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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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11 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

I've mentioned the irritating guy at my work before. Well, he just started humming the Thomas the Tank Engine theme while at his desk.

he's probably just seen the video of Goths dancing to it  that was doing the rounds a couple of years back

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5 hours ago, Rob182 said:

I've mentioned the irritating guy at my work before. Well, he just started humming the Thomas the Tank Engine theme while at his desk.

You'd hate me as I often whistle that as part of my irritating whistling game.  Also Rosey and Jim, Poddington Peas, Jurassic Park, the German national anthem, Question of Sport and Grandstand.  My target is for someone else to get at least one of them stuck in their head and start whistling the tune(s) and if they do, I win.  Nobody else knows they're playing along, they just get mildly annoyed.

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5 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

he's probably just seen the video of Goths dancing to it  that was doing the rounds a couple of years back

One of the best videos on the internet. 

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Being lied to.

Doctors tell me they'll discharge me today. Nurses say that's not they said. But they definitely did.

I'm gnawing the walls here. I've got to get out. Asked to self discharge.

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7 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Being lied to.

Doctors tell me they'll discharge me today. Nurses say that's not they said. But they definitely did.

I'm gnawing the walls here. I've got to get out. Asked to self discharge.

Don't get wound up. Sometimes this can be hours and hours, especially if they're sending you home with meds and they're chasing the docs for the prescription.

Hospital pharmacies aren't known for speed either. 3 hour wait on one occasion. Hour and a half last time - Was quite pleased with that!

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Too late for that. The nurses specifically said my discharge is tomorrow. But I was told yesterday today, which was reaffirmed this morning, and then confirmed again this afternoon by doctors.

It feels like they're stealing my time. I really don't like being lied to. But if nothing else I just can't bear it here any longer. I can't sleep, the ward they moved me to late last night didn't even 'do' the machine I was hooked up to (so they decided I didn't really need it), it's absolutely roasting hot, at no point have they actually given me the one prescribed drug I'm on (I've had to take my own despite them saying I shouldn't and they would supply them), i can't get comfortable or relax, the food is horrible and I'm just wasting my time. They're barely even doing observations anymore. It feels like they just couldn't be bothered to sort a discharge so here I am. I'm going out of my mind.

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Hang in there @Chindie, My old man was the same. Had to wait it out with him in the departure lounge for half a day a while back after he'd been in for a few weeks after having an emergency op. Those last few hours were the worst he reckoned. Chomping at the bit to taste the outside! But he's fiercely independent and said he had to grit his teeth on the ward with all the other lot doing his head in - he said he'd forgotten how racist and sexist people his age still are and all that. But the beeping and the tests and the not getting any proper sleep was doing his nut and he's not used to anyone fussing over him.

Look at it this way, this time tomorrow you'll be at home with your feet up by the sound of it :thumb:

And then your mrs can start telling you all about how you have to listen to her more now in earnest! ;)

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1 hour ago, Chindie said:

Being lied to.

Doctors tell me they'll discharge me today. Nurses say that's not they said. But they definitely did.

I'm gnawing the walls here. I've got to get out. Asked to self discharge.

I can be at Good Hope in 3 mins from where I am. I'll meet you there. Can go for a Nandos and a few pints. Just don't go pass out in the Audi, i've just had it valeted! ;)

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It's a bit like when you're at a restaurant and have to wait ages to pay the bill.  You'd think they'd want to kick you out as quick as possible and get someone else in.  When my Nanna was in hospital a few years back there was another old lady on the ward who kept lighting cigarettes next to her oxygen tank.   The nurses couldn't work out where she'd stashed them all but my Nanna couldn't get out of there quick enough but had to wait for ages.

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Stop bloody moaning Chindie, you ungrateful bastard. I know how it feels from when I was in hospital a few years ago - exactly as you describe it, and I was desperate to get home. But I had to wait nine days. Better than being dead. 

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4 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Stop bloody moaning Chindie, you ungrateful bastard. I know how it feels from when I was in hospital a few years ago - exactly as you describe it, and I was desperate to get home. But I had to wait nine days. Better than being dead. 

Completely unnecessary.

Of course I'm grateful. Don't be stupid.

But I'm fit to leave and been told I was leaving. And then I'm not. I'm literally wasting a bed. Meanwhile some bloke who is obviously unwell is being moved because they need a bed. They should have just booted me out. Like they said they would.

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22 hours ago, a m ole said:

“cool, i’m past him, now to ease off a bit. oh look, the lorry I just overtook is overtaking me, best make sure i’m driving right to the limit so I don’t slow anyone down”

In Germany they call this phenomenon "Elefantenrennen", which literally translates as "elephant racing".

I love the Germans.

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