They always share their views but this virus has escalated it.

My in-laws are always running their mouths, I'm always being told not to say anything, I find saying nothing very difficult.

I shouldn't be getting pissed off, but I'm going to share this ..... IM GETTING VERY PISSED OFF

Edited by Villan_of_oz
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My neighbour....she is let's say privileged... her mom and dad live on Roman Road, and she is a bit up her own arse. She is a teacher at a primary school. Couple of weeks ago when we were talking about the virus she said I hope they close the schools so I get time off. I looked her funny and said well you dont really because that means things will have got a lot worse!!!!!

They are also on the verge of moving house. The other day I was having a fag out the front she was getting dropped home by her dad, she did this really nervous giggly type run towards me... it was so weird but I knew what was about to happen.... she had come round to brag... "My dad is buying our house cash you know" "The only thing we need to worry about is not getting flooded" whilst giggling 🙄 yada yada.... 

This week all we have had is constant messages from her moaning about Coronavirus,

"i just want to get what i want and need from the shops" 

"School situation is looking bad, I'm going to have so much work to do at home when they close" thought you wanted them to close?.....

"I'm done with this Coronavirus, its shafting good people like us, we cant get stuff we need in the shops and the financial side is looking bleak" What makes you say that then, knowing full well something has affected her house move or something. "Well my dad is advising we dont move now and delay it for as long as possible. We were so close and have waste money on fees and everything". I laughed for a little while tbh as it serves her right! Tbh I would buy her f*****g house off her for an inflated price just to get rid of her! 

The worse thing about this is the kids are great and get on really well with my two and her other half is an absolute diamond who would and will help anytime I can.

Edited by leighavfc
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The amount of **** idiots who need me to do their job for them is growing hugely now they can just spam me on IM rather than walking over and seeing a queue of people asking me inane questions. This is going to be seriously shit.

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Another plastic United fan from Brum laughing about Liverpool not winning the title.

I couldn't give a flying one mate, I couldn't care if they win it for the next 5 years, I couldn't care if football was halted for entire year.

I couldn't care about football at this point. Zero ****.

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22 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Another plastic United fan from Brum laughing about Liverpool not winning the title.

I couldn't give a flying one mate, I couldn't care if they win it for the next 5 years, I couldn't care if football was halted for entire year.

I couldn't care about football at this point. Zero ****.

It's quite funny though. Leeds as well.

Things are shit, but you've got to take your laughs where you can get them.

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12 hours ago, Chindie said:

**** state of the toilets in New Street at the moment.

I mean... Given what's going on in the world, is it really that hard to use the loo without leaving it looking like a rapid chimp had a fight with a bucket of Nutella? **** people just have no concept of hygiene, or just common courtesy for your fellow man, who doesn't want to be presented with a Turner prize entry when he just needs a pre train shit.

We have this problem at work, but in the ladies' toilets. People leaving it in an absolute state.

I've concluded that some people just don't realise what is and what isn't acceptable. They've literally had meetings where all the women are told what's going on and to take more care and stop being disgusting and it doesn't change.
I think people genuinely don't understand what they're doing

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3 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

We have this problem at work, but in the ladies' toilets. People leaving it in an absolute state.

I've concluded that some people just don't realise what is and what isn't acceptable. They've literally had meetings where all the women are told what's going on and to take more care and stop being disgusting and it doesn't change.
I think people genuinely don't understand what they're doing

Sounds like you have some mentally ill bitches at your gaff.

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

We have this problem at work, but in the ladies' toilets. People leaving it in an absolute state.

I've always tended to assume that only blokes left bogs in that state, but apparently not. In France a few years ago, the missus and I used some public toilets (and, let's face it, French public toilets don't have the best reputation) - the men's were perfectly OK, but Mrs M came out of the ladies gagging, said it was absolute excremental carnage in there. 

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4 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

I've always tended to assume that only blokes left bogs in that state, but apparently not. In France a few years ago, the missus and I used some public toilets (and, let's face it, French public toilets don't have the best reputation) - the men's were perfectly OK, but Mrs M came out of the ladies gagging, said it was absolute excremental carnage in there. 

Just like our office. Some of the women you can regularly find in the kitchen gagging and moaning about the state the toilets are in.

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