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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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18 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Its a successful show of course VT is gonna hate it :)

It’s well written and has some great gags and characters ...script wise in almost the first episode they make reference to something that makes them millionaires 20 odd years later , Sullivan clearly had a path for the series ... the only real blight was the Miami Xmas special where Del has a mobster look alike 



I don't hate it, I just think its overrated.

They should have left it when they became millionaires. 

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4 hours ago, mjmooney said:

My wife has a new phone. Therefore she has to have a new handbag.

Which to me looks exactly the same as her other ten handbags. 

Somebody explain women to me. 


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9 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

This definitely should piss me off, but I appear to have sprained my ankle in my sleep (?) or something.

In bed?   If you'd said wrist instead of ankle I'd have totally believed it!

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3 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

Now been sat in a & e for an hour, bored out of my mind 

EDIT: actually a genuinely annoying thing is that I was given a card by the receptionist telling me to go to a website on my phone to check whether I should actually be here, but then she booked me in any way, and then having signed up for this stupid website I realise it's data harvesting for a private healthcare provider called babylon health, so that seems cool and like a good thing that should be happening in an NHS hospital 

They usually say go to a 'walk in' centre if its a non emergency, I went to the one in Kingstanding at 8am and it was empty (most people in the 'standing don't get out of bed until 11am anyway). 

Mind you, they were **** useless and still had to go to A&E a few days later and get a box of cocodamol! 


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5 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

There's a Romanian woman at work who speaks pretty much perfect English, it's just every now and then she may pronounce a word slightly differently or get some wording slightly wrong.

She was telling us about something this morning when she said " I was sat in my sofa..". This made the two women either side of her scream with laughter and interrupt to explain, "You don't sit in a sofa, you sit on a sofa!".

I don't think they mean to take the piss, they're trying to laugh along with her, but this happens 2 or 3 times a day.

I can tell it's starting to wind this woman up and she's said a few times "I want to hear you two speak Romanian."

Another one this afternoon was "I was putting on the make up" followed by "Pwahahaha, I think you mean, 'I was putting on my make up'".

There's this new American guy at work and we were talking about baguettes for some reason, then suddenly he changed the subject and asked if I was a fan of Friends which confused me but I went with it and said shit like 'yeah i used to watch it back in the day, Jennifer Aniston was fit' etc.  He looked at me like an idiot and said 'are you a fan of Fraaance, not Friends'.  Just speak proper ffs.

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17 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

There's this new American guy at work and we were talking about baguettes for some reason, then suddenly he changed the subject and asked if I was a fan of Friends which confused me but I went with it and said shit like 'yeah i used to watch it back in the day, Jennifer Aniston was fit' etc.  He looked at me like an idiot and said 'are you a fan of Fraaance, not Friends'.  Just speak proper ffs.

French guy at work talking about the lady who is sorting the office move getting stressed, said she’s turning into Vulvarine...

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3 hours ago, Xela said:

They usually say go to a 'walk in' centre if its a non emergency, I went to the one in Kingstanding at 8am and it was empty (most people in the 'standing don't get out of bed until 11am anyway). 

Mind you, they were **** useless and still had to go to A&E a few days later and get a box of cocodamol! 


I absolutely should have gone to a walk-in centre, but I was just concerned that I might need to get an X-ray. In the end, not needed, just lots of painkillers.

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Train journey this morning.

Train basically empty. Great!

Bang... Bang...


BANG... Bang...bangbang...

After about 10 minutes of this, which I could hear over the podcast I was listening to, I got up, and could see it was the toilet door, which had been left ajar and was slamming into the frame and the loo whenever the train shifted even slightly. This was an old carriage, it had the old real doors on a cupboard style loo, rather than the 'prize on Bullseye' (copyright Frankie Boyle) revolving ones. Right, I could do with a piss anyway, since I'm up I may as well take a leak. 

Having had said piss, I turn around and start the always slightly awkward manoeuvre for some larger than a Hobbit to get back out of a tiny room with a door that opens into it. As I begin to turn, the train suddenly lurches round a corner, and I'm slammed into the wall, proper cheek whacking the wall stuff, with the added indignity of the grab rail having my bollocks hurled into it. Just as the pain from that reaches my brain the train lurches again and I'm thrown off balance into the door, kidney greeting the door handle like a sex offender greets fresh meat. No pain this time though, because I'm absolutely raging. I finally get out of the bastard plumbing wardrobe and slam the door shut.

But the thing that really annoyed me? In the seat right next to the toilet door, was a woman. She was doing her makeup. She'd been there since before I'd got on the train. The makeup must have been the equivalent of the Forth Rail Bridge as there's no amount of mysterious powders covering up a face like the Grand Canyon. The kind of face that's been eaten by the nasty, hate filled, self obsessed soul inside, slowly infecting through the surface.

This woman was sat in the seat that could have seen her shut the toilet door without even moving her decrepit arse. Had she done that, I wouldn't have an aching kidney and my testicles wouldn't have retreated for recuperation, and I wouldn't have the distinct worry that my face has been whacked into a wall that's seen some true sights over the years.

As the train came into New Street, she was stood behind me waiting to exit. I could see in the reflection of the window the sour faced bint was staring at my arse.

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17 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Here’s another one. A work email at 11:30 explaining that they’re selling pancakes for £1 on pancake day for charity.

”please let us know how many you would like by 1pm today!”

Bit eager seen as it’s 3 weeks away but whatever. 

“please reply even if you don’t want any so we don’t have to keep chasing you”

Absolutely bonkers.

12:45, I have a woman come over to my desk to ask if I want any pancakes, because I haven’t replied to the email. 

I think some people in your office have a lot of time on their hands and need to be reported to the directors.

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42 minutes ago, Genie said:

I think some people in your office have a lot of time on their hands and need to be reported to the directors.

Ding Ding.

That sounds utterly ridiculous. Bake some cakes or whatever bring them in, sure.

 Tool have this much time on your hands a department needs to be culled of a few members.

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Bands gear stolen


A band who had equipment stolen during a car break-in has thanked the public after most of it was recovered from a buy-and-sell store.

Do Nothing, from Nottingham, appealed for help after gear worth £800 was taken from an underground car park in George Street, in the city, on Monday.

Bands gear stolen


“We returned home to some unfortunate news… Our trailer was broken into and our gear was stolen. The thieves broke our trailer door and got away with custom drums, cymbals, discontinued amplifiers, custom road cases, merchandise, and a new generator.

Bands gear stolen


Colin Croom, a musician with Chicago-based indie-rock band Twin Peaks, has had his 1997 Fender Telecaster ever since he was 6-years-old.

That guitar, along with the band’s other instruments and gear were stolen Monday night.

This pisses me off when it shouldnt. The amount of times I used to see on Facebook, people sharing posts from bands that had gear stolen from cars, vans or trailers. This is lunacy by the band and sorry, they deserve everything they get. You leave gear in a van, you leave a band member in the van. Someone should stay with the gear. You wouldnt leave 800 quid unattended on the dashboard so why take a risk in a strange town and leave the essentials for your job unattended. Ridiculous.

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13 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:


Posters on a forum  with a combined post count in excess of 31,000 posts  , many of which we know are during the working day   .....grumbling about other people having too  much time on their hands :D

At least I'm not stopping my colleagues from working :lol: 

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Randomers going over and playing the piano in the arrivals area of the airport.  I know that's what it's there for.  That's why it shouldn't piss me off.   But is it too much to ask that I wait in **** silence?  I don't care how good you are.  I didn't come here for a **** musical performance.

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