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Xann last won the day on December 24 2023

Xann had the most liked content!


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    Space Is The Place

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  1. Various Artists - 'Tropical Britxotica!'
  2. 'I know you’re not thinking. You never do' - Teetos and Ohman, Poland.
  3. The original issue was a proper luxury item. It's a great collection, factor in the cost of the condensed reissue and it's a steal. I see Sony and DG have released even bigger boxes since.
  4. Igor Stravinsky - Ballets Vol III 'The Wedding' isn't for me but 'Renard The Fox' is a bit better and 'The Soldier's Tale' is pretty cool.
  5. The booby prizes landed, the country's been robbed blind and the most likely scenario is a continuing slump. Same mugs that got us turned over are still chatting shit.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/reel/439822798522423
  7. Mogg's Yandex dividends could be paid as Russian bullion into a safety deposit box in Malta. Remember the blagger the f***witted let in?
  8. The story of the last couple of days is Brexit impact keeps getting worse. Just paste into your search engine of choice. Aston University If anyone reads the comics that sold Tory Brexit to the gullible, is there anything inside them on this matter?
  9. Not sure, I don't use them or Stansted? Stansted records its traffic stats by flight number. This is tonight, but we know it's not just tonight from the figures. WTF is that all about?
  10. Ryanair's Bucharest service from Stansted. Hate Stansted and no longer use it, so it it shouldn't piss me off, but a friend's had a second late night connection nightmare there in two months. Going to go and rescue him in the early hours.
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