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New Manager Speculation


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24 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

Is anyone else concerned about the potential clash of egos? 

both are leaders, Terry more so than Henry but with the latter in charge. How long will it be before Terry wants to take over or they disagree over fprmations, tactics both pre-match and during the 90 minutes. It's not like they're old team mates or buddies. 

I feel a manager needs to trust his no.2 implicitly - will Henry trust Terry 100%?

I'm not convinced by either appointment together but would understand JT as a no.2 to a more seasoned manager/coach. 

I'd love both to be as successful on the sidelines as they were on the pitch but cant help but see the inevitable failure.  

I understand what your saying, but if they were not argueing to some extent over team issues i myself would be worried.

I think both Henry and Terry certainly need to keep things in the open with eachother, be honest, truthful, respectful. keeping it about the team and leave the ego at the entrance to villa park and pick it back up on the way out, I think they are both mature enough to do that and they know that.

Edited by Dave-R
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Rumour has it Bruce didn't get involved in organising the players when Terry was here. Hardly got involved this season either as players wouldn't listen after Terry left. Terry's the Man for the job 100% with Henry as number 1 I can smell the entertainment/success already.

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19 minutes ago, allani said:

We are talking about Belgium - the team that finished 3rd in the World Cup?  When almost everyone says that France v Belgium should have been the final in terms of having the best two teams getting through.  Their only mistake was in not deliberately losing to (or drawing with) England in order to get into the easier half of the draw.

Fair point, they certainly made England look very ordinary. 

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26 minutes ago, Keener window-cleaner said:

Sorry but I just don't understand what some see in Thierry Henry. His Sky sports analysis is just highlighting where players run on a screen and telling what Pep was like in training. He sounds like he is doing rocket science with a posh attitude, but it's actually just basic stuff that most players could point out.

Yes he was a good player, but there has been many good players around. Shearer was a great player and is a pundit, no one is calling for him for example. Henry has no experience of managing a club. He has been no 2 in Belgium for a while, and their tactics and the way they played weren't that great in the world cup despite all the talent in the squad.

It would be a massive gamble throwing Henry into the Championship. We have no idea what his philosophy or training methods would be, are we expecting him to copy the way Pep managed Barcelona 10 years ago? Well both football and Pep has evolved since then. Are we expecting us to play like Belgium under Martinez? That isn't directly the Pep style of football. Or the way Wenger played over ten years ago when Henry was in his prime? Or what is it that we are expecting from Henry that makes him such an exciting alternative?

I'd rather see we gave the job to Terry if we are going young and inexperienced. MOst of all I would like us to go for a manager with a proven track record of playing good football and who knows how it is to manage a football club. There must be many up and coming Emerys, Silvas, Nunos, Sarris etc out there.

Not picking fault as such here KW-C but I see something in Henry that I wouldn't necessarily see in other 'new start' managers say Steven Gerrard.

I admire Henry for stepping away from Nevilles computer on a Sunday afternoon and actually going for it as a manager.

You say Henry has no experience as a manager except being assistant in the Belgium squad (finished 3rd in the World Cup) and he was a big influence from what has been gathered.

I think Henry is no more of a gamble than any manager nowadays really but hey, we all have to start somewhere in life I guess.

Let's use Zidane as an example:


After retiring as a player, Zidane transitioned into coaching, becoming assistant coach at Real Madrid under Carlo Ancelotti for the 2013–14 season.

After a successful year in which the club won the UEFA Champions League and Copa del Rey, Zidane became the coach of Real Madrid's B team, Real Madrid Castilla.

He remained in the position for two years before taking the helm of the first team in January 2016. In his first two seasons as manager, Zidane won the UEFA Champions League twice, a La Liga title, a Supercopa de España, and both the UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup twice. His success saw him named Best FIFA Men's Coach in 2017. 

In 2018, Zidane led Real Madrid to another UEFA Champions League, his third in a row, becoming the only coach in the history of football to win three consecutive UEFA Champions League titles. A few days after the victory, he resigned as Real Madrid coach.

Not bad for a player that after retiring has only really been an assistant manager and a reserve team manager.

- One hell of a gamble by Real Madrid and it paid off.

I think the gamble is the unknown that you correctly highlight, his philosophies, methods,formations etc. and I have a confidence that he just does not talk a good game.

Henry is another player who has done it all in his playing career and now stepping into management with the experience of being an international assistant and with the nous he has picked up through working with some of the best managers in his career at the time will have been absorbed by him. He is someone who has a clue about todays modern game and how football is evolving.

Giving the job to John Terry right now would be a worry for me given that he has had slightly less experience than Henry which is what the owners/board correctly pinpointed, but it is not by that much of a margin but a sensible move nonetheless.

Terry already knows the team anyway which is a good head start and I believe he will also have a massive influence coming back here.

Both TerryThierry will also have an interesting wealth of contacts between them and on top of that potentially some of the hottest up coming players in europe to work with.

I think it is fair to conclude this by knowing that ThierryTerry have both had magnificent playing careers at the highest level, worked under some of the best managers in world football and between them have won every trophy possible.

For me, I don't see any problem and if anything what a coup thisnis and I am pleased as any with this appointment.

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12 minutes ago, smg said:

You can’t beat a rumour especially if you can’t back it up with hard evidence,  Rumour has it Birmingham city are a football club

I've never heard that one. 

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1 minute ago, NurembergVillan said:

Surely you're missing a trick here.

It's got to be Terry Henry.

Quite freaky really.

I used to work with an old boy who was Scottish - about 20 or so years ago now, and he often used to pronounce Thièrry Hènry(On'ry) as a broad 'Terry Henry'.

He had a soft spot for us as an outsider looking in and we would spend hours talking football at the time.

He highly rated both TH and JT at the time as 2 of the best players in the premier league.

He passed away 9 years ago.

Mad when you think about it.

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Are there any substantial sources to these  rumors  about the Henry/Terry combo. Or is it just something we fans have been talking about? People are talking as if this is very likely to happen. 

Sounds a bit like an American approach. A general manager with the defensive coach as his second man.(correct me if I'm wrong)

I'm all for it!





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45 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

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Just a matter of time innit?

Got to be a done deal, really, hasn't it. With all the rumours swirling around, other managers ruling themselves out of the running and Redknapp writing this, it will be a massive surprise if we don't get this announced soon.

If it doesn't happen, Redknapp is going to look pretty stupid as, although he uses the word "prospect", there's nothing really that follows to suggest it is speculative. 

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One of the hardest things for top players to get to grips with, when they manage at this level, is the fact that none of the players they're managing have the same God-given talent as them. Even worse, sometimes they believe that everyone is capable of doing what they did, if only they would work a bit harder.

Where "genius" players have transitioned successfully into management, often it's been at a top club where they played previously - Dalglish at Liverpool, Zidane at Madrid (there aren't that many examples, actually). In that environment, a Dalglish or a Zidane can manage the egos and get everyone pulling in the same direction, and the quality will show through.

Villa is a bigger problem than just getting the dressing room on board. It needs some serious strategic thought. The club needs to be run as a long-term project. How do we want to play? What is our long-term transfer strategy? What specialists (scouts, analysts, psychologists, nutritionists, fitness coaches, etc.) do we need to bring in? How can we improve training, injury prevention, player welfare, etc.? How do we manage the youth talent? Ideally the club would have all this stuff in place already, but I get the impression that Villa is rudderless in a lot of these key areas, and the new management will be able to guide these decisions.

Alongside that, we basically have to get promoted at all costs, for the financial benefits. So there's a tension between the long-term project of building a well-run club, and the short-term goal of just getting promoted no matter what garbage you dish up on a Saturday.

I'm willing to give TH + JT a chance, but if they don't have a long-term plan for turning the whole club around, then I wonder what the point is. We'll be back here in a year or so.


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7 minutes ago, Skruff said:

Are there any substantial sources to these  rumors  about the Henry/Terry combo. Or is it just something we fans have been talking about? People are talking as if this is very likely to happen. 

Sounds a bit like an American approach. A general manager with the defensive coach as his second man.(correct me if I'm wrong)

I'm all for it!





See above. It does sound like a US approach but there seems to be a good likelihood a DOF is coming in, so perhaps a better analogy would be like the NFL where we are getting a head coach (DOF), offensive coach (Henry) and a defensive coach (Terry).

Obviously, I'm speculating wildly on that and on the next point too. I mentioned a few days ago I wouldn't be surprised to see a new manager and a DOF announced together. I didn't expect a Henry/Terry coaching team but I think there is every chance we will get a three-strong team announced.

Who the DOF could be, God only knows but he will have to be an impressive character to be commanding the respect of Henry and Terry. So, in light of that if one comes in - and they will know if one is coming or not and who he is, I'm sure - then I think it bodes well. They are not coming here to work for Alan Pardew as DOF, for example. It's going to be someone with gravitas, I think.

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After a long long time its good to feel excitement again, I think this will work really well.

Henry really is a football man, he always come across really intelligent in his interviews even from decades ago, and as a pundit I've never disagreed with anything he'd said. 

I think the first thing he will address is the movement in the team, as he player he was always moving and exploiting space.. Watching Villa this season we are so pedestrian and you see players standing around not asking for the ball, and the man in possession not knowing what to do other than give it to Grealish. Delegate defensive duties to Terry and teach the team how to play football. No doubt 3 or 4 other coaches will come in as assist as well.

It will take a bit of time to his style into team, but we have the technical players. I expect us to be playing the Henry way by December and once the defence is sorted in January I think we can push on with real intent. 



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