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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a runny nose that was just a bit too runny for my liking. When I turned the light on I realized it was blood. I hate getting a bloody nose. It was a bad one too. This dry winter weather is brutal. Blizzrd coming tomorrow too, followed by 5 days of 20F high temps. Sometimes I wonder why I stay here.

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9 minutes ago, maqroll said:

I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a runny nose that was just a bit too runny for my liking. When I turned the light on I realized it was blood. I hate getting a bloody nose. It was a bad one too. This dry winter weather is brutal. Blizzrd coming tomorrow too, followed by 5 days of 20F high temps. Sometimes I wonder why I stay here.

All this and not drinking. And Trump. You do have the weed cordial though. 

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On 3/12/2017 at 12:55, Ingram85 said:

You need to encounter and fall foul of the dickheads of the world sometimes so that you can take stock and better appreciate properly the genuinely good people in the world.

Very true mate :)

On 3/12/2017 at 12:59, Ginko said:

I agree, Rich, but from the sounds of it Alex thought this girl was something special and she's turned out to be quite the opposite. I can understand how that can be pretty devastating and it makes you question yourself which is the worst thing anyone can do to you. I've definitely been there myself.

There are some genuinely lovely people out there though and we should always remember these experiences so we can appreciate that rather than take them for granted.

Agreed mate, I think it was disbelief that someone can turn so quickly from being lovely into being, what might be described as nasty. Plus she's tried to badmouth me by making false claims about me, which equally devastates me and fills me with immense anger. Luckily no-one believes her. Still its all blown over now and we go again! 


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2 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

So my question is, if youtube does use targeted advertising....what kind of arsehole do they take me for?

This isn't a thread for questions, but seeing as you asked. It's nothing to do with YouTube. Whoever promotes "Made In Chelsea" have spent their budget to get that ad in front of your eyes. I'd blame your demographic.

I bet some people are getting similar ads on here.

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I have a meeting tomorrow where I have to present something to the VP of the company.

Except I have literally no idea how to do it. I don't understand it. But I'm supposed to. And I have to present the explanation to him.

It's like that Peep Show episode where Mark has to give that big presentation and stays up all night and then realises, minutes before the meeting, that it's all shit and he has nothing to present.

I'm going to end up hiding in the car park.

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4 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I have a meeting tomorrow where I have to present something to the VP of the company.

Except I have literally no idea how to do it. I don't understand it. But I'm supposed to. And I have to present the explanation to him.

It's like that Peep Show episode where Mark has to give that big presentation and stays up all night and then realises, minutes before the meeting, that it's all shit and he has nothing to present.

I'm going to end up hiding in the car park.


Let us know how it goes.

Hope that helps :D

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10 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I have a meeting tomorrow where I have to present something to the VP of the company.

Except I have literally no idea how to do it. I don't understand it. But I'm supposed to. And I have to present the explanation to him.

It's like that Peep Show episode where Mark has to give that big presentation and stays up all night and then realises, minutes before the meeting, that it's all shit and he has nothing to present.

I'm going to end up hiding in the car park.

Sir, I'm not going to insult you with another dull power point presentation.

You are a smart guy, you know a good thing when you see it.

I'm doing this through the medium of interpretive dance...


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43 minutes ago, darrenm said:

Drivers refusing to yield on 2 into 1 filters.

It's accepted amongst reasonable people that you filter together i.e. 1 from the left, 1 from the right.

Some idiots from the left lane decide their lane is the One True Lane™ and that everyone from the right is an deserving scumbag and doesn't deserve to be let in. Therefore they get right on the arse of the car in front.

I get that but the one that gets my goat is when everyone is queueing nicely in one lane and some plum (in a beamer) decides to cut right to the front of the queue and push his way in. In that instance I will always refuse to yield.

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1 hour ago, choffer said:

I get that but the one that gets my goat is when everyone is queueing nicely in one lane and some plum (in a beamer) decides to cut right to the front of the queue and push his way in. In that instance I will always refuse to yield.

I am very much with you there, I even go out of my way to put my foot down and edge them out in that case.

The sad thing is there is always some div willing to let these people in. Why do they let them in? Makes me more angry than the ***** themselves.

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Dog walkers are being urged not to bag up their pet's poo in the countryside - but to use a stick and flick it into the undergrowth instead.

Conservative MP Anne Main will advocate the method during a Westminster debate as a way of reducing the number of plastic bags blighting the countryside.

Mrs Main says better signage is needed at the entrance of parks and open spaces so dog owners know what to do.

She says poo-filled bags hanging from trees are a nationwide problem.




I don't understand. You go to the trouble of picking up the dog poo and bagging it up but then just hang it from a tree?

What is this? What is the purpose? Why would you think that is a solution? Are these people that stupid to think this is a job well done? Why waste your time and energy picking shit up if you are only going to dump it in a bag? One or two people being this thick is fair enough, but making this a nationwide problem? How can so many people be this stupid?

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2 hours ago, choffer said:

I get that but the one that gets my goat is when everyone is queueing nicely in one lane and some plum (in a beamer) decides to cut right to the front of the queue and push his way in. In that instance I will always refuse to yield.

Something tangentially connected to this occurred to me yesterday. Approaching a roundabout, two lanes. Left lane is "left turn or straight ahead", right lane is "right turn only". Most drivers (me included) are going straight across, and the roundabout is fairly busy, so a fair old queue has built up in the left lane, with cars filtering on steadily. The right turn lane is completely empty. It struck me that the obvious thing to do would be go into the right lane, sail past everybody, and go all the way around the roundabout, and back on to the main road on the other side. I didn't do it, because it just felt like slightly bad etiquette. What Does The VT Panel Think? 

Edited by mjmooney
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