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  • Birthday 10/06/1973

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  1. I enjoyed that film. A bit bonkers. Solid 8/10 for me.
  2. It's actually quite a perceptive show. Gets better as it goes on. There are twists later on. A solid 7/10 for me.
  3. Yeah it's a bit bollocks. Watched a couple of episodes but it's not great, despite the excellent mark heap giving it his best.
  4. I'm assuming it's her standard technique tbh. Article on the beeb says light use of the whip is common in training. I guess that's a bit more than light use. In horse racing for ages they used to whip the horses something rotten to get them to go faster
  5. I've just seen the video. Looks like a standard training technique she uses, to my untrained eye. I guess maybe she's excessively using the whip, but looks to me like this wouldn't have been a one off. I'm no fan of whipping horses, but from what I've read, limited use of such a whip / technique is fairly standard. Maybe it's excessive and obviously the horse isn't enjoying it.
  6. Anyone seen 'Dead Hot' on Prime? Really good, funny, absorbing, whodunnit, missing/ dead person mystery. The main character does come across as an annoying clearing in the woods, but I think he's meant to. Well worth a few hours of your time.
  7. Jon

    U.S. Politics

    I used to assume is was Kamala as in Chris 'Kamara'. But the others are right, the BBC did an article on it Commer- ler (not lar).
  8. Jon

    U.S. Politics

    The further we go down this rabbit hole, we get to Dionne War - wick.
  9. Yep. There's money in this country. Plenty of it. Depends if they want to go and get it from those that have the most, and redistribute a bit of it to those that have **** all.
  10. I find it odd that nowhere is reporting on what this "error of judgement " actually was. I'm guessing abuse of a horse in some way? There's a video somewhere but I can't find it online to make a call either way, but must be serious enough for her to withdraw from the Olympics. Also, as you suggest, it's highly unlikely to be a one-off. She just got caught on video
  11. I'm afraid to say that this iteration of the 'Labour party' is anything but. Helping the poorest in society is not its primary function. Fiscal prudence seems to be the driving force.
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