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To be fair it was a stupid question, sky trying to make out Chelsea fans are something they're not and he gave a good response

Understood, but with a player like Gerrard who is very well known, a Liverpool icon, I would guess looked up to by some, you would think he would have taken this as an opportunity to come out of the interview with his head held high, taken it as a sign of respect and thanked them gracefully. Then I'm sure a diferent conversation would be taking place. This is his last few games in the prem.

 I know the rivalries, the piss taking etc. can take it's toll and Chelsea are not what I would consider good fans, but I think he missed an opportunity here. This was more of a response I would expect from the 8-10 year old x-box Champion

Just my take.


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To be fair it was a stupid question, sky trying to make out Chelsea fans are something they're not and he gave a good response

Understood, but with a player like Gerrard who is very well known, a Liverpool icon, I would guess looked up to by some, you would think he would have taken this as an opportunity to come out of the interview with his head held high, taken it as a sign of respect and thanked them gracefully. Then I'm sure a diferent conversation would be taking place. This is his last few games in the prem.

 I know the rivalries, the piss taking etc. can take it's toll and Chelsea are not what I would consider good fans, but I think he missed an opportunity here. This was more of a response I would expect from the 8-10 year old x-box Champion

Just my take.




Nah, it's not the ballet. The game lives for it's rivalries, fair play to Gerrard and anyone who sticks one to Chelsea fans is OK with me. 


I've never really got the hate for him. A great player in his day and I've always admired his attitude. He's not perfect, but he's a fighter (literally at times!) and a winner. I have respect for him and the game will miss him IMO.


The media and Liverpool FC have been mawkish words removed as ever, but I don't really blame him for that. 

Edited by dont_do_it_doug.
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its not the diving itself but he had the cheek to take the moral high ground a few times and moan at foreign players diving




"If I ever saw one of my team-mates diving, I'd definitely have a word" – Steven Gerrard
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The worst for me was Gerrard refereeing the match. He'd dive, the referee wouldn't be having any of it only for captain Stevie to appeal and get a free kick. We were often on the receiving end of that.

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to me it was the hype machine, especially watching him for england, sky / itv constantly forced him down our throats, telling us how world class he was despite the fact that we were all sat watching him getting done by proper world class players like zidane and pirlo, they were also completely unable to criticise him, he's **** up majorly in at least 2 tournaments for us and gone missing at a couple more, perhaps more criminally he's been the focal point of englands midfield for far too long, we built the midfield around him and disregarded scholes and lampard who IMO were better players, im tempted to go as far as to say that if it wasnt for gerrard unbalancing the midfield we might have actually done something as a national team (not necessarily his fault, the managers have to take a good portion of the blame, roy in the WC playing him in a midfield 2 for example, ridiculous decision)


at the weekend, even as we are getting shot of him, despite the fact that he's going because he blatantly hasnt got it in him anymore, we get sky telling us how everyone loves and respects him and claps him off followed by souness telling us he's too good to be going to the MLS, its bollocks, if i was a galaxy fan id be fuming at the waste of money 


again at the weekend watching bits of both games, lampard is still a far better player

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The worst for me was Gerrard refereeing the match. He'd dive, the referee wouldn't be having any of it only for captain Stevie to appeal and get a free kick. We were often on the receiving end of that.

Couldn't agree more. I had a season ticket for the 07/08 season and the exact thing happened; tackled by Petrov completely fairly but complains to the Ref, gets the free kick and puts it away on the 87th min. Sickening.

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agree that Lampard and Scholes were the better players and more intelligent but they didnt score as many Hollywood goals or more importantly play for the peoples team



Its a bit naive from SKY to think he is just going to walk into MLS and dominate, Thierry Henry was a much better player yet he had a strike rate poorer than anytime at Barcelona and Arsenal plus he is practically replacing Donovan so the US media wont be shy to tell him he is being shit

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The guy didn't even deserve the muted applause the Chelsea fans eventually gave him, and his interview afterwards suggesting he deserved 'respect' from them over his career is hilarious, maybe Chelsea should have a Respect Steven Gerrard day on their calendar where the whole team wears black armbands. As for the 'cheeky dig', Stamford Bridge has not been further than 800 seats from full attendance all season and has, unsurprisingly, been more full than Anfield.

I hope the guy gets a minor injury in training putting him 4 weeks away from a competitive game, it would be a wonderfully flat finish to an already limp season for Liverpool and no amount of media spin could ruin the last day of the season for those of us who are sick to death of hearing about him.

Edited by a m ole
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I'd have probably clapped him off, he's been an outstanding player over his career - even if he is a bit of a dick. But his response to the Chelsea fans was pretty pathetic. Of course they're going to boo you and whatever during your career, you're not a Chelsea player. The Chelsea fans did the right thing. You're an enemy to them until the end, as soon as the board went up to bring you off, that was the end of Gerrard v Chelsea and they gave you the standing ovation they felt you deserved. Absolutely pathetic response from him.

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Just how many players have retired, left for another country etc without any fan fare or the sort of adulation Gerrard is getting, when you look at lampard last year, like Gerrard leaving for the MLS didnt get a quarter of the stomach churning nonsense Gerrard is getting despite winning a whole lot more why?

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I'd have probably clapped him off, he's been an outstanding player over his career - even if he is a bit of a dick. But his response to the Chelsea fans was pretty pathetic. Of course they're going to boo you and whatever during your career, you're not a Chelsea player. The Chelsea fans did the right thing. You're an enemy to them until the end, as soon as the board went up to bring you off, that was the end of Gerrard v Chelsea and they gave you the standing ovation they felt you deserved. Absolutely pathetic response from him.

He'd of got a volley of **** and words removed from me. 

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