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Farlz last won the day on August 31 2020

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About Farlz

  • Birthday 09/04/1997

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  1. Farlz

    Jhon Durán

    I do usually love a good shithouse but Duran is just a plonker.
  2. Also giving it a go this year. I liked 22 tbf but didn't play much really. Skipped 23. We go again with 24, the create a team looks fun.
  3. Farlz

    Jhon Durán

    Blokes just a complete pain in the arse. Sooner he's gone the better.
  4. Felix was not good at Barca or Chelsea, not at all. Barca fans can’t stand the way he is on the pitch, comes across as arrogant and is hugely inconsistent. He had somewhat decent spells while at Atleti but nothing worth what they paid. He’d be a no bigger signing than Moussa Diaby last summer. The hype for him I just find mad.
  5. He’s been rubbish ever since he left Benfica. Don’t understand the fascination over him.
  6. Not so sad about Diaby leaving as I was Luiz. We’ve definitely lost a lot of output in our side from them two though. You’d think one more big signing would arrive this summer now.
  7. How much profit have we actually made
  8. Farlz

    Formula One - 2024

    The Max is the devil and Lando is an angel narrative we have in here is crazy at times. They're both as bad as one another come on now, clearly becoming more evident now he has a race winning car. Lando in the cooldown room not taking a compliment from Lewis before then quickly switching his PR on.
  9. Farlz

    Formula One - 2024

    Unless Red Bull finally replace Perez in the summer break then McLaren should absolutely cruise to the constructors. Danny Ric seemed particularly excited in an interview after qualifying yesterday, mentioning how big these next 2 races were..
  10. Pretty certain I'll start with Salah and Haaland. Easier to start with Haaland and then get rid imo.
  11. Farlz

    Formula One - 2024

    McLaren have **** over Piastri countless times it’s about time they gave him something. He led on merit today until another McLaren strategy stinker.
  12. Farlz

    Formula One - 2024

    Max at his best, very enjoyable. Glad to see Piastri win.
  13. Farlz

    Formula One - 2024

    McLaren rocketship ruining the sport
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