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Brumerican last won the day on March 11 2022

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About Brumerican

  • Birthday 04/09/1980

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    Aston Villa and nihilism .

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  1. I may not be around to finish this so forgive me if I don't put a team out unexpectedly . I don't have long left and I struggle to remember I'm in it sorry. I haven't watched a moment of NFL this year and even Villa is slipping away. I wish everyone the best going forward.
  2. 6 years ago I threw a cabbage at the dugout. I regret nothing.
  3. Oh Andre, Oh Andre, You're the greatest , The Holte End say. Oh Andre, Oh Andre, We'll be with you, All the way.
  4. It won't be me but I wish you well.
  5. Apparently this is what AI thinks the average nose looks like . Kinda spooky how accurate they are getting . Just eating curry from a bin at the dump looking like a sweep.
  6. I assume tonight must be the JLR Christmas do. Or check in with your parole officer day.
  7. A Fail Maryception on the same weekend as a sackerception.!
  8. I'm still watching a lot of games but I watch it all online so I can't talk during the play without missing the game . That Higgins TD was beautiful and yes Najee Harris has been so awful one can only assume he was purchased by Disney in the summer.
  9. I had a treble Jameson and ginger ale at full time last night so technically even I had more shots than Man City.
  10. Frisco just look a cut above everyone . Back them now whilst they are still backable.
  11. I actually feel bad for the semen holes . That's scandalous.
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