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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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2 hours ago, Xela said:

Fireworks going off for the last hour. 

**** off. 

Been going off here since 5 o'clock.

Bunch of **** retards think it's November 5th Part 2.

Midnight will sound like the Gaza Strip

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9 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

About 3 people with the fireworks so no problem there but I think the church 200m just down the road just discovered jesus the amount of racket theyre making, 15 mins of bells, woke the baby up 😡

Christians and massive bells well don't start me

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10 minutes ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

Woke up to frantic scraping sounds. Missus is attacking the freezer with a knife. 

"Don't do that, you might puncture the wall of the freezer"

"It's alright I'm being careful"

An hour later she's sat on the tablet looking at new fridge freezers. My kitchen looks like an Icelandic foodbank. Great, the first thing I need to buy is a new fridge freezer in 2021.

Hopefully at least there’s some on sale.

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20 minutes ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

Woke up to frantic scraping sounds. Missus is attacking the freezer with a knife. 

"Don't do that, you might puncture the wall of the freezer"

"It's alright I'm being careful"

An hour later she's sat on the tablet looking at new fridge freezers. My kitchen looks like an Icelandic foodbank. Great, the first thing I need to buy is a new fridge freezer in 2021.

Is it properly dead or has she just winged it

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My brother just returned from sutton park and saw that a couple of the lakes/pools had partially frozen over. A lovely sight.

Not so lovely were the many, MANY empty wine and beer bottles, cans too, on top of the pools.

Eff me, why are so many folk absolute words removed ?! I would cheerfully send them out to middle to retrieve them, hoping they fall through the ice 😡

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