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27 minutes ago, Enda said:

**** ‘em.

The “politics” is for black people to get a modicum of respect. If you can’t back that, honestly, **** off.

That’s the spirit of inclusiveness, tell someone to agree with your opinion or **** off. Yes, that’ll win them over 👍 The funny thing is, you probably don’t see the utter hypocrisy of what you’ve written……..the same as many who bash away at their keyboards on social media whilst sat on their own throne of righteousness. The calamity kings and queens. 

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25 minutes ago, Enda said:

Harry Maguire, captain of a club in Manchester, has this morning tweeted his contribution at this time of national debate.


I really wish you'd posted this before I went out for lunch.

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55 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

Abuse has always been there and will always be there. Just like wars will never go away. Sadly it's part of human nature. However long they choose to take the knee. You will never fully eradicate racism, sexism, abuse.

Everything seem so innocent when you are a child but when you grow up you realize the world isn't all rainbows and unicorns.

The positive is the vast majority of people are just good folks. I bet all you regular Villa Park goers on here would echo that 9/10 people you come across there are just regular, good folks. It's important to always remember that. 

However good the intentions, taking the politics onto the pitch has seemed to make the mob angrier and made things worse. I can't ever remember things being this bad before.

It's not there, or certainly not at the same level by a very long shot in cricket, in rugby, in tennis and many other spectator sports. When an eejit in either of those sports does something stupid they get ejected pretty quickly. 

Football is attended and supported by far too many, utter utter utter scum. 

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36 minutes ago, Enda said:

Harry Maguire, captain of a club in Manchester, has this morning tweeted his contribution at this time of national debate.


Imagine going from nervelessly taking, in a European final shootout, a penalty that was so good it destroyed the goal camera to this in two days

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Just now, Annoyman said:

Imagine going from nervelessly taking, in a European final shootout, a penalty that was so good it destroyed the goal camera to this in two days

Imagine how much he got paid for it despite already earning millions... 

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The fact that this still continues to happen and actually is probably getting worse shows why players started to do the knee gesture to raise awareness and yet we still get the booing and the whole I don't agree with BLM organisation argument even though that has been squashed on several occasions by players including Mings who have said that the gesture is to raise awareness and not about the group.

It will get to a point where players will be forced to take even more action  which could even be as far as striking if this continues although im not sure what the answer is, yes social medai companies need to play their part but the bigger issues are the people that post it and share those views 

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2 minutes ago, Rodders said:

It's not there, or certainly not at the same level by a very long shot in cricket, in rugby, in tennis and many other spectator sports. When an eejit in either of those sports does something stupid they get ejected pretty quickly. 

Football is attended and supported by far too many, utter utter utter scum. 

Its strange isnt it how football attracts it? Its a mainly seen as an ''England'' problem but if you go back to 2018 when France won the world cup there was 300 arrests and riots across the country and the behaviour ive seen at Wembley for the last games with Villa has been appalling, grown men fighting in front of their kids, throwing bottles, smashing coaches and urinating in peoples gardens - People drink much more at Cricket and yet ive never seen any trouble !

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9 minutes ago, cb_82 said:

The fact that this still continues to happen and actually is probably getting worse shows why players started to do the knee gesture to raise awareness and yet we still get the booing and the whole I don't agree with BLM organisation argument even though that has been squashed on several occasions by players including Mings who have said that the gesture is to raise awareness and not about the group.

It will get to a point where players will be forced to take even more action  which could even be as far as striking if this continues although im not sure what the answer is, yes social medai companies need to play their part but the bigger issues are the people that post it and share those views 

The UK as a whole is moving to the right. TM is bang on what he said about Pri Patel - fanning the flames of discontent - seeking to protect our borders from those so desperate they risk there life in dinghies - launching planes when migrant crossers reach a staggering 40 - pump that into mainstream polictics - and don't be surprised if some idiots go a step further..


Well done TM for identifying the root cause  

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3 hours ago, Bunnski said:

Politics in football is like going into the summer transfer thread and having to read through pages of utter dribble by a certain few people who think their opinion is more important than the actual subject matter.

Personally I'm sick of it all and only watch football to enjoy football...surrounded by racists and bigots


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Ashamed there are Villa fans against the message Tyrone and the players have been battling for and against 'politics in football'.

Same people saying 'no politics in football' undoubtedly were ones calling on them to 'do their bit' during the start of the pandemic last year. Why, if they shouldn't be involved?

Dont see too much negative press about the players taking pay cuts last year through Covid to secure jobs, about Henderson organising money for the NHS through the pandemic, or of Rashford and school meals. The 'I don't like politics in Football' seems exclusively to do with Race, that's the uncomfortable bit.

Nobody is against politics in football when they agree with it. And they disagree that Black Lives Matter.

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2 hours ago, Enda said:

**** ‘em.

The “politics” is for black people to get a modicum of respect. If you can’t back that, honestly, **** off.

This entire discussion is probably better had in the Racism in Football topic, but it's not completely clear what their equality protest is in favour of. Obviously racist behaviour in stadiums and on social media forms part of it, and I think almost everyone except those actually doing the racist abuse are supportive of stamping out racism within stadiums and stopping racist abuse against ethnic minorities on social media (although I read in an article on the BBC that the majority of the latter now comes from overseas). Gareth Southgate seemed to be referring specifically to that sort of behaviour when he wrote his letter to the England fans urging them to get behind the team making the protest. That shouldn't be controversial.

But does it go beyond that and encompass black equality within the rest of society, like many posters on this forum believe? Is it therefore intended to protest against the existence of systemic racism in the UK? If so, that would make the protest much more "political" as that's not exactly a settled political question itself - the party that won the most votes at the last election just flat out doesn't believe in the concept. Then the footballers would be protesting against the views held of the majority of English voters, which is always going to be a controversial move in a sport where politics is supposedly banned.

Footballers unfortunately are among the worst affected by the worldwide epidemic of social media abuse, because they are globally famous stars in a game designed to be highly tribal. Ethnic minorities suffer even worse because much of the world is less racially tolerant than the UK, but everyone in the world still has a direct line to a footballer's social media. I can't really see that changing until social media companies start tying accounts to real names and IDs and limiting you to one account per person, then start handing out bans for this sort of thing. You'd think that it'd be easy to ban anyone doing racist chants from stadiums too, but then I thought it'd be easy to stop people breaking into Wembley during the final of the Euros, so what do I know?

Edited by Panto_Villan
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1 hour ago, The Moustache of Teale said:

Without wishing to make light of the message here, splendid and gratuitous use of Malayan Tapir in that picture. I’d wager that’s the first time this endangered species has found its way onto the pages of Villa Talk. 

WRONG.... We used to have a thread dedicated to them but someone went off topic with a few puns and some pictures of some ladies in their skimpies and the Mods in a fit of fury deleted the entire thread.  I've often thought we should reinstate it, maybe this will provide the impetus for that to happen now. 

Mind you, @Xela will probably keep banging on about Baird's tapir again as he was want to do on the old thread the silly sausage. 

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27 minutes ago, Enda said:

You assume I care about trying to “win over” or “be inclusive” to racists. That would be a mistake, I’m not trying to be inclusive.

I don’t give a bollix about them. What I want is anyone wearing a Villa shirt, white or black, is not subject to racist abuse.

When the abuse stops being endemic, the lads will get off their knees. Not before. One hundred percent. We can then move on to calling Tyrone a muppet or a liability or whatever we want, once it’s not about race. Just look at the comments Saka got the other night. Just look at them. Did Southgate or Waddle get that?

This isn’t Tory versus Labour. This isn’t the national anthem. This isn’t even WWI commemoration and poppies. This is players in our squad saying they want the racism to stop, and for the good people in the Holte to have their back. It’s not a big ask.

I’m not sure how old you are, but I remember Southgate receiving dogs abuse for his penalty miss. I remember effigys of David Beckham being hung from bridges following his sending off and England’s resulting elimination from WC98. Social Media wasn’t “a thing” back then, had it been you can guarantee Beckham would have turned his phone off, ditto Southgate. So stop acting like the world started with social media, and that every piece of abuse received by a non white footballer is a racist attack. There is barely any part of this world we live on untouched by racism/prejudice/sexism etc. The UK is one of the most cosmopolitan and inclusive countries on the planet, not perfect, but one of the better examples. We have nowhere near the level of racism of the country that this movement was imported from, namely the USA. Do we have racists in the UK? Yes we do. As does every country on this planet. 

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3 hours ago, Bunnski said:

Politics in football is like going into the summer transfer thread and having to read through pages of utter dribble by a certain few people who think their opinion is more important than the actual subject matter.

Personally I'm sick of it all and only watch football to enjoy football...

mooning sunday drive GIF by Scorpion Dagger

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1 hour ago, Enda said:

Harry Maguire, captain of a club in Manchester, has this morning tweeted his contribution at this time of national debate.


That's the difference between a social media account operated by someone employed by the player to a social media account which the player himself uses, as in Tyrone's case. Although I dread to think what Maguire would come out with if he operated his social media account himself. Maybe the better option is to have someone in charge of it and just do meaningless advertisements.

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