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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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18 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

A genuine question: have I mentioned the secret shed project I'm currently working on?

I don't think I would have, I think I've tried not to mention work too much on soshie sites. You never know who's looking in.

But I'm currently working on a truly significant shed, no expense spared. Seriously, we're talking about weeks of research in to types and shades of timber veneer alone.

Tell us about your shed project in the cheer-me-up thread,then, but living in a Tory constituency should you not call it a yurt? :)

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14 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

My pets being terrified all night because some clearings in the woods are entertained by colourful lights in the sky.

I like animals as much as the next person but that hardly makes everyone a clearing in the woods and posts like this are just nonsensical 


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6 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

I like animals as much as the next person but that hardly makes everyone a clearing in the woods and posts like this are just nonsensical 


They aint really fireworks any more though are they, they are like mini sky bombs, certainly wasn't like this when I was a nipper.

Having said that they are not something that have ever really interested me, even as a kid.

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2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

1) Surely that depends who the next person is

2) It's a stupid, mindless, pointless activity, fireworks are shit

3) I'll call people clearings in the woods for a lot less than that

4) Read the post title. You clearing in the woods. ;) 

1) I had planned to insert a David Cameron joke originally after that point 

2) so is France but I don't suggest we ban it 

3) long as you don't call me one 

4) D'oh

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4 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

They aint really fireworks any more though are they, they are like mini sky bombs, certainly wasn't like this when I was a nipper.


Don't remember them going on for this **** long, either. 4 and a half hours and counting.

I  have nothing against a decent community event in a park with fireworks, food and what have you. Being subjected to every clearing in the woods in their garden trying to blow the moon out of the sky is starting to wear down my patience.

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Something which is really beginning to bug me and I am noticing more and more is this. 

I work in town and many of the pavements are busy and narrow,  this does happen everywhere but I have it happening very regularly outside my office where the pavement has been diverted onto a narrow segregated  part of the road because of building work.  

People walking in the opposite direction in a group will walk several abreast and not drop back to make space until you literally have to bring yourself to a total stop and only now that you are an unmoving obstacle in their path do they move over. 

It's so incredibly rude and arrogant.  If I am I a similar group and see someone coming the other way I will always drop back behind my group to allow people space to walk past. 

I mean what is going through these peoples heads?  Assuming they are not actually proposing that we literally collide head on they will have to move anyway so why wait till I am stationary right in front of them? 


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11 hours ago, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

I don't understand why anyone would get the Mega(chav)bus from Birmingham to London and not just get a Virgin or Chiltern train. You can pre-book a return for about £15; even if you get it on the day it's usually less than £50. 


was from Cardiff tbf ;) 

On the way back so far just an old lady having multiple phone conversations telling everyone she's going to be home tonight. Which is nice.  However Villa won today and I managed to have a pub burger and 2 pints in London for a tenner which I had heard was impossible so it's all good.

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14 hours ago, Davkaus said:

My pets being terrified all night because some clearings in the woods are entertained by colourful lights in the sky.

Celebrating the burning of Catholics 400 years after the event, in an age where toleration has been added to the Decalogue, seems strange, but keeping pets seems odd to those who can't imagine having any themselves. 

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So, a planned terrorist outrage is thwarted by the ever-vigilant security forces. The perpetrators mostly get away, but a couple of stooges are fingered and dealt with. Then all their co-religionists are suspected of being an enemy within, and potential terrorists, and are mercilessly hounded by vigilantes. 

Sound familiar? 

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Trump saying he survived an assassination attempt.

The 'attempt' was a GOP supporter with a 'Republicans against Trump sign', who then got strangled and attacked.

Him and his fans are monsters.

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I was over the Island yesterday evening for the free Round Table funded fireworks display.

Admittedly I wasn't sensitive and looking for it, but I didn't pick up any anti catholic vibe from the crowd.


all calm again this morning (neither of these are my photos, just robbed off twatter)





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2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

It was one of the best assassination attempts. One of the very best, top two at least. Just the other day. People tell me, they say Donald, that assassination attempt was tremendous, just tremendous. It takes a real American to survive that. Hilary, let me tell you folks, Hilary, she is not fit to face this. If I put a gun to her head, she'd be gone. She'd, you know, it's for the best too, let me tell you. Bill is raping absolutely everyone. Just the other day. People are walking down the street, and bill Clinton is raping them. It's not just me saying this Hilary said it. Sean Hannity heard it, you just ask him. The things Hilary says about me... It was her in the crowd too, you know it. 

That really is uncanny. 

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On 03/11/2016 at 20:33, mottaloo said:

Breakfast radio presenters. Not the main presenter but his/her sidekick lackies who, for no good reason, make themselves out to be whacky/zany, making unfunny add ons to the main presenter's jokes after laughing sycophantically. They see themselves as part of a madcap breakfast possé or crew when in reality they're probably as interesting as an empty shoe box.

Frank Skinner's Saturday show has them (absolute radio) as does the same station's weekday show with Christian O'Connell. 

You're not famous; you're not funny. Shut up with your inane drivel and play some decent music and DON'T talk over the track at the end !!!

The guy on Chris Moyles' show back in the day was the worst. 'Comedy Dave' - absolute unfunny, suck up, sychophantic word removed.

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