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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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When you do find a missus nothing changes, when are getting a house, when are you getting married, when are you having kids

If I had a quid for every time I've told an auntie that we're not having kids I'd be able to pay for RVs trip of debauchery (I don't think Thailand would be a sensible place for you mate "Bangkoks got him now")

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That can't be right, chimps eat meat and people eat bananas. Wake up people.



This trolling is taking a lot longer to get going than I'd imagined.



And if monkeys evolved into people then WHY AREN'T MONKEYS GIVING BIRTH TO PEOPLE?

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Imagine tony montana if he was about 4 stone overweight had an ugly missus and was on the social and strolled round all day in a Man Utd shirt with Tyrone on the back...Wouldn't be far off

Hard to describe the state of the bloke who rocks up in his Aston Martin every other day

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People who keep asking me why I haven't settled down or why I'm not seeing anyone, like its a major problem. Piss off. 


even now i have a family i can still see the attraction of being a single man with no commitments. my biggest regret when single was not going out to thailand and having myself one of those ladyboys(no joke by the way)

Ladyboys is the shit

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The insistence of pundits and others in the game in talking about a team's "philosophy".

Not once have I heard it explained what a given team's philosophy is, only that they and the manager have one. I assume the general themes are playing well and scoring more goals than the opposition. 

It's like they're dressed as Socrates and Plato discussing the "Republic".

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The insistence of pundits and others in the game in talking about a team's "philosophy".

Not once have I heard it explained what a given team's philosophy is, only that they and the manager have one. I assume the general themes are playing well and scoring more goals than the opposition. 

It's like they're dressed as Socrates and Plato discussing the "Republic".

Germany vs Greece:


Edited by snowychap
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It's cold today, and I have to go scrape, clean, caulk and prime a house. All I want to do is watch football today and be a zombie.

What if you need to use different colour caulk? For instance if I have a black wall that requires caulk, what would I use?

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Ignoring any possible jokes that might exist within your post, I'd recommend a regular white caulk and just paint over it...or if you don't want to paint it, use a clear caulk, but you'll still see it's sheen.

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Wasps.  Hateful little shits that they are.  I was dropping the kids off at school and one just stung me on the neck, no warning, just landed on my neck and stung me about a quarter of a second later. 

At least I managed to splat the poisonous vile creature. 

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Wasps.  Hateful little shits that they are.  I was dropping the kids off at school and one just stung me on the neck, no warning, just landed on my neck and stung me about a quarter of a second later. 

At least I managed to splat the poisonous vile creature. 


You'll need to keep an eye on that. Let us know if you develop any strange habits or enhanced powers over the next few days.

I'm thinking, maybe you'll wake up sweaty one night, be able to smell jam two streets away but then be foiled by the fact you can't get out of the house once you're in. 


Rev works on a train so I'd advise him not to to go into 1st class with all the little complimentary butter/jam.  Could be risky.

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People who keep asking me why I haven't settled down or why I'm not seeing anyone, like its a major problem. Piss off. 


Count yourself lucky. My friends stopped asking me this question years ago. They now just dive straight in with things like "When are you going to get over your commitment phobia?". This might be acceptable if I had such a phobia but most of them were encouraging me to end my last relationship (with good reason - which wasn't commitment-related!).

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