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Christian Benteke


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Oohh, I forgot 2 months defines a players career. In the past 2 months, Benteke has contributed half of the teams league goals. But yeah, carry on. :lol:


Well, it's a comment on his current form which is shit, and is seemingly largely down to him not caring anymore. We know he is capable of much more, but if mediocrity and apathy is ok with you then cool.

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He is getting paid a tremendous amount of money and is a professional so he should be giving 100% every second on the pitch. However, if he really is "not trying", then I get it. I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand it. Here we have a young, potentially world-class striker who just missed a chance that 99.99% of people will never, ever experience, and that is be a star in the World Cup. With the way things ended up, I honestly believe they could have made the Final with him in the lineup. 


If you were working a job where you were getting absolutely no help and asked to do everything on your own while getting little to no short-term benefit/reward, money aside would you be happy with your job? Would you continuously put in all your effort when when you previously did that you suffered a severe setback (injury) and missed your dream of a lifetime opportunity (WC) because of it? With the crap the club is serving up at the moment (both in the office and tactically on the pitch), would you risk potentially suffering another severe injury knowing that with the way the company is intent on doing things (the wayw e're set up on the pitch) that energy wasted would be all for naught, especially knowing you won't get fired either way? The talent is still there, we see it from time to time, but even if he worked his socks off we would still be awful because of our tactics. So is the risk really worth the reward? He's a beast, but he's not bionic. Again, I don't agree with this mindset but realistically you've got to put yourself in his shoes to understand. I believe that you should put 100% in, especially getting that salary, but I get it. It's not even that this is modern football; a career is short and he is wasting it here at the moment. He sees all his Belgium buddies improving and being successful, and unfortunately under Lambert and Lerner he will never, ever achieve anything here at club level. I hope for a takeover and a new manager that would re-invigorate his interest to be here as I want nothing more than for CB to stay at the club and become a legend, but in this current state of affairs it's really not in his best individual interest to stay here. So if you know you won't have success at a company why would you risk further setback and worst-case career? And no, he doesn't owe us anything. He kept us up in his first season and that alone was more than expected. He was already in the Belgium first XI before he flourished here, so I don't concur with the argument that we helped make him. Playing in that team he would have been noticed shortly after, if not already. Watch how he performs next month for the national team.


It may not even be that he lacks effort. Physical recovery is one thing, but mental recovery is another. For all we know his injury came while chasing down or making a run off the ball. Did we ever find that out?

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If you were working a job where you were getting absolutely no help and asked to do everything on your own while getting little to no short-term benefit/reward, money aside would you be happy with your job? 

Ha. As someone in that very position right now, I can tell you that no, you would not

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Last night on MNF they were discussing Villa and some Stats which Nevile reviewing showed us something like 6th for number of crosses I think.  What we were low on was of course goals and shots on Target.


Passing and possession we were right up there in the top 6!


Carra and Nevile then gave Benteke a slagging saying he isn't doing enough and compared him to Adeboyar.


They said Lambert has built the team around Benteke but he hasn't turned up and he needs to make more sacrificing runs for the team.

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I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after coming back from a career threatening injury. Maybe it is going to take him longer than we expected, maybe he'll never be the player he was prior to the injury...and regarding those stats, they are meaningless as you can have a good cross and a bad one and how many good crosses have we put into the box for Benteke. 

Edited by PaulC
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I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after coming back from a career threatening injury. Maybe it is going to take him longer than we expected, maybe he'll never be the player he was prior to the injury...and regarding those stats, they are meaningless as you can have a good cross and a bad one and how many good crosses have we put into the box for Benteke. 

how many times has benteke been in the 6 yard box actively fighting to win the ball?

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He is tragically deficient atm. If he feels he is suffocating at the club then at least you wouls hope that he would do everything at his disposal to up his stock in the eyes of "the big boys". That is, assuming that is how he feels. I'd bet it's due to completely bomb-shattered confidence not unlike that of van Persie. Think I might sacrifice a wooly wombat to the gods of feet to get this guy scoring again. We all know he's got it in him.

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Was chatting with a mate at work today. We both agreed that Rooney would often (especially for England) get frustrated at the lack of service so would go looking for the ball. Yes, that left a bit of a gap up front where he should have been but at least it showed he cared, could be arsed and tried to make something happen.

Would be nice to see some of that in Mr Benteke

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Last night on MNF they were discussing Villa and some Stats which Nevile reviewing showed us something like 6th for number of crosses I think.  What we were low on was of course goals and shots on Target.


Passing and possession we were right up there in the top 6!


Carra and Nevile then gave Benteke a slagging saying he isn't doing enough and compared him to Adeboyar.


They said Lambert has built the team around Benteke but he hasn't turned up and he needs to make more sacrificing runs for the team.

I'm not convinced it's about working hard. Benteke just isn't a real goal scorer as such. He scores some pretty ones, but he's not lethal.

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Fair enough dropping him, it's a pity there's no one to actually replace him though.


Hopefully Weimann plays up top though and not Gabby.


Agreed... but Weimann is a better runner than Gabby.  Gabby will be central, Weimann and Gil wide.


The ONE possible plus side is that Chelsea have dropped Zouma and brought in Cahill - so they've lost a bit of pace at the back.  Let's hope our attack looks interested.

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