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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Gil is almost 3 years older than Grealish so he'll be a lot wiser. Grealish will relish when we're on the front foot in games, I know he needs to be a reason why we're on the front foot but we've just not been controlling games. Look at the second half VS Blues - he was unreal and that's because we controlled that 2nd half and were playing in their half, giving him plenty of the ball. Up against PL opposition and we've not been controlling games, nowhere near in fact. He isn't robust enough to keep hold of the ball with no support, when he's got defenders doubling up on him.

You are right though, he has been under performing and that could be partly down to his attitude as well, but I just think there's more to it.

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5 minutes ago, Tom13 said:

Gil is almost 3 years older than Grealish so he'll be a lot wiser. Grealish will relish when we're on the front foot in games, I know he needs to be a reason why we're on the front foot but we've just not been controlling games. Look at the second half VS Blues - he was unreal and that's because we controlled that 2nd half and were playing in their half, giving him plenty of the ball. Up against PL opposition and we've not been controlling games, nowhere near in fact. He isn't robust enough to keep hold of the ball with no support, when he's got defenders doubling up on him.

You are right though, he has been under performing and that could be partly down to his attitude as well, but I just think there's more to it.

That is a good point about Blose Tom, we havent seen enough of that this season, it could be a factor but I just feel he is not performing to the level he should. even when we do get the ball forward in league games he just doesnt do anything of note. Its just so disappointing. 

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His form last season as well - remember that after Sherwood took over?

There were a few games (Liverpool in the semi, West Ham and Everton at home) we were just controlling with slick passing moves and he was at the centre of most of it.

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I'm not going to speculate on the who's or whys but Grealish has been absolutely shocking this season. Its easy to say hes getting big for his boots or other such cliches but his weaknesses are glaringly obvious atm. He's become a very dislikable player.

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7 minutes ago, R.Bear said:

 He's become a very dislikable player.

I think that's a bit harsh.

However I do think he's followed in the footsteps of all our promising prospects and looks shocked and lost when teams have worked out how to deal with him.

I think from top to bottom, in all areas, we are reactive instead of proactive.

We have no surprise factor about us at all.

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For me it comes back to this. 

Someone with the right priorities as a professional player doesn't end up passed out drunk in the middle of the road.

I feared it at the time and i still do, but he need to get his act together asap or he'll be just another name in the long list of wasted talents and that would be really tragic.

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I think the talent and skills of Grealish are obvious.  What I'm not seeing is impact.  All the talent and skill in the world is very attractive.  It just needs to produce a result.  Otherwise it's just art.  Sorry but in sport, outside gymnastics, no points are given for art.

I actually found myself annoyed at the bejeweled backpack he carried into Everton.  It reminded me of what frustrates me about him.  He's all attractive art.  We need somebody to frequently create scoring chances, frequently score goals, and frequently frustrate an opponent trying to do the same.  THAT's what Jack isn't doing.

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I don't think there is any major issue with Grealish. He is simply just a young player who has only just turned 20 and who only has 15 top flights starts under his belt. He is still finding his way in the game and yet us as supporters have put some pretty big expectations on his shoulders. Jack shouldn't be a player we have become reliant on to pull us out the shit but due to a lack of quality in the squad that is what has happened. I don't think he is ready for that but that is not his fault that is the fault of those in charge and us as fans.

If we were mid table or if he was playing in a side riding the crest of a wave now like Leicester he would be flying. It is very rare that a young lad will flourish in a struggling side under huge pressure with few natural leaders.

I have zero doubt that Jack will come good although that may not be with us. The lad is hugely talented he just needs to be in a side that allows him to flourish.

Edited by markavfc40
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5 minutes ago, sne said:


For me it comes back to this. 

Someone with the right priorities as a professional player doesn't end up passed out drunk in the middle of the road.

I feared it at the time and i still do, but he need to get his act together asap or he'll be just another name in the long list of wasted talents and that would be really tragic.

Y'see this is what I mean about it being completely unfair.  If his priorities and his professional attitude were questionable then he wouldn't be starting games for Villa.  The fact is that it's too tempting for people to look at his and Villa's performances this season and throw that picture back at him.  For me the 2 are separate and it's too simplistic and convenient for people to bring that up.  You think if he hadn't gone to Spain for his holidays Villa wouldn't be bottom or he'd be lighting it up this season?  Honestly?  I don't buy it for a second.  The team and the player are going through a rough patch.  Tim Sherwood & Randy Lerner have far more to do with that than a drinking session 6 months ago.

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30 minutes ago, sne said:


For me it comes back to this. 

Someone with the right priorities as a professional player doesn't end up passed out drunk in the middle of the road.

I feared it at the time and i still do, but he need to get his act together asap or he'll be just another name in the long list of wasted talents and that would be really tragic.

What a load of bollocks. The lad's 19 and was on his summer holiday's FFS. Who cares if he got drunk, we've all done it. He's not out on the piss every week. The issue is simple, he's a front foot player playing in a back foot team. It's no coincidence that his best game was the semi final against Liverpool where we totally dominated them. He's not a player that's able to "dig in", be physical and put in some tackles.

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12 minutes ago, BOF said:

Y'see this is what I mean about it being completely unfair.  If his priorities and his professional attitude were questionable then he wouldn't be starting games for Villa.  The fact is that it's too tempting for people to look at his and Villa's performances this season and throw that picture back at him.  For me the 2 are separate and it's too simplistic and convenient for people to bring that up.  You think if he hadn't gone to Spain for his holidays Villa wouldn't be bottom or he'd be lighting it up this season?  Honestly?  I don't buy it for a second.  The team and the player are going through a rough patch.  Tim Sherwood & Randy Lerner have far more to do with that than a drinking session 6 months ago.

Of course i don't believe that, why would I? Honestly don't know why you'd think I do.

Considering we've been in a rough patch for about 5 years it's obvious Lerner, the board, the managers and the players are more to blame than Grealish. 

Edit: Also both think and hope that Grealish has it in him to buckle up and improve now that Sherwood and his team is gone.

Garde and Duverne will add a new focus


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So why bring up that picture then?  It clearly implies that you think it has some bearing on what is happening.  If there was an attitude problem, he wouldn't be playing.  He's playing in a poor team at the moment.  They all need to lift their game.  Every one of them.  So bringing up that picture intimating that Grealish's problem is attitude or professionalism is a pretty distasteful leap to make IMHO.

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2 minutes ago, BOF said:

So why bring up that picture then?  It clearly implies that you think it has some bearing on what is happening.  If there was an attitude problem, he wouldn't be playing.  He's playing in a poor team at the moment.  They all need to lift their game.  Every one of them.  So bringing up that picture intimating that Grealish's problem is attitude or professionalism is a pretty distasteful leap to make IMHO.

I think it have affected his early season form, but obviously he's not as important to the team that it is THE reason we're abysmal.

Fwiw I maintain it is unprofessional as a pro athlete to get that wasted. but I know that many people in the UK doesn't see it as a big deal.

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There is no doubt his holiday antics will have effected him. Said at the time that it was excessive and yes we've all done it, but the vast majority of us are not professional athletes. Those at the very top (unless they are super super talented - George Best) need to remain in tip top shop.

You only have to go a few weeks without a beer to feel a completely different person. 

And it won't be as if jack had one off all day benders and then doesn't sup at all. He will probably drink regularly.

You only have to look at Richard Hughes. No coincidence. Gave up drinking - became champion jockey. It really can make all the difference.


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Guys to much excuses for my likening lad has talent no doubt. First up doesn't work enough in games his work rate is poor doesn't defend and looses the ball to easy and just starts whingeing and moaning at ref and teammates. Sorry but if he going to party hard during the offseason he needs to let his boots do the talking to at the moment lucky to make the bench.

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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-3330610/Jack-Grealish-filmed-enjoying-boozy-night-Aston-Villa-s-4-0-defeat-Everton-friends-appear-inhale-hippy-crack.html can't quote it all but there it is. 

Jack Grealish has been filmed enjoying a boozy night out in the hours after Aston Villa’s 4-0 defeat by Everton and partying in a hotel the next day. It appears hippy crack is being inhaled from balloons by friends.
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