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NurembergVillan last won the day on May 21

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About NurembergVillan

  • Birthday March 16

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  1. I think he'll be going back to Stockport.
  2. One thing that I really like about Felix is his ability to change direction very quickly. Similar to a young Coutinho, he can switch the way he's facing in a heartbeat which not only fools his marker but can turn around a whole defence and create space.
  3. Might know those Reform rocket polishers would get involved...
  4. In some instances you're right, but on this occasion, the officer had already drawn a taser and they were supposedly armed police.
  5. Instead of being in the moment and just enjoying what they're there to see.
  6. In my, albeit limited, dealings with Eni she's been absolutely great. Intelligent, eloquent, and generous with her time. It makes me sad to see the amount of hammer she gets.
  7. It worked out ok, but it didn't set the world alight. Leon Bailey, meanwhile, did. A move makes sense, even if it's disappointing, and it now gives us the chance to fill a different hole. As Kenneth Williams would appreciate.
  8. I'd completely forgotten about Johan Lange. BTec Monchi.
  9. Both sound like characters from 1980s sitcoms.
  10. If what they say about men with big feet is accurate, I don't think you can complain about being forsaken...
  11. The good lawd protected his soul. God bless 'murica.
  12. That's called the placket and there's no getting around it unfortunately. If you want buttons it's got to be there. To have the half/half pattern continuing onto that, as it's sewn in, would actually be mega expensive. Asking a machinist to match the stripes is quite the challenge. I'd have been tempted to do the bottom edge at a slight angle, though, so it doesn't finish so abruptly with the contrast colour. Make it a feature rather than a sore thumb.
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