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On 14/09/2019 at 21:30, useless said:

When I've watched a film I love nothing more than to read the trivia about it on IMDB ha ha ha (I'm not really laughing). Sunset Boulevard was one of the most interesting to read about, makes the film even more fascinating, especially the 'meta' aspects.

I know it's been a while but i still lament the loss of the IMDb comments section. Can't believe they ever removed it. Fair enough it was a bit toxic (what internet forum isn't) but it was the best place on the internet to discuss movies

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Just got back from seeing Ad Astra at the cinema was a good kinda slow burner 7.5/10

Also seen recently:

Toy story 4 - Decent but definitely my least favourite of the 4 films

Spider man far from home - was kind of disappointed if I'm honest but still really enjoyed it 7/10

Dark Phoenix- not great but not completely awful 5.5/10

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10 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

Just watched The Snowman (the whodunnit one) and it was a bit shit.  I've not read the book, or any other Jo Nesbo stuff so don't know if it just wasn't adapted very well but it was a pretty bang average storyline.

The book was excellent but yet again a film studio cocks up by unnecessarily tweaking stuff.

it didn’t help that the book is 7th in the Harry Hole series which contain a lot of subplots and ongoing underlying storylines. 

I’d recommend Headhunters though, which is a great adaptation of a Nesbo book. It’s done very well indeed! 


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3 hours ago, theboyangel said:

The book was excellent but yet again a film studio cocks up by unnecessarily tweaking stuff.

it didn’t help that the book is 7th in the Harry Hole series which contain a lot of subplots and ongoing underlying storylines. 

I’d recommend Headhunters though, which is a great adaptation of a Nesbo book. It’s done very well indeed! 


I read up on it and it looks like they had to edit it down a bit and in doing so took out a lot of stuff that the story really needed for it to totally make sense.  I'll probably just read the book. 

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Just finished watching DOOM Annihilation so that no one of you have to.

Tbf it was exactly what you'd expect from a 2019 reboot of a 2005 sci-fi action flick based on a early 90's video game.


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Ad Astra tonight , if you’re thinking of going to see it do yourself a favour and stare at some paint drying instead 

some of the space effects are quite good and I’m sure there could have been a decent story in their somewhere but you just end up leaving the cinema thinking I want my 2 hours back 

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Midsommar is truly one of the weirdest films I've ever seen.

Its got the directors fingerprints all over it, there's little bits of Hereditary here and bits of recent Netflix film The Ritual and a touch of A Field in England.  

Much like Hereditary this is going to be a marmite film, I liked a lot about it but there was less focus than Hereditary, in many ways I'm surprised it was signed off by the higher ups at the Studio, this is for a niche market for sure because it doesn't have a definite genre and ends up floating between a few.

Overall I think I liked it.

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Couldn't really get into Midsummer.

As a Swede watching it all felt a bit silly. They've borrowed some pagan stuff and thrown it around a bit but nah.

It looks great, but is very predictable and I feel like I've seen quite a few very similar films.

Some better some worse.

6/10, I imagine non Swedes might enjoy it more.

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The Original "Jurassic Park" Cast Are Reuniting For A New Film

Three stars of 1993's Jurassic Park have signed on to star in the upcoming third installment of the Jurassic World series.

At a screening for the eight-minute-long short film Battle at Big Rock on Tuesday, Laura Dern confirmed that she, along with Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum, would be returning to the series, marking the first time all three actors have been onscreen together since the first film was made.

"I love dinosaurs. I love that you love them like we do," Dern said during the announcement.

It was also revealed that the three stars would be returning in "major roles," not cameos.


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I don't get the whole JP reboot series.  I mean, the old sequels were bad, why did anything think rebooting it would be any different?  I say that with the caveat that I admittedly haven't seen Jurassic World 2 or whatever it was called (the first was bad enough).  Though I was nearly tempted to give it a chance a few weeks ago, by a Lego set of all things. It had a T-Rex mech (that looked like it was built out of the old green and yellow jeeps) fighting an actual T-Rex which, well if a film was just 2 hours of that I'd feel it was my civic duty watch.  Disappointingly, on checking out a plot overview it appears there are no T-Rex-mechs-built-out-of-jeeps and aforementioned Lego set was just some Lego staffer's (baller) idea.  For shame I say!

Image result for lego jurassic world 2 mech t rex


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they don't have any competition, dinosaurs will always be cool as **** and have mass appeal to kids (:ph34r:) and the JP series is the only franchise using them on the big screen

the problem is they lack originality and feel stale, they just need better writing and better scenarios and a proper antagonist rather than nasty man who wants them for money / military purposes and a made up scary dinosaur who is worse than a t-rex

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On 25/09/2019 at 13:04, sne said:

Couldn't really get into Midsummer.

As a Swede watching it all felt a bit silly. They've borrowed some pagan stuff and thrown it around a bit but nah.

It looks great, but is very predictable and I feel like I've seen quite a few very similar films.

Some better some worse.

6/10, I imagine non Swedes might enjoy it more.

I have to admit, I quite enjoyed it, but as I was sat there watching it I did think to myself several times 'I wonder how daft sne thinks this is' 😀

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I watched 'Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives', which is hard to describe but had a nice slow paced dream like quality to it, and is about a guy who's dying and spends his final days with a few family members and the spirits of his dead wife and son. I really liked it and Will try to watch some of the director Apichatpong Weerasethakul's other films.

Edited by useless
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9 minutes ago, useless said:

I watched 'Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives', which is hard to describe but had a nice slow paced dream like quality to it, and is about a guy who's dying and spends his final days with a few family members and the spirits of his dead wife and son. I really liked it and Will try to watch some of the director Apichatpong Weerasethakul's other films.

I saw 'Syndromes and a Century' in the cinema and that was great, very dreamlike, but like you say, very slow-paced so you have to be in the mood for it. Apparently 'Tropical Malady' is really good, but I haven't seen that one.

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