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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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3 hours ago, Rob182 said:

My wife likes the pretend/think she’s a pagan. She’s not. She’s got a handful of books about crystals, witchery and other bullocks and likes to pretend she’s a witch: putting her spells on instagram, as all good witches do ^_^ It was the solstice thingy a while back and she’d forgotten about it until I mentioned it the next day :rolleyes: She’s not harming anyone so I let her have her fun.


On the flipside, I’m the one in the house (temporarily) attempting vegetarianism, while she tucks into the usual Big Macs and Steaks.... like a good witch.

Just try telling her that orgies and threesomes are an important part of pagan practice :thumb:

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1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

I don't care if an old bloke says it to a younger kid.

It's when lads say it to each other, sometimes as a genuine "hello" ("alright son? How are ya?") but often as an attempt to have superiority over someone else "Alright son, calm down". 

I absolute hate it said both ways.  I genuinely don't mind if an older bloke says it to someone a generation or so younger. 

It's like a red rag to a bull to me.  

Another one is people who say "washed down" when referring to drinking "I had a curry, washed down with beer" what are you a sink?  A dishwasher?  You sound like a common tramp, stfu. 

I used to feel the same. But I have a mate who calls people ‘son’, who is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met - like, I’ve barely heard him say a bad word about anyone, and never gets involved in the standard ‘bantz’ that flies around the office. So I now consider it just another ‘mate/pal/buddy’ term.

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30 minutes ago, Shropshire Lad said:

It being repeatedly suggested I should be getting my kid a dog when I’ve made it clear I do not want one.

To be clear, the suggestion is not being made by my kid.

Yea I've had that conversation a few times. 

I wouldn't mind getting a dog, but it's the smells, picking up dog shit (absolutely not gonna happen), the hair and feeding the poor bugger/vets stuff which make me say no.  

Until she or little he can do it all without me, and it doesn't affect me, then go ahead. 

Same with cats, but to a lesser degree because of the shit and smell stuff. 

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46 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

Yea I've had that conversation a few times. 

I wouldn't mind getting a dog, but it's the smells, picking up dog shit (absolutely not gonna happen), the hair and feeding the poor bugger/vets stuff which make me say no.  

Until she or little he can do it all without me, and it doesn't affect me, then go ahead. 

Same with cats, but to a lesser degree because of the shit and smell stuff. 

Yeah I don’t dislike dogs, I just don’t want one. It’s more work.

It’s the same guy who was telling me when to give my kid swimming lessons (the soon to be first time dad who also has two dogs).

It’s only minor comments, but they don’t seem to be stopping. He bought a cuddly toy dog for her birthday, I sent him a message thanking him to which he replied “no probs, the closest she’ll get to a dog”.

It’s only minor stuff like that and I am probably being a bit sensitive, but it does piss me off (and it shouldn’t). He’s got this idealised view of what a family life is and you can’t have a contrary view to it.

Edited by Shropshire Lad
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I've got a mate over here in Sofia who's from Liverpool. Now, I've never been to Liverpool but I grew up watching Brookside and listening to scouse accents but this guy seems to have turned his accent up to 11. 

He genuinely says "Laaa". I thought that was just someone who takes the piss out of the accent that says that. He also punctuates every single sentence with "lad". Every third sentence starts with "you know what lad?"

And that's all I have to say about that.

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13 minutes ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

I've got a mate over here in Sofia who's from Liverpool. Now, I've never been to Liverpool but I grew up watching Brookside and listening to scouse accents but this guy seems to have turned his accent up to 11. 

He genuinely says "Laaa". I thought that was just someone who takes the piss out of the accent that says that. He also punctuates every single sentence with "lad". Every third sentence starts with "you know what lad?"

And that's all I have to say about that.

yep, its very annoying

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7 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:

It being repeatedly suggested I should be getting my kid a dog when I’ve made it clear I do not want one.

To be clear, the suggestion is not being made by my kid.

Who on earth is asking you? Shall I have a word with them pal? :P

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3 minutes ago, Xela said:

This week at work can go **** itself

Had the bosses on my back like Kevin Spacey on a drunk child. 


I'm glad it's over. Been working miles away,  so I've been up at 5.30 all this week. Don't mind getting up that early when it's not for work.

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8 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:

Yeah I don’t dislike dogs, I just don’t want one. It’s more work.

It’s the same guy who was telling me when to give my kid swimming lessons (the soon to be first time dad who also has two dogs).

It’s only minor comments, but they don’t seem to be stopping. He bought a cuddly toy dog for her birthday, I sent him a message thanking him to which he replied “no probs, the closest she’ll get to a dog”.

It’s only minor stuff like that and I am probably being a bit sensitive, but it does piss me off (and it shouldn’t). He’s got this idealised view of what a family life is and you can’t have a contrary view to it.

Looking forward to when you start the "Anyone know how to hide a body?" thread.

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Just work place awkwardness. 

I manage 20ish people. I'm part of a bigger team of around 200 with 9 other team managers. 

One of the employees of another team has a birthday party. Invited all of my team and me as we're mates. I get on with everyone but I just feel awkward in a social setting. I don't want to intrude on people's private life and for them to think they can't drink as much because I'm there etc. I think that's normal. But my TTPMOBS probably should piss me off. 

One of my team called in sick today. No problem. But he turns up tonight at this party. Sees me, turns around. Comes back later like there's no issue. Just feel like it's a total piss take. 

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7 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

Just work place awkwardness. 

I manage 20ish people. I'm part of a bigger team of around 200 with 9 other team managers. 

One of the employees of another team has a birthday party. Invited all of my team and me as we're mates. I get on with everyone but I just feel awkward in a social setting. I don't want to intrude on people's private life and for them to think they can't drink as much because I'm there etc. I think that's normal. But my TTPMOBS probably should piss me off. 

One of my team called in sick today. No problem. But he turns up tonight at this party. Sees me, turns around. Comes back later like there's no issue. Just feel like it's a total piss take. 

People throw sickies. What can you do? 

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**** Cacti. The missus has about 6 of them around the house, and I've been pricked a number of times now.  Those spikes hurt.  She has them on windowsills and they attack every time you open a window.  

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