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DCJonah last won the day on January 31 2023

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  1. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it but it seems to be an extra layer of they deserved it because they had the stupidity to attack armed police.
  2. Oh I believe the female officer was hurt in the whole thing. But was she armed police?
  3. We will bring in another attacking player and potentially a defender. Our squad depth is looking so superior to last season. That was our main issue to fix.
  4. It seems quite fortunate that the stamp kind of missed. If he'd planted his foot fully on his head with that force I dread to think the injury that would cause.
  5. Where's the evidence that armed police were being attacked? This seems like the same rumour that said the victim was a murder suspect trying to flee the country
  6. A loan with an option to buy might work best for us but it doesn't seem to be what Madrid or Felix want. If he's our number 1 target for Unai then back him and spend what it takes.
  7. I'm 100% into this transfer. I think it would be sensational.
  8. DCJonah

    Jhon Durán

    Seems a good deal for a back up player who doesn't want to be here.
  9. Philogene. Diaby might have been fast but he rarely used it. I genuinely don't remember him dribbling past many players.
  10. My worry with a loan is what if he has a great season and someone else comes and snaps him up. I'd like to just sign him.
  11. DCJonah

    Jhon Durán

    Pretty obvious he's not the kind of guy we want around. You put up with a lot when players have the potential he does so it speaks volumes that we are trying to cash in.
  12. She seems to be getting a lot of positive attention and a shit load of donation money coming in. Would that have happened with someone completely different?
  13. Poison is very strong. 4 years ago he beat trump and 2 years ago achieved good mid term results. He's an old man and has done the right thing. Poison is way over the top though.
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