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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Kid needs new mates, they are either stupid, or absolutely mugging him off.

I used to see Marc albrighton out all the time, weimann was seen by a lot of people too and I imagine there were plenty of other ex players who went out after a game, but you just saw the odd fan selfie pop up you didn't have any of this, and especially not from their mates they were out with.

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I think most people were happy to overlook the summertime street sleeper incident, cuz it was the summer break, and he'd played so well.

But now that the team is looking so bad, and relegation is now looking almost certain, this is gonna piss a lot of people off. Including his teammates and manager.

If Kevin still reads this thread, tell him to smarten up, Aston Villa needs him.

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3 minutes ago, tarjei said:

Nothing actually happens in that video. He just signs into the camera. Why is that even a story? 


Even if he didn't have a sip or a toke, he's guilty of poor judgement for the obvious reasons. 

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I have a problem with it, do whatever the **** you want in your summer off but when the season is on you are a professional athlete, this isn't Sunday League, the margins at the top are so small if you're not looking after your body it has a huge effect. It wouldn't even be as bad if he was performing at we were doing ok.

**** sort it out Jack,

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3 minutes ago, maqroll said:

Even if he didn't have a sip or a toke, he's guilty of poor judgement for the obvious reasons. 

He is not allowed to smile and have a laugh when the team is playing poorly? This is clearly the paper trying to wind people up by making a non-story into something it's not. It's the same thing the English media have been doing to their footballers for as long time.

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Send him on loan yo the conference.  Give him a glimpse of his future.  Like ive said shit attitude on and off the field. Some other hard working players don't even make the bench.  Poor 

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Jack needs to party off camera and smile when he has cause to do so after a game. Come on Jack you are better than this. Get the papers talking about your performances on the field rather than off it. 

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5 minutes ago, John said:

Jack needs to party off camera and smile when he has cause to do so after a game. Come on Jack you are better than this. Get the papers talking about your performances on the field rather than off it. 


Is he really better though? He's got potential, for sure, but right now it looks like his attitude is going to mess that up.

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8 minutes ago, KSV said:

Send him on loan yo the conference.  Give him a glimpse of his future.  Like ive said shit attitude on and off the field. Some other hard working players don't even make the bench.  Poor 

There is A LOT of very talented kids who never even get a sniff of a chance at a professional club, I know because even my Sunday league team has 2 really quality players, who the rest of us reckon could have 'made it' given the breaks, even if only league 2 level or something. But they come from totally piss poor families who didn't really care or nurture there talent and had bugger all football connections aside from some dodgy geezer down the pub who could get you new mitres for a fiver. So now they play for us and are head and shoulders above any other players on the pitch.

Point being, Jack is bloody lucky to even get this far, but it can all go down the pan at any point if you mess about too much. Sack off any idiot mates and get your head on it before its too late.

The last 'talent' who used to always be out on the lash with his mates was Barry bannan, and while nowhere near as talented as Jack look at him now. 'pocket xavi' will probably be at Torquay next season  

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Trevor Francis, Gary Shaw had 3/4 seasons under their belts at his age.

too many excuses for me.....about all our players.

they have a responsibility for their form.....there is a case to be made for every player in the squad if we so choose...... but we are bottom....it can't always be some other players fault.

Good players show it, of course he has talent.....he needs to apply it.

all the players need to take ownership of the plight and not dismiss it as someone else's fault.....he needs to chip in too.

I remember Andy Gray at 19 years old playing his second game for us and we wasn't pulling up any trees at the time, it was against Man U and he was sensational.

its not about age.....it's about determination, fight, attitude, will, we say he has ability, well bloody well show it.

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