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Brumstopdogs last won the day on October 5

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  1. Just about to open the 90's non party thread
  2. It does feel tough sometimes when a few things go wrong at the same time. Last month we had three things going wrong in the house in the matter of a week! You'll get all your problems sorted out soon enough
  3. To come all the way from London took some effort to be fair to him..
  4. Yeah there definitely seems to be a low take-up from season tickets and members. Although the cheaper prices are positive as a lot of the above may have spent as much as they can afford on other matches the league cup goes down the priority list. Stating the obvious - If CL tickets were charged £25 cheaper then people would have had £25 more to spend for league cup tickets. UTV!
  5. Yeah there does seem to be loads. The pricing is an absolute joke though. They've got it wrong by such a large degree they surely (hopefully!) have to learn from it.
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