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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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2 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

But you deplore it. If I said I deplore equal marriage that is me rejecting it.

That's up to you. I deplore veganism as it applies to me. Not someone's right to be one, or that it exists.

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59 minutes ago, peterw said:

That's up to you. I deplore veganism as it applies to me. Not someone's right to be one, or that it exists.

Must admit, you're baffling me now. 

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More overtly on topic, my body's sudden ability to get niggling pains is pissing me off

Over Christmas my wrist suddenly started hurting for no reason and hasn't gone away. My left calf is strained somehow. Now I've got a weird ache under my shoulder blade that seems to run around and through my chest. And my ribs hurt.

And I'm knackered all the time.

I feel like shit. But there's nothing actually wrong with me, besides the stuff that has been wrong with me for years.

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Just now, Chindie said:

More overtly on topic, my body's sudden ability to get niggling pains is pissing me off

Over Christmas my wrist suddenly started hurting for no reason and hasn't gone away. My left calf is strained somehow. Now I've got a weird ache under my shoulder blade that seems to run around and through my chest. And my ribs hurt.

And I'm knackered all the time.

I feel like shit. But there's nothing actually wrong with me, besides the stuff that has been wrong with me for years.

Body aids. I also have it. 

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1 hour ago, peterw said:

 It is a life style choice, nothing more. It should receive the same amount of airtime saved for people doing similar things which they think is best for them. I feel no guilt as being an animal eater because I'm an animal. It's what I do. I deplore veganism, but don't point fingers at you and say you're destroying this that or the other, nor that your way of thinking is so far better than the rest that we should just all follow suit. 

As has already been mentioned, whether you're a meat eater or not, the argument of "well animals do it and we're animals" is a shit one. Animals murder their young, rape, kill, steal, torture etc. If you did any of those things, the argument of "well I'm an animal, it's what we do" wouldn't fly.

There are many good reasons to eat meat. I don't agree with them (anymore) but they're perfectly logical, acceptable reasons. "coz animals do it" is not one of them. HUmans hold each other to a higher moral standard than animals. We have a conscience and a sense of morality. Animals don't. They don't know right from wrong. We do.

1 hour ago, peterw said:

There's no problem with someone being a vegan, the world is full of people doing different things and each one is as valuable and rich as the next. The varied tapestry of life. But I object to Veganism, if there is such a phrase, being wheeled out as some sort of revolutionary life-expanding, planet saving cure for our ills.

Well it's pretty well accepted that one of the best things you could do as an individual for the environment is to give up eating meat (or eat less meat).

1 hour ago, peterw said:

meat eaters take the pee, I get that, but its mostly a ridicule based on not understanding that you are different. A militant meat eater doesn't get angry, just confused. Now a militant, or even a what they consider themselves to be a 'moderate' veggie/vegan are more inclined to leab towards the 'you're wrong and i hate you' line of defence. 

Isn't there an irony in this? I don't know any veggies or vegans who hate meat eaters. They exist, but I'd say they're a minority. 
Yet you are posting on a public forum about how much vegetarians and vegans piss you off. You literally said you deplore veganism.

Why? If it's just a lifestyle choice, what difference does it make to your life?


I didn't want to clog a thread up with veggie/vegan arguments. There's a thread for it if you want to debate it, we should all probably move the discussion to there so we don't fill this thread with it.

Edited by Stevo985
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20 minutes ago, Chindie said:

More overtly on topic, my body's sudden ability to get niggling pains is pissing me off

Over Christmas my wrist suddenly started hurting for no reason and hasn't gone away. My left calf is strained somehow. Now I've got a weird ache under my shoulder blade that seems to run around and through my chest. And my ribs hurt.

And I'm knackered all the time.

I feel like shit. But there's nothing actually wrong with me, besides the stuff that has been wrong with me for years.

Yep, wait till you drop something that's hard to get at, it will feel like the end of the world trying to pick it up

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I work with an offshore team and a lot of our communication is done by messenger, good people who don't irritate me at all...apart from me asking them to do something and the response is "fine". Which to them it's nothing but everyone I read it it's like a teenager stropping because they have been told to tidy their room. 

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1 hour ago, Seat68 said:

I work with an offshore team and a lot of our communication is done by messenger, good people who don't irritate me at all...apart from me asking them to do something and the response is "fine". Which to them it's nothing but everyone I read it it's like a teenager stropping because they have been told to tidy their room. 

I do the same.

But the one that gets me (doesn't annoy me, just amuses me) is they use a phrase "Please do the needful"


I'm assuming it means "Please do what's necessary" but is a literal translation that has gone wrong

Edited by Stevo985
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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

More overtly on topic, my body's sudden ability to get niggling pains is pissing me off

Over Christmas my wrist suddenly started hurting for no reason and hasn't gone away. My left calf is strained somehow. Now I've got a weird ache under my shoulder blade that seems to run around and through my chest. And my ribs hurt.

And I'm knackered all the time.

I feel like shit. But there's nothing actually wrong with me, besides the stuff that has been wrong with me for years.

Welcome to my world, brother.

i love you hug GIF

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3 hours ago, peterw said:

I deplore veganism, but don't point fingers at you and say you're destroying this that or the other

Do you have any examples of 'this that and the other'? I'm aware of issues around almonds and palm oil which is why all the ethical vegans I know avoid both whereas people I know who are just trying to cut back on meat for money/health reasons don't have an issue.

3 hours ago, peterw said:

A militant meat eater doesn't get angry, just confused.

Also relevant to the first quote.

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44 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Villa fans that get legitimately riled by Troy Deeney (and other footballers)

He seems like a sound guy, he seems like he has learned from his mistakes and what's more - he's had a great career, he has earned millions. There is nothing you can say or do to get under his skin. He is winning at life, and your anger is probably of great amusement to him.

You're just making yourself look very, very, very small and pathetic.

Good natured bantering and chanting is grand. Getting irate - just sort your life out mate.

outside of us playing him I completely agree, some of the comments when there was the video doing the rounds from the away game and jack hugging him and giving him his shirt, calls for him to be stripped of the captaincy, what world do these people live in? 

give him shit for 90 minutes when we play against him, if he see him miss a penalty or do something shit then have a smile to yourself, wind your bluenose mates up by saying that Harvey price and him have a striking resemblance...but then when he's on sky talking sense (which he often does) give him a listen, when its a Thursday afternoon and you're sat at work tweeting him about Tuesdays game calling him a bellend you need to have a proper sit down and think about your life


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53 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

Villa fans that get legitimately riled by Troy Deeney (and other footballers)

He seems like a sound guy, he seems like he has learned from his mistakes and what's more - he's had a great career, he has earned millions. There is nothing you can say or do to get under his skin. He is winning at life, and your anger is probably of great amusement to him.

You're just making yourself look very, very, very small and pathetic.

Good natured bantering and chanting is grand. Getting irate - just sort your life out mate.

How about ex footballers (especially crap ones)


I honestly agree with the point you are making however i have to admit i have an unnatural hatred of Robbie Savage. Cannot get over it and never will, absolutely detest the bloke. Makes no logical sense but I cannot get my brain to think differently


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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

I do the same.

But the one that gets me (doesn't annoy me, just amuses me) is they use a phrase "Please do the needful"


I'm assuming it means "Please do what's necessary" but is a literal translation that has gone wrong

'Please revert' instead of 'please do it'

Revert means to change it back. Learn2English pls

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Spicy Pepperami. 

They don’t piss me off in themselves, I like them. 

What pisses me off is, the heat from them going in bears no resemblance to the heat that comes out the other end. 

They are about as ‘spicy’ going in as Doner Kebab meat, but the ring sting on the way out is Madras level. 

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There have been some mandatory 'wellbeing workshops' going on at work all week, mine is this afternoon.

Apparently, you get put in to pairs at random and get given a topic regarding wellbeing and mental health (exercise, financial security, nutrition etc.) You then have to go away and research your topic together, come back do a little presentation to the rest of the group.

It sounds like my worst nightmare, I'm dreading it. Is it ironic that it's about wellbeing? There's a woman with anxiety shitting herself here.

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