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Sportswash! - Let’s oil stare at Manchester City!


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3 hours ago, fightoffyour said:

In a way yes, but those transfers have done us much more harm than good, despite the cash (+ Steven Ireland).

Would we have sold any of Milner, Barry, or Delph to them if our hand wasn't forced? Would we ****. We wouldn't have even sold them Grealish for £100 m if it wasn't for the release clause we had to insert to get him to sign a new contract.

Totally agree

just thought it was a different take on things

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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

But FFP in itself is not a sporting chance, its pure protectionism

Which is my conundrum with this, I want man City punished as severely as possible for breaking a rule which I detest and consider to be one of the worst things to ever happen in football and should be scrapped

Maybe football is at a crossroads, if FFP is here to stay then city must be punished, if they're not then you might as well bin off FFP, imo the latter would benefit villa more

Agreed, and similarly I've spent much time in the officiating / VAR threads arguing why a decision was awful when I think the rule is nonsense and I'd like to see the decision made to be correct.

With FFP we've got three options from here as I see it:

  1. Carry on as-is but actually impose the rules => big punishments for City, then maybe some degree of healthier competition.
  2. Remove FFP, owners can spend what they like => an arms race, quite literally in some cases, between who has the most money.
  3. Equal spending allowed by each team => fairer competition, but the cap would be large so the poor teams would still be poor, we're not talking USA sports style balance here.
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8 hours ago, villa4europe said:

The level of outrage is a reflection of where people are at with Man City and FFP in general, they've been a nail in the coffin for the PL so of course people want to see them knocked down a fair few pegs, unfortunately it'll probably mean one of the other five step up and fill the void but at the moment it's hard not to see this as good for everyone else

Which is why the punishment will be interesting, it will be a reflection of the other 19 clubs opinion on FFP and understandably will come with a few of them wanting a huge punishment

The impunity of the eventual punishment will be another nail in the coffin, we're at the same precipice as the ESL and I'm expecting a similar level of punishment and there's another nail in the coffin

The "Other 14" as it were have at least made up ground on the Other 5, whereas the chasm to City has been ever-widening. I think our draw with them this season was the first point we took off then since we came up. Must have been our 3rd or 4th goal too. It's our 4th season back. We've probably spent at least a quarter billion in that time too.

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7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

It would be good for some people to understand that breaking the rules, and breaking the rules and deliberately manipulating your financials and accounts to hide the fact that you've broken the rules are two very different things.

Yes. I've also seen a number of people talking about this issue as like 'well, they broke the rules back in the noughties to sign all these players, but that was years ago and it wouldn't be fair to punish them *now* when it's all different players and managers and whatever'; people either ignoring or not aware that City are accused of having lied about and covered up these deceptions essentially every year since. The rule-breaking isn't an original sin that everyone is trying to resolve, they were still at it recently. 

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39 minutes ago, MachoFantastico said:

I'm loving all the City fans suddenly supporting the Super League now that the PL is investigating their dodgy business. Wonder if they realize that if City joined the Super League most of the games will likely be played in the middle east with no fans. 🤣

This would be hilarious, perhaps changing their name to ETIHAD too.

I'm wondering if there are any parallels to Glasgow Rangers, they were a powerful entity and made an example of by the league.

Finally, since this news broke it's all gone quiet in the media. All they mentioned yesterday was dodgy Pep in the running for FIFA coach of the year....really WTF? Hasn't he also being found guilty by association of cheating?

It worries me slightly we aren't hearing more about this in the media, or is it just because the likes of Sky do not want to lose their 'cash cow'? They already nailed their colours to the mast by labelling the new Super League as despicable.

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1 minute ago, Zhan_Zhuang said:

This would be hilarious, perhaps changing their name to ETIHAD too.

I'm wondering if there are any parallels to Glasgow Rangers, they were a powerful entity and made an example of by the league.

Finally, since this news broke it's all gone quiet in the media. All they mentioned yesterday was dodgy Pep in the running for FIFA coach of the year....really WTF? Hasn't he also being found guilty by association of cheating?

It worries me slightly we aren't hearing more about this in the media, or is it just because the likes of Sky do not want to lose their 'cash cow'? They already nailed their colours to the mast by labelling the new Super League as despicable.

I guess (and hope) at this point the media can only say so much without turning it into what can be perceived as a witch hunt.

It will definitely pick up over the summer once the charges are dealt with.

What the fans of other clubs should do is give them an absolute hell during games. Chants, banners, podcasts, the lot. 

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2 hours ago, Zhan_Zhuang said:

It worries me slightly we aren't hearing more about this in the media, or is it just because the likes of Sky do not want to lose their 'cash cow'?

This is the interesting thing for me.  If they are found guilty and trophies, records wiped how does the League show anything from those years in highlights packages?  All the seasons they show on Sky will be pointless they would lose loads of content.

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I'm also surprised the media haven't jumped on this more.

Like 115 suspected breaches, club could literally be kicked out the league but they seem scared/relucant to say anything about the subject.

Lets face it if this were us we wouldn't hear the last of it.

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