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Premier League 2019-2020 Thread


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This comparing to Bundesliga I just dont get,yes they are planning on getting back to football but we are weeks behind them,they have had just under 7000 deaths where we have had 30000!It is far far worse here so they can get back to football with cases so low.

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I'm happy if they start. I'll be following whatever football there is.

In the early eighties I supported Mönchengladbach for a while, why not again?

Matthäus played there then.

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12 minutes ago, nick76 said:

You are not correct, you are missing the other deaths being reported and this is why the Dept of Health and Social Services are providing is the daily deaths instead.  You only have part of the numbers.  I used to look at that site until I was advised not to by an expert and that data is delayed. I did my own test on it and a couple of weeks ago on one day and then looked again 4 days later and those deaths for those previous days had increased.  The deaths are still 693 and 649 for the last two days.

You're right, the deaths are delayed. In which I mean the 649 today include deaths that happened today, yesterday, the day before, often going back up to four weeks. That graph above is updated daily and deaths are retrospectively added in on the date of death. It's not perfect as we're working with incomplete data, but there's a clear demonstrable peak which passed a few weeks ago. We won't know exact numbers until long after this has passed I assume, but the pattern is becoming clear and we're thankfully on a clear downward trend now.


Edited to add, the thin red horizontal bars on top of the blue are deaths announced today. You can see there have been deaths added all through the start and middle of April from today's numbers. So the blue bars on the right will indeed grow taller, but they won't get as tall as early April. 


To get back on topic about the football, think about other seasons ending early. We could have finished last season in the bottom half of the championship, yet we got promoted. Leicester in 2015 were rooted at the bottom of the table and cut adrift. They survived then won the bloody league. Newcastle would have a league title from Keegan's days. We could have won the league under O'Neill. It's a farcical state of affairs. A league season is each team playing each other twice. Until that happens it's not a season. 

Edited by blunther
Added info on graph
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2 minutes ago, nick76 said:

You are not correct, you are missing the other deaths being reported and this is why the Dept of Health and Social Services are providing is the daily deaths instead.  You only have part of the numbers.  I used to look at that site until I was advised not to by an expert and that data is delayed. I did my own test on it and a couple of weeks ago on one day and then looked again 4 days later and those deaths for those previous days had increased.  The deaths are still 693 and 649 for the last two days.

It's a graph of the actual day of death in hospital rather than the day they get reported.  On any given day's announced deaths it is made up from people who have sadly died on many different days over the past couple of weeks, with the day before yesterday being by far the biggest contributor.  Thus it probably does take a couple of days to get close to the actual figure and explains why you saw it had gone up when you checked a few days later.  The data does show that deaths in English hospitals are going down by about 150 a week and we are now roughly in the mid-200s per day.  Hopefully a couple more weeks and it will be just a handful.

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11 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

It's a graph of the actual day of death in hospital rather than the day they get reported.  On any given day's announced deaths it is made up from people who have sadly died on many different days over the past couple of weeks, with the day before yesterday being by far the biggest contributor.  Thus it probably does take a couple of days to get close to the actual figure and explains why you saw it had gone up when you checked a few days later.  The data does show that deaths in English hospitals are going down by about 150 a week and we are now roughly in the mid-200s per day.  Hopefully a couple more weeks and it will be just a handful.

Again even looking at the NHS website for days actually complete we are still at closer to 300, then you add non hospitals deaths which has been around 250.  

Given we are also just looking at England but have Welsh teams and close to Scotland the indicator that is provided by the Dept I mentioned above is probably closer.  Even at best we are still well above 500 and probably closer to the other side of 600 deaths a day.  Yes that may include deaths from previous days but by the same point doesn’t include deaths not yet included.  

If the government are using the department of health and human services for their guide for the public presentations then they know better than us and I trust that rather trust a mishmash of people trying to put numbers together.....

sorry no offence, just kept hearing people using different numbers to reduce numbers when the government are daily providing us numbers.  Then government have no reason to inflate the numbers, in fact they would be showing lower numbers if they could but I hear people using part numbers for reasons to do things....

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21 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

Bloody hell, been over this side to stop reading about the paranoia of deaths, an now it's in this thread!😳

The only things in life that are guaranteed are death and taxes 😉

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So is it true that in other leagues where they've finished on PPG, they roll back the date of when to tally the PPG to a date where all teams have played an equal amount of games. Which would mean we survive and Watford go down if they were to do that. According to something I read on Twitter.

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23 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

So is it true that in other leagues where they've finished on PPG, they roll back the date of when to tally the PPG to a date where all teams have played an equal amount of games. Which would mean we survive and Watford go down if they were to do that. According to something I read on Twitter.

What would be the point of PPG then? You're just going back to points earned.   The whole point of using PPG is because people have played different number of games. 

That said, it's hard to believe anyone posting on twitter can be wrong........... 


Edited by sidcow
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3 hours ago, Nabby said:


Teams with nothing to play for need TV cash , all they need to do is get 11 players to jog around for 90 mins for 9 games to fulfil the quota.It's those at bottom who if they go down are facing oblivion and the rescue of selling players might not be there either ,certainly not at the market rates.

As I've posted elsewhere in this thread. There is still a lot of points to play for. If those at the bottom play like their lives depend on it and the mid table teams stroll around with a casual attitude they will soon find themselves sinking like stones and struggle to get out of it. 

Technically we could still overtake Leicester who are in in Third Place.  

I don't think anyone below Wolves would want to be going into it thinking the jobs done.

Under the planned way of seeing things out I wouldn't blink if at least 2 teams not currently in the relegation zone got relegated. 

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13 minutes ago, sidcow said:

As I've posted elsewhere in this thread. There is still a lot of points to play for. If those at the bottom play like their lives depend on it and the mid table teams stroll around with a casual attitude they will soon find themselves sinking like stones and struggle to get out of it. 

Technically we could still overtake Leicester who are in in Third Place.  

I don't think anyone below Wolves would want to be going into it thinking the jobs done.

Under the planned way of seeing things out I wouldn't blink if at least 2 teams not currently in the relegation zone got relegated. 

Fair point , if those that look safe start slow they might not recover.Be great if Newcastle could get dragged in



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Is the death rate the actual driver here? I would think it more logical to keep an eye on new hospital admissions/new confirmed cases.  The death rate is more a reflection of where we were a couple of weeks ago? 

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11 hours ago, rbcuk said:

So Germany has pushed back the start date to the end of the month now 

Assuming no other players test positive, which will reset the date again. 

As Dizzee Rascal would say if he was posting in these hallowed pages. Bonkers. 

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