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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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He is allowed a life.

He is allowed to attend a party, heck, he's even allowed to host one.

I know we'd all like to think that players are simply machines you can switch on and off for a few hours each day but they're not, they're people with friends and families and ya know, a whole like social life (whatever that is).


If he's out getting wasted all the time and it starts reflecting on his performances and attitude then fair enough, let's all throw the book at him. If however he continues in the vein in which he's started the season then it's really a non-event isn't it.

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I can guarantee doing "hippy crack" would have absolutely no impact on his game. 

You could do a few balloons at half time and be fine.

The fact it's actually referred to as hippy crack is comical. No doubt a term made up by a toff that's vices consist of a half bottle of red on a school night.


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1 hour ago, BOF said:

The reactions to this are interesting.  It seems as though the willingness to believe this Daily Mail article and also whether to believe the guilt of Grealish's actions at a hotel party seem to correlate with people's opinions of the person.

Now I'm not suggesting that this is any kind of court of law, but what that 'newspaper' has written would not stand up in anything other than a twitter kangaroo court.

Let's see what the club do first.

EDIT : If I had to guess, I'd say it'll be a reprimand for just being present at a party and giving scum like the Mail any ammunition at all.  Which will satisfy neither side of the fanbase because the side that want to castigate him won't have the NOS factor, and the side that want to show he has completely changed will still have to admit he was at a party.

The question then becomes whether it's OK to be at a(ny) party a full week before your next game.  I expect the answer to that question will also depend on whether people are motivated to find him innocent or guilty.

That is fair comment regarding peoples views on this being aligned with their views on the person, I would though point out that that goes both ways and applies equally to those wishing to dismiss it. But then aren't pretty much all things in such circumstances seen through the prism of previously held views?

Had this article been written about Gabby then I doubt it would have been so easily dismissed by some.

You are right in terms of what is written wouldn't stand up in court, we shall see what if anything comes from the club investigation. I'd imagine nothing.

I can't speak for anyone else but personally I find it disappointing he has even put himself in a position where this article could be written about him given his previous and seeming desire to be viewed differently. 

I also find it really disappointing that once again these negative headlines (irrespective of how accurate they may or may not be) come closely on the back of a new deal as they've done before.

I was perhaps unfair saying same old Jack, it isn't on a par with previous incidents or at least we don't have evidence that it is but I find the willingness to completely shrug it off a little odd.

Sure players are allowed lives, they are allowed to go out but they also need to be aware of their surrounding and what is going on around them and try and avoid such headlines. 

Some of the reactions might be OTT but I don't think anyone can be blamed for thinking 'oh its Jack again, we've been here before'. 

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@TrentVilla Believe me, I fully agree that it goes both ways in terms of dismissing or aligning with the article and that wasn't lost on me when I wrote it.  I tried to word my response impartially, even knowing that I will give the benefit of the doubt.  Although I would like to think I would always give the benefit to any player in the absence of evidence regardless of previous views.  For example I might want someone to be guilty of something whilst having to acknowledge that they're not guilty at an early stage in proceedings.

The other problem here is that the Mail know fine well that because he has previous and because there are those waiting for the next installment, it's very easy to just hack some article together of this nature, throw in some incendiary editorialising, and people will lap it up because that's what people are expecting to see.  Confirmation bias.  In that situation Jack's on a hiding to nothing, and with my cynicism and knowing what the Mail's aim is, I'd be dismissing them for being words removed employing paparazzi by numbers.

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Just gets to a point where it becomes annoying. For the last 2 years this young fella has made more headlines off the field than anything he's done on it. He's scored a fine goal at Leicester, he's most noteworthy contribution thus far. He does get a bit over hyped, i've probably even been guilty of it in the past but compare him to John swift - similar age and he's probably out performing grealish without any of the fanfare.

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23 minutes ago, pas5898 said:

Can't believe the over reaction to this.


What over reaction? At most a few people have tutted or shook their heads, they might even have dared to say something like typical Jack.

It isn't like anyone is demanding he be banished from BMH, tarred and feathered or worse sent to Coventry.

If anything there is an over reaction to the reaction :) (Please don't start posting lyrics by Diana Ross)

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I'd be more disappointed if it turned out he really really really likes whipped cream.  As a professional footballer that would be thoroughly unacceptable :P 

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Must be a slow news day, or just simply usual daily mail sensationalist bullshit, as this seems like a nothing story stemming from some noisy hotel guests disturbing other guests and the Police getting called which happens at hotels every weekend. It is not even known if it was Grealish's party.

Fair pay to the club for investigating it and if he is found to have done wrong then he should be punished. Based on what we know though that would seem unlikely.

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Ridiculous over reaction to this, the lad can go to a party with his mates if he isn't drinking and its not a few days prior to a game.

I would imagine some morons brought out the balloons and then suddenly its a story because Grealish was present. A few years back before social media footballers going out was the norm and no-one heard of it. You can't lock up a 20 year old all week so he performs on a weekend. It's a non story that has been over hyped on Twitter by the fans, and now Stan Collymore and Tony Xia.

I will be annoyed if the club leave him out of the squad in arguably one of our biggest games of the season.

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