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Paddy's "Things that cheer you up"


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I’d always think I’m on some secret camera show capturing how people react to finding money. 

I remember finding a tenner on the floor near my former place of work, sort of bundled up in a receipt. Quick e-mail round the office asking if the person who had just bought X,Y and Z could come by and see me.

Anyway, the following day I won my office’s grand national sweepstake, only about £15-£20, but I took that to mean the universe was satisfied.

Edited by Shropshire Lad
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19 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I found £20 on the floor of a bar at Pride the other week. I spent it on gay stuff. True story.

It was just a trap to make you bend over

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6 hours ago, Unused Sub said:

Finding money in the street.

The normal protocol I use is:

Bronze coins – leave well alone

Silver & gold coins – have a quick look around to see if anyone about. If the coast is clear then discreetly pick it up. If not, walk on.

However today I clocked a £20 note blowing about in the breeze. Without hesitation I found myself at full stretch like Gordon Banks 1970 world cup style after it.

I’m not sure what pleased me the most; finding the money or my new found athletic ability.

£1 coin in the minimum I will pick up. 

I've done well enough that I don't need to lower myself any further! 


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When super glue was first a thing we'd go down the prom on busy sunny days and glue a 50p to the floor and watch from a distance.

Crazy times, man. Crazy times.

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26 minutes ago, bickster said:

The missus was on a training course today so suggested we meet in the city centre to do food shopping, I went along with this to keep the peace and thought I'd just suck it up

I also didn't have to pay my car rental this week as I was owed for a few favours done, so I was a bit flush

Imagine my uttter pleasure to find my usual vinyl emporium still open. I'm no longer as flush as I was but much happier than I was

I turned up to meet her with a bag of new vinyls, that'll teach her to have silly ideas that I feel compelled to go along with

And yes of course she's under the impression that it was only a couple of records that I'd had on order (like shite it was)

Add this at the end,    "And to add to it all my boss and his wife are coming round for tea at 7.00pm sharp and we are late already",  all in all,  it's got the solid foundations for a above average episode of "Terry and June".

Good luck.


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My sister is currently the national manager at a retail company that pulls in tens of millions annually. She started as a casual front of shop assistant. Proud of her.

Anyway, she's at a crossroads. Her boyfriend is moving overseas to take a job that pays a mid-six-figure salary, and she is considering relocating to go with him.

The only concern I have is my sister compromising her own independence and talent in order to pursue this man, whom she has known for a matter of weeks.

A friend of my sister had the same concern, and he happens to be an accountant at a major retail company, you might know of David Jones.

Well, he took it upon himself to arrange my sister to meet with the powers that be at David Jones to take on a role that would be an upgrade on what she currently does.

As an older brother, especially considering we didn't have a father in the home growing up, it's great to know that people have her back and support her future.

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50 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

Which country? And how old?


New Zealand. She is 27. It's only a two year contract.

It could be a great experience for her. I've not met him yet, but if he's captured the heart of my sister, well I'll just say I've got a lot of confidence in her powers of discernment.

There's a lot to consider (for her, and I'll leave her to that unless she asks for my input), but I know how well loved she is here and how much she has going for her.

Anyway, the point was mostly around her friend arranging the David Jones gig, just as a gesture of appreciation if she does decide to stay here. Heartwarming.

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Searched VT and didn't really know where to post this, but when i watched it it put a smile on my face and this seems to be as good a place as anywhere.

An ordinary bloke busking.....



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5 hours ago, imavillan said:

Searched VT and didn't really know where to post this, but when i watched it it put a smile on my face and this seems to be as good a place as anywhere.

An ordinary bloke busking.....



Nice to see Alan Hutton keeping busy...

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