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About Robtaylor200

  • Birthday 11/01/1958

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    robert Taylor

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    Wife, family, going on holiday and The Villa (not necessarily in that order)

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  1. Anybody out in Spain on holiday ? If so be safe and be respectful I reckon it will kick off all over the place. Spanish waiters gobbing in the food, drunken English taking the Pi** I expect a lot of Police presence in the Cost areas
  2. I have a stuffed dog, it's around 100 years old. Taking it to the auction, I wonder what it will fetch
  3. Tactical genius, now has two more subs , fresh legs
  4. I don't get it. If it hasn't worked for 80 mins, why should it work in the last ten. Fkin change something
  5. I don't think I have ever swore this much in any football match, even when SG was our manager
  6. Ollie must be wondering wtf does he have to do
  7. Where is Mike Bassett when you need him
  8. All the signs flashing around the ground Booking.com. it's Booking something alright
  9. Utter shite, I don't even think Ollie can save us on his own
  10. I wish it was on later, I could switch it off and go to bed
  11. Wouldn't it be easier if the ref wore his yellow card on a chain around his neck
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