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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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3 minutes ago, Xela said:

I have sympathy with the parents if the kid is ill or distressed about flying as it must be horrible. However, if it is just the kid misbehaving because he is bored and the parents are doing nothing to alleviate the situation then that is shitty arrogant parenting. 

As is taking your misbehaving kids long haul to places like Bali or Thailand. Stick to Greece or Spain and short flights until your child is ready to ready to deal with a long haul flight and can behave himself for 12 hours. 

No arguments from me there. 

My lad has these spells of being a complete bell-end.  I'd never take him during these spells. 

Interestingly, these spells coincide with him being a bit bored (so basically evenings when we don't get back until late and he has to go to be straight away etc) or if he's overly tired.  But then you get over that by keeping him stimulated with fun things and brain-work things and you plan for him to sleep before a big event, so he's full of beans. 

Also hunger makes him grumpy, so keep snacks on hand! 

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Never had an issue with noisy kids on planes luckily. A few “lads” who were being a bunch of Representatives for Wellingborough to female crew. 

I remember trying to sleep on a flight back from Mexico (I never manage it, but I had to try) and the bloke I was sat next to had his headphones blaring away with whatever film was being shown. That was annoying in itself, but what pissed me off was that this word removed had his eyes closed while “watching” the film.

Edit - ooh I’ve not seen that swear filter - “Representatives for Wellingborough “ ?

Edited by Shropshire Lad
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4 hours ago, Xela said:

Luckily i've never suffered noisy kids on a flight but can imagine how annoying it could be. 

I think there should definitely be adults only planes

Agreed with adults only planes - they should also be the ones at stupid hours where kids will inevitably be tired and more harder to "control".

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I think the kids who were allowed to kick backs of seats, play gameboys with the sound up and run up and down the aisle are the same people that grew up to press the flight attendant button for a drink while the cart is 10 rows away, stand around in the aisle for half an hour with their arse in someone’s face and put their feet through the space between chairs infront with their socks off.

Bad behaviour passes down through generations.

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2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

thing is the focus is on kids , a far worse crime imo is those people who won’t take their headphones off when the stewardesses come around with food and drink ... is it too much to ask that you pause the film take your headphones off and communicate ? I’d instruct  staff  not to serve them if it was my airline

I'd have assumed having your earphones in is a sign you don't want to be served.  I wouldn't be moving past them to teach them a lesson, I'd be moving past them because it looks like they don't want to be disturbed.

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5 minutes ago, a m ole said:

I think the kids who were allowed to kick backs of seats, play gameboys with the sound up and run up and down the aisle are the same people that grew up to press the flight attendant button for a drink while the cart is 10 rows away

On my first flight on Saturday they were handing out the meals and a guy did that. Rang his bell, the lady came over to see what he wanted and he just said "where's my food?"

I was stunned :D 

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worst ive experienced on a plane was a flight from one of the london airports (cant remember which, i think gatwick) some poor guy had a stroke or heart attack or something bad on the plane jsut as we were starting to taxi, everything stopped paramedics came on, more than a few people were stood in the aisle grumpy as **** about the delay (conditions on the plane were of course horrible) and didnt move for them so they had to barge past, couple of shouts of "come on get him off" but the worst i heard was the bloke next to me, every 5 minutes "oi girl" talking to the air stewardess "oi girl, whats going on" "oi girl, i've got an holiday to get to" "oi girl, get my kids something for free while we are being **** about"

proper cockney urchin

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17 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

On my first flight on Saturday they were handing out the meals and a guy did that. Rang his bell, the lady came over to see what he wanted and he just said "where's my food?"

I was stunned :D 

That's a man that needs the healthy fear of knowing what it feels like to be punched in the face.

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Constantly receiving cold calls from two bit firms offering their services to a billion dollar company.

1. I have no power here, that's why you are being put through to me.

2. In what world am I going to pass you through to our finance director?

Does this approach ever yield any results, why are you wasting both our time, what did you expect?


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4 hours ago, NurembergVillan said:

I think there's a difference between a distressed little 'un crying, and the bad parenting that has also been discussed.  My views on .

There kind of is already.  Business Class.


I treated myself to business class flights to Perth WA last January to see my family. It was deffo a one off and with a total of 4 flights there and back totally 40 hours in all, I reckoned it was worth it.

Flight from Dubai to Perth though.... bloke (with a hipster beard, which only served to annoy me even more) was 2 rows infront of me with the whingiest, attention seeking 3yr old brat I'd ever seen ! 10 hour flight and she was a complete word removed for 9 hours of it. Worse still, the hipster daddy seemed to believe that other passengers wanted a bit of a fuss of his brat as he frequently wandered up and down the aisle, beaming with pride, brat in arms or walking side on as he held her hand only stopping every couple of rows to say "yes, this is Isabella....yes, she's 3..yes, she DOES love walking up and down the plane at 3am.....yes she IS daddy's princess hahaha !" to clearly disinterested others. 

Now look, his money is as good as mine and I guess part of the problem was that I'd been planning this trip for a year, choosing seats, checking out the menus, watching countless YouTube clips of such business trips made by others.....so my excitement was palpable only for this mung bean munching, sandle wearing clearing in the woods to totally indulge Isabella and pander to her tantrums; 99% his fault.

So as i learned to my cost, even business class isn't immune to such situations ?

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16 minutes ago, mottaloo said:


I treated myself to business class flights to Perth WA last January to see my family. It was deffo a one off and with a total of 4 flights there and back totally 40 hours in all, I reckoned it was worth it.

Flight from Dubai to Perth though.... bloke (with a hipster beard, which only served to annoy me even more) was 2 rows infront of me with the whingiest, attention seeking 3yr old brat I'd ever seen ! 10 hour flight and she was a complete word removed for 9 hours of it. Worse still, the hipster daddy seemed to believe that other passengers wanted a bit of a fuss of his brat as he frequently wandered up and down the aisle, beaming with pride, brat in arms or walking side on as he held her hand only stopping every couple of rows to say "yes, this is Isabella....yes, she's 3..yes, she DOES love walking up and down the plane at 3am.....yes she IS daddy's princess hahaha !" to clearly disinterested others. 

Now look, his money is as good as mine and I guess part of the problem was that I'd been planning this trip for a year, choosing seats, checking out the menus, watching countless YouTube clips of such business trips made by others.....so my excitement was palpable only for this mung bean munching, sandle wearing clearing in the woods to totally indulge Isabella and pander to her tantrums; 99% his fault.

So as i learned to my cost, even business class isn't immune to such situations ?

One thing I do get irritated with about other kids' parents is their insistence that other people want to know about them and be involved with them.  

My cousins daughter was 4 yesterday or something and the social media over the last week has been annoying.  Multiple photos of her in one frame, telling everyone on how beautiful, kind, thoughtful, clever & lovable she is - when in reality she's very much in the "princess" mould and whenever she (they) attend a family party or whatever, is always some sort of drama or controversy surrounding her. 

I mean, she's actually a pretty nice kid, but it's the bragging of the parents at how amazing they are doing raising her which is the irritating thing. 

For my kids birthday I'm gonna upload a photo of him looking like a berk and just put "He's doing ok - happy birthday".  

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31 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

One thing I do get irritated with about other kids' parents is their insistence that other people want to know about them and be involved with them.  

My cousins daughter was 4 yesterday or something and the social media over the last week has been annoying.  Multiple photos of her in one frame, telling everyone on how beautiful, kind, thoughtful, clever & lovable she is - when in reality she's very much in the "princess" mould and whenever she (they) attend a family party or whatever, is always some sort of drama or controversy surrounding her. 

I mean, she's actually a pretty nice kid, but it's the bragging of the parents at how amazing they are doing raising her which is the irritating thing. 

For my kids birthday I'm gonna upload a photo of him looking like a berk and just put "He's doing ok - happy birthday".  

Just put a pic of him and "For Sale".  See who gets teh lulz.

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28 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

A person holding a child is like a person using a drill. The only person in the room not annoyed by it is you.

:crylaugh::crylaugh:I'm liking Grumpy Ranty Stevo :D  Moar !

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8 minutes ago, BOF said:

:crylaugh::crylaugh:I'm liking Grumpy Ranty Stevo :D  Moar !

First day back at work after a 2 week holiday. Safe to say I'm not in the best of moods :D 

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2 hours ago, mottaloo said:


I treated myself to business class flights to Perth WA last January to see my family. It was deffo a one off and with a total of 4 flights there and back totally 40 hours in all, I reckoned it was worth it.

Flight from Dubai to Perth though.... bloke (with a hipster beard, which only served to annoy me even more) was 2 rows infront of me with the whingiest, attention seeking 3yr old brat I'd ever seen ! 10 hour flight and she was a complete word removed for 9 hours of it. Worse still, the hipster daddy seemed to believe that other passengers wanted a bit of a fuss of his brat as he frequently wandered up and down the aisle, beaming with pride, brat in arms or walking side on as he held her hand only stopping every couple of rows to say "yes, this is Isabella....yes, she's 3..yes, she DOES love walking up and down the plane at 3am.....yes she IS daddy's princess hahaha !" to clearly disinterested others. 

Now look, his money is as good as mine and I guess part of the problem was that I'd been planning this trip for a year, choosing seats, checking out the menus, watching countless YouTube clips of such business trips made by others.....so my excitement was palpable only for this mung bean munching, sandle wearing clearing in the woods to totally indulge Isabella and pander to her tantrums; 99% his fault.

So as i learned to my cost, even business class isn't immune to such situations ?

should have said to him , she reminds me of my adopted daughter Madeleine and did the finger quote thing as you said the word "Adopted"

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2 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

Constantly receiving cold calls from two bit firms offering their services to a billion dollar company.

1. I have no power here, that's why you are being put through to me.

2. In what world am I going to pass you through to our finance director?

Does this approach ever yield any results, why are you wasting both our time, what did you expect?


"Ah yes. This is handled by our head office in Dubai..."

They normally hang up before I get to the fake number part.

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