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AVFC_Hitz last won the day on December 24 2019

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About AVFC_Hitz

  • Birthday 29/04/1987

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  1. I'm still trying to find the connection from Xela's midnight wazzles to Ikea.
  2. Have the post Christmas gout flare up. But Christ alive it was good eatin'. Back to steamed veg and chicken and wholesome soups.
  3. Absolutely. I bought some 90% pork sausages recently from a farmers market. Not for me Clive, too meaty and the texture was all wrong. Greasy spoon sausages are miles better. Even if they contain arseholes and eyelids.
  4. It takes time but I carefully unstitch the stitch line.
  5. I hope that goal gives Bailey more confidence. We know what he's like in uberschlong mode. Saying that I hope we sign some competition for him.
  6. Changing Jimmy Carter to Esther Rantsen. Cannot edit original post possibly due to gout.
  7. Nah, just a wild card.
  8. Des Lynam Jim Carey Jimmy Carter Michael Owen Dame Judi Dench
  9. We'll be in England. The Bulgarian Christmas is on the 24th where there is a vegetarian meal made up of an odd number of dishes. Usually a unleavened loaf of bread with a coin in it, as well. Funny thing is you're meant to eat the meal and leave the table. No washing up to til the next day. Something to do with ancestors enjoying the meal. I've told the missus if she wants to do this in a semi-detached air bnb in Moseley she's more than welcome. Just don't expect everything to be left on the table over night because my mom will have some sort of OCD spakattack.
  10. I understand the frustration. But then again, we're still Aston Villa. I didn't expect a 0-5 win away at Stamford Bridge. I just knew we'd lose. We're in the Champions League and high in the Prem. We're not at those levels yet where we can be disappointed losing away at big teams. Get over yourselves. Might as well be a jogger wearing mouth breather...
  11. Contact Nicky Keyes.
  12. They hated eachother.
  13. Is it a false memory Mandela effect thing or did most corner shops have a Ginsters microwave in them?
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