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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Couldn't care less about the human rights abusers.

I have genuinely no problem with players moving on to bigger and better things, a la Buendia, or Benteke, or Barry, if they hadn't pretended to be massive fans of the club they were employed by to enhance their own brand.

I don't care he left us. I care he spent the last few years pretending he was Mr Aston Villa, only to throw us to the curb when it was to his benefit. It's the act I despise. I hate Jack Grealish, not Man City.

I hate both, and actually I still hate the latter far more than the former.

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1 minute ago, Davkaus said:

Couldn't care less about the human rights abusers.

I have genuinely no problem with players moving on to bigger and better things, a la Buendia, or Benteke, or Barry, if they hadn't pretended to be massive fans of the club they were employed by to enhance their own brand.

I don't care he left us. I care he spent the last few years pretending he was Mr Aston Villa, only to throw us to the curb when it was to his benefit. It's the act I despise. I hate Jack Grealish, not Man City.

Everyone has a price. He’s been offered a place in one of the best teams on the planet by one of the best coaches and then one of the best salaries to go with it. 
I’m sure all things being equal he’d have stayed but that is too good a package to turn down for anyone.

If it wasn’t for such an obscene offer under his nose he’d have stayed forever.

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1 hour ago, Keyblade said:

If they didn't set it at 100m we would have just lost him to United for 60-70m that summer instead which would have been truly undervaluing him. 100m was the happy medium that satisfied both parties. Any higher and Jack wouldn't have signed the contract.

That's kinda what I was getting at. The £100m figure was likely more Grealish's/his agent's preference, than the club's. I don't reckon they'd have sold for 60-70m, regardless. They'd have been crucified.

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1 minute ago, Genie said:

Everyone has a price.

I think we may have to fundamentally agree to disagree on this.

The man was already obscenely wealthy. Taking a payrise to 30k per year if you're on 15k per year is a given. 300k a week when you're on 150k a week is greed. 

I hope he fails in the most humiliating way.

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He basically milked the club he supposedly loved for as much as he could with no intention of seeing his contract through.


Given how he talked about how this has been going on for "a few months" I suspect that the shin injury he had was a cover up too so he could get his move. 


Clearly not the person we all thought he was. And no true Villa fan would purposely insert a clause into their contract and string along its fans with those hollow words last summer.

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Some angry people in here tonight. We can move on now, thought the Purslow video was an appropriate and classy response by the club - completely transparent in letting everyone know why he has been sold.

Disappointed to see all the abuse tbh. Better not to waste the energy. I’ll miss Grealish and he’s given us some great moments over the last few years. Think the one that will stick with me the most (that I was there in person for) would be the goal away at Rotherham in the 10 match run; majestic run and finish, carnage in the away end.

Really believed he’d see the journey through with us and feel let down and disappointed that he hasn’t. But unfortunately, that’s modern football it seems. Wish I hadn’t bought England shirts with his name on for both me and my son!! 

Onwards and upwards for us with a more balanced team now.

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Just now, a m ole said:

Does make you question the point of football. What am I watching it for?

They've spent £100m on a soulless scumbag with glass shins. We've bought 3 players that make us a better team. Hopefully we give the words removed a bloody nose. Metaphorically, though if it were Grealish, hopefully literally.

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6 minutes ago, Genie said:

Everyone has a price. He’s been offered a place in one of the best teams on the planet by one of the best coaches and then one of the best salaries to go with it. 
I’m sure all things being equal he’d have stayed but that is too good a package to turn down for anyone.

If it wasn’t for such an obscene offer under his nose he’d have stayed forever.

He told the club he wanted to leave as soon as a CL club came in for him last summer if we weren't in the competition, knowing we were a good 3 years away from being there at best. He was always gone this summer.

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2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

I think we may have to fundamentally agree to disagree on this.

The man was already obscenely wealthy. Taking a payrise to 30k per year if you're on 15k per year is a given. 300k a week when you're on 150k a week is greed. 

I hope he fails in the most humiliating way.

Nobody turns down a £7.5m a year pay rise which is why he couldn’t say no.

Its not greed to say yes to something like that. If he’d have side stepped to someone like Everton then you’d have a case, but the footballing side of the deal is a big upgrade too. 

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3 minutes ago, a m ole said:

Does make you question the point of football. What am I watching it for?

You can't even enjoy the little things like the homegrown hero driving you up. Really makes you reconsider your love for the sport.

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2 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

You can't even enjoy the little things like the homegrown hero driving you up. Really makes you reconsider your love for the sport.

A bit dramatic! We literally have been enjoying that, for 5+ years.

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15 minutes ago, Big Salad said:

Yeah probably will based almost wholly on who he plays for which is straight bullshit. Should be about the picking the best players period not who their club team is.

Konsa is a perfect example of this should have been called in by now


Can I say as a proud English man f*ck England, I want Villa players fit for Villa not poncing around for that gobshite Southgate in Belarus.

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What gives him the right to say that, especially after captaining his boyhood club?

Modern football is the shit dogs roll in. What a clearing in the woods.


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1 hour ago, Keyblade said:

He does strike me as someone who puts a little too much stock in his fame and profile. He wants to be a worldwide household name. And fair play to him, that's definitely not going to happen at Villa any time soon.

he better grow up or he wll get fame for offfield antics

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Sportswashing for you; hope the extra money proves worth it Jack.



In 2020, United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities continued to invest in a “soft power” strategy aimed at painting the country as a progressive, tolerant, and rights-respecting nation, yet its fierce intolerance of criticism was on full display with the continued unjust imprisonment of leading human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor, academic Nasser bin Ghaith, and other many activists and dissidents, some of whom had completed their sentences as long as three years ago and remain detained without a clear legal basis. 

Prisons across the UAE held detainees in dismal and unhygienic conditions, where overcrowding and lack of adequate medical care is widespread. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, detainees and prison staff were at heightened risk of contracting the virus.

In Libya, the UAE provided weapons and conducted air and drone strikes to support the Libyan Arab Armed Forces (LAAF) armed group, some of which killed and wounded civilians. In Yemen, UAE-backed Yemeni troops and armed groups committed abuses.

The UAE blocked representatives of international human rights organizations and UN experts from conducting in-country research and visiting prisons and detention facilities.


Human Rights Watch 2021 report

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Just now, villa4europe said:

As Leeds have shown and the likes of Burnley before them, forest, Brentford, Norwich et Al can all get to where we are, they can get higher too 

We cannot get to where man City are

Leicester cannot get to where man City are

Spurs and Arsenal and now struggling to get to where Man City are 

Its not comparable to suggest that us buying cash from forest for £15m is similar to city buying grealish for £100m, championship teams are usually a good manager and 4 loan signings away from promotion and the PL money, we cannot get that Man City money 

It's funny, even United with their seemingly unlimited revenue can't get to where City are by splashing the cash alone (as they're currently showing), as even still City still spend I believe like 30% more on transfers somehow.

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