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4 hours ago, Czechlad said:

Wtf America. What is your thought process to think giving regular teachers a gun would make the situation better? You are literally bringing guns into the schools.

Let's give someone in an extremely stressful job where they will have to deal with confrontation on a daily basis a gun!  Nothing bad could possibly happen.  Muppets.

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All hail the Idiot Champion.

We've never seen a teacher meltdown, have we?

Only the two of mine.

One joined the clergy.

Maybe that was his way of getting back at kids?



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6 hours ago, a m ole said:

Heard an interesting suggestion on the Bill Burr podcast for how to manage the issue and it got me thinking further. Don’t take away people’s precious guns, don’t infringe on their 2nd Amendment.

Regulate the ammunition. Register shots fired. People can keep and carry guns, but can only own a finite, moderate number of bullets. You get a clip. If bullets are used, they can get more but all shots have to be accounted for. You’re “protected” if god forbid you have to use them - and you can go and get more bullets the same day when you do.

Your turn, NRA.


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49 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

Worrying about teachers losing it and shooting kids isn't the biggest issue with this for me. It's the idea that you have to make teachers responsible for holding gun battles with armed intruders. What a sad outcome when people who just wanted to teach kids now have to have the responsibility of taking part in a gunfight to protect them from mass murderers. So many Americans seem to have this bullshit John Wayne hero fantasy about this kind of thing, expecting Mrs Robinson to ride in and blast away the bad guy. 

Bingo. I can't imagine that there are too many teachers that got into the career for the military training. It is bonkers and harmful as a solution and should be dismissed out of hand.

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The other alternative he offered is just as mad. Put armed military veterans into schools instead.

Nothing could go wrong there. It's unheard of for anyone ex-military to have a bit of a breakdown cause harm.

As mentioned, too many Americans still believe John Wayne is real - and lives in all of us - and that veterans are untouchable gods.

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1 minute ago, Ingram85 said:

Plus all the nutters who would now apply for teaching jobs no doubt.

"Coz I git ter yewz uh gurrn!"

Will it become part of teacher training? "Sorry Katelyn. You're an inspiration to the children, imaginative and compassionate. Unfortunately you only scored a 4/10 in your Desert Eagle Moving Target test so I'm afraid you'll have to go and work in Subway."

It's **** mental.

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32 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

The other alternative he offered is just as mad. Put armed military veterans into schools instead.

Nothing could go wrong there. It's unheard of for anyone ex-military to have a bit of a breakdown cause harm.

As mentioned, too many Americans still believe John Wayne is real - and lives in all of us - and that veterans are untouchable gods.

Nah., it'll be fine...

Bildresultat för gran turismo clint eastwood

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There's an episode of the "This American Life" podcast (the same guys who do Serial and S-Town) out at the moment called "Things You Can't Say".


The second story in that episode is about gun laws in America and it's pretty shocking.

The police find a gun at a school so they search the school and find ANOTHER gun, but it's actually a very very very good replica.
The sheriff, who is strongly PRO gun, suggests passing a law that bans replica guns from schools (real guns are already banned from schools). His reasoning wasn't anti gun, it was just that he said if somebody pulled a fake gun that looked that real on him or his colleagues then they'd get shot. He didn't want killing a teenager who didn't have a real gun on his, or any of his colleagues', conscience.

The Councillor, a republican STRONGLY PRO gun politician, agreed and pushed the law.


It caused a huge backlash from her own party. They saw it as infringing on their second amendment rights. It's crazy. Even though the law is against FAKE guns, and the reasoning behind it is clear, they twist it to suit their argument.

They saw it as punishing a child for bringing a toy gun to school. And said it was brainwashing children into thinking guns are bad.


It's pretty eye opening and reinforces the influence the NRA has, and shows you how difficult it would be to actually toughen gun laws. I'd recommend it.

Edited by Stevo985
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