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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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2 hours ago, A'Villan said:

Had a class where my teacher (super extroverted) was discussing the importance of body language and active listening in counseling.

I drop the comment that something like 5% of communication is verbal, 95% non verbal, and he's off and racing giving demonstration, waving his arms about like he's conductor of an orchestra.

We do an exercise where we put it in to practice and I am partnered with him.

The exercise simply involves picking a topic and speaking about it for a minute, then partner relays back what they heard for 30 seconds.

He speaks first, I recite everything he says and relay it back to him, he commends me on being a great listener but is critical of me sitting still with my hands in my lap.

I speak, he uses his active listening techniques to interrupt me on multiple occasions and a demeanour which I found OTT and distracting, then, for such a simple task I was surprised to see how little of what I said he could remember. Maybe I was at fault for this, *ucked if I know.

Definitely shouldn't piss me off but it kinda did. I was relaxed and focused on the content of his message, which I'm pretty sure is paramount in counseling, the client will value being heard.

I'm supposed to ditch that and interrupt with comments like, 'oh really', fake smile and a lean in like we're about to make out, in order to demonstrate active listening?

I get the importance of being approachable and being engaged when someone is talking to you, but man, I just could not identify with this guys level of enthusiasm for the techniques.

It's like the phrase 'pro-active', what's wrong with just being active. Active-listening, is it really so improved on listening.


Those who can't, teach. 

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9 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

Manc students defacing a display with a Rudyard Kipling poem on it. Wonder how many all of those self righteous students have Disney’s Jungle Book on blu-ray at home? 

Retrospective judgement really pisses me off. 

People in a time and place think a certain way, it doesn't make them bigoted it makes them a product of their environment. 

By way of example I bet my bottom dollar that a lot of people over the last 10 years would think the term "half caste" to describe a half white half black person is an utter disgrace.  However my girlfriend in the 80's described herself as such without batting an eyelid, that expression was what was commonplace to describe her ethnicity. 

People over the last 10 years would be horrified and think themselves properly PC to call such a person "mixed race" 

A white friend of mine who is married to a black man takes offence at "mixed race". She will tell those people who think they are PC that her children are of the human race and not mixed at all. She describes her children as "dual heritage" 

I've told people this and been told she's a pratt. 

Well maybe that's true but it's a fact that attitudes and expressions come and go with the times.   I wouldn't be at all surprised if "mixed race" goes out of fashion and a whole generation of right on people suddenly get confused about why they are using inappropriate expressions when they meant absolutely no harm but things have moved on without them. 

See also STIG or TRAMP. 


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I understand why they wouldn’t want a Kipling poem used; their student union is named after an anti-apartheid activist so it’s to be expected that his views aren’t going to be appreciated there.

Kipling’s been a controversial figure for a while now. Orwell wasn’t a fan and that was 70 years ago, so it’s not exactly a new thing to be critical of Kipling or his work.

However, as others have said, if they objected to “if” because of the racist connotations in his other work, but went and enjoyed “the jungle book” knowing who wrote it, then I think it’s a touch hypocritical. But of course, we don’t know what they think of it, maybe they hate that too.

I’m all for looking back and reconsidering historically significant individuals and considering how they should be viewed now. But I’m equally wary of disregarding the worth of selected works and achievements because people may find the historical characters distasteful from a modern viewpoint. 

Ultimately, this could have been easily avoided if the people who chose the poem had been a bit more original in their selection. Had they just watched “Mike Bassett” or something?

Edited by Shropshire Lad
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5 hours ago, Seat68 said:

I messing with you. A character in a tv show said NO man likes the films of Jude Law. It was a comment on your manliness. 

It's called the Jude law.

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16 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

I am not pissed off about this. I am 73% dis interested, 20% mildly amused, 8% statistician.

You are Diane Abbott, and I claim my £80,000.... Sorry, I meant £5.  

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The new woman at work, and her seeming inability to speak proper.

"more betterer"

"more easier"

"babies bockle"

"Very easier"

She endlessly tells me about her family, her ex, eyeballing her ex's new woman in a petrol station because she lives in "her area" (Castlebrom), her grand kids, loads of uninteresting, shitty and seemingly endless boring stories about her life, which she tells me "all my friends said I should write a book about my life" - IT WOULD BE THE WORST BOOK IN THE WORLD, AND I INCLUDE THE BIBLE IN THAT.

She constantly talks about energy meter dials, with absolutely no context - she used them, or heard about them in a previous job and apparently can link it to her new job.. 


She's only in her 3rd week. 

She laughs nervously when she's telling these shitty stories, which means that it's even more unbearable to listen to because I ain't gonna laugh with you if it's not funny. 

She goes on about how she was with her shitty husband for X amount of years, and has left him for 11 years and she's got her life back.

OMFG sister, it sounds like you were thick enough to get with him in the first place then have 3 kids with him.  

****, yea, she's had a shitty time of it by the sounds of it - but gimme a **** break man.  

Even betterer though, just stop talking about your weird life and life choices for 10 mins.


Edited by lapal_fan
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I'm currently writing an action plan for a project that I'm going to take live sometime next week. Some of it is quite repetitive, in that I have to type the same suburb names over and over again but in different orders

One suburb, I keep typing without a capital letter at the start, the same one, almost every time. I'm about to punch myself in the face it's pissing me off that much :bang:

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12 minutes ago, bickster said:

One suburb, I keep typing without a capital letter at the start, the same one, almost every time. I'm about to punch myself in the face it's pissing me off that much :bang:


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36 minutes ago, bickster said:


I occasionally get it right. Definitely me

That's not quite what I meant ? I meant use autocorrect to capitalise it for you.

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