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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Annual leave day today. Work had rung me 5 times by 9:22am this morning. 

Personal phone now switched off. 

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59 minutes ago, Xela said:

Annual leave day today. Work had rung me 5 times by 9:22am this morning. 

Personal phone now switched off. 

I once took a call at the top of Scafell Pike because work were having a system issue and I was the only competent user.

Can anyone beat that?

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1 hour ago, Xela said:

Annual leave day today. Work had rung me 5 times by 9:22am this morning. 

Personal phone now switched off. 

same boat, different sofa

took today off pre-booked as leave, been working on some drawings since 8:30 and just pressed send, nearly 3 hours work on a day off

if they think this is still coming out of my leave I shall give them the full force of one of my silent sulks

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16 minutes ago, AVFCDAN said:

I once took a call at the top of Scafell Pike because work were having a system issue and I was the only competent user.

Can anyone beat that?

Changing planes in Dubai, I checked my voicemail and had one from my then CEO, begging me to come back, cancel my holiday and get him out of the poop. He paid for the cancelled holiday and the replacement and I got a five grand bonus. He also decided that was the time to accede to my claim that I needed an extra member of staff. The then gf wasn't happy but when I split the 5k with her, she changed her tune.

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'A cocaine-fuelled mum who killed her two-year-old daughter when her car smashed into a tree has been jailed for five years.'

Smiling in her police mugshot. Given 5 years for killing her daughter and two years for seriously injuring a friend which she can serve concurrently. Banned from driving for 5 and a half years, so 6 months by the time she's out.

Absolute scum of the earth.

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1 hour ago, Xela said:

Annual leave day today. Work had rung me 5 times by 9:22am this morning. 

Personal phone now switched off. 

it's cause you wear a suit to work and everyone therefore assumes you must be good at your job :) 


I suppose it's different for me as ultimately it's our own company , I'd rather take the calls / deal with emails , so all my holidays , days off and weekends often involve  a degree of work ,I'm not suggesting I'm glued to the phone 24 /7  If I was in the middle of a guided tour around something I wouldn't be so rude as to take a call ( same way I refuse to answer my phone if anyone is in my office talking to me , **** hate it when people answer the phone when you are speaking to them , so many people do it !! ) but if I'm sitting at an airport waiting for plane I'm really not that fussed about sitting back in the lounge with a drink, raiding the cookie jar  and checking my emails or making a few calls  .... I just take the call and then lay back on the big pile of money that the clients put our way every year :)


Phone gets switched off / ignored for children's school plays concerts , meal times etc I like my work but I'm not a slave to it

Edited by tonyh29
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Yeah, it's completely different when it's your own company, that's just sensible,  and it seems you've got the balance right.

I'd be looking for another job if my company expected me to answer calls on my days off, **** that shit. My time is my own. I have a 35 hour contract now, and that's what I work. It's a business agreement, I'm not giving extra time away for free anymore.

I used to do it at my last place. A couple of hours of working from home most evenings, checking in at weekends and during holidays just to make sure nothing had exploded. I didn't realise how **** stressed and miserable it made me until I left.

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2 hours ago, AVFCDAN said:

I once took a call at the top of Scafell Pike because work were having a system issue and I was the only competent user.

Can anyone beat that?

Christmas Day 2014, about 8pm. News had broken that CityLink had been put into administration and I had a fairly long call from our Ops Director on it. Pretty sure I didn't give my best legal advice that day, given that I started on the bucks fizz at 11am...

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2 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Yeah, it's completely different when it's your own company, that's just sensible,  and it seems you've got the balance right.

I'd be looking for another job if my company expected me to answer calls on my days off, **** that shit. My time is my own. I have a 35 hour contract now, and that's what I work. It's a business agreement, I'm not giving extra time away for free anymore.

I used to do it at my last place. A couple of hours of working from home most evenings, checking in at weekends and during holidays just to make sure nothing had exploded. I didn't realise how **** stressed and miserable it made me until I left.

I contracted back in the 90's and I was always giving  extra hours to the company  ,I was happy with what they paid me ( more than happy truth be told)  and felt the least I could do was give them good value ..... the other contractors used to say I was mad and if the company expected me to work extra hours they should pay me accordingly , they pretty much worked by the clock  ...  I joined on a one month contract and lasted 5 years there  , I was the last contractor in and the last one standing , seems the honchos at the bank liked my attitude :)

those 5 years kinda set me up , I paid off my mortgage and even had a year out living in Hungary as a man of leisure when I finished there


So whilst I agree with your sentiment , I'd probably gamble on it being better for me in the long run


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The foamy things on my earphones keep dropping off and getting lost.


Edited by useless
Original post was part of a bigger picture, which is now irrevelant for the time being.
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7 hours ago, AVFCDAN said:

I once took a call at the top of Scafell Pike because work were having a system issue and I was the only competent user.

Can anyone beat that?

I took a call while on a speedboat in the Red Sea off the Egyptian coast to finalise a £500k loan to a relatively famous person. My GF at the time was fuming and it was the beginning of the end, although we didn't properly split up until 6 weeks later in New York, during a snowstorm

That makes my life sound far more exciting than it actually is! 

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5 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Yeah, it's completely different when it's your own company, that's just sensible,  and it seems you've got the balance right.

I'd be looking for another job if my company expected me to answer calls on my days off, **** that shit. My time is my own. I have a 35 hour contract now, and that's what I work. It's a business agreement, I'm not giving extra time away for free anymore.

I used to do it at my last place. A couple of hours of working from home most evenings, checking in at weekends and during holidays just to make sure nothing had exploded. I didn't realise how **** stressed and miserable it made me until I left.

I understand what you are saying, it feels as though at times that you never switch off and you're constantly on edge with work all the time. Although I officially work 35 hours a week, I average between 40 during quiet times and 60 during busier times, sometimes more. I am rewarded for it though, through bonuses etc. I guess it comes down to money versus work/life balance and I will admit to having the wrong balance at times but on the flip slide, due to how hard I work and my non materialistic lifestyle, I'm in a 'comfortable' position financially. I hope to be able to use this to my advantage in the future as I don't really want to be working until I'm 60

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6 hours ago, GeorgeVilla82 said:

Christmas Day 2014, about 8pm. News had broken that CityLink had been put into administration and I had a fairly long call from our Ops Director on it. Pretty sure I didn't give my best legal advice that day, given that I started on the bucks fizz at 11am...

Sounds like you had one of those nights.

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I took a call while on a speedboat in the Red Sea off the Egyptian coast to finalise a £500k loan to a relatively famous person. My GF at the time was fuming and it was the beginning of the end, although we didn't properly split up until 6 weeks later in New York, during a snowstorm

That makes my life sound far more exciting than it actually is! 

Now you just shit yourself, alone, in your garden less flat.

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**** incensed. Queens birthday honours list. Not only ant and dec who have spent the last 2 years bumming the royals, a **** plumber. A **** plumber has got an award for services to **** plumbing. 

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13 hours ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

I've read that back and it sounds really harsh.... didn't intend it that way.


I'd have responded earlier but was too busy rolling around in my own faeces while jizzing into my socks

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