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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I was forced into watching one episode of love island (I was waiting for a lift from the person who insisted on watching it). My observations -

One bit had both the men and women, sat around taking it in turns to say which three members of the group they found most attractive. Just ranking them, in front of everyone, having been introduced to them about 20 minutes previously. No one politely declined.

All of the women are vapid. One or two of them are good looking, but that’s about it.

All of the men are vapid. Not one of the men has a chest hair between them.

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10 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

I have just called her my war goat...it hasn't gone down all that well

Quoting myself I know that's bad form

It's all good, she's still my pal, although she now thinks I love goats and love Island....goats and a love island...I'm sure I could get that to work in my favour in some weird perverted way

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28 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Drunk leemond is so tame these days. 

I know, I've calmed down an awful lot, plus if I do go crazy on the drink I realise how much of a dick it make a me look when posting on here.

When angry drunk leemond comes out I tend to leave him off the forum, he does still rear his head every now and again, nowhere near as much as he used to though.

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My Chiropractor pisses me off. I have a frozen shoulder

He presses it as hard as he can with his finger and says does that hurt

Cause it fcking hurts. That's why I'm here

Your supposed to make it stop hurting. You clearing in the woods

Edited by Robtaylor200
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1 hour ago, Robtaylor200 said:

My Chiropractor pisses me off. I have a frozen shoulder

He presses it as hard as he can with his finger and says does that hurt

Cause it fcking hurts. That's why I'm here

Your supposed to make it stop hurting. You clearing in the woods

But this should piss you off. Stop using a quack and see a someone with a recognised medical qualification. He might be able to help with a small number of lower back problems. Everything else sounds like a duck.

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13 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

Another Facebook type rant 

people posting pictures of their   dog and then referring to themself as it’s mummy or daddy

no you are not ...

you are more like Madonna stealing a child away from its real parents 

I've sort of let a friendship of many years wither, due to the pair of them having acquired a dog but appearing to think they've acquired a toddler. Quite bizarre sort of baby substitute behaviour I just found too creepy to put up with.

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21 hours ago, limpid said:

But this should piss you off. Stop using a quack and see a someone with a recognised medical qualification. He might be able to help with a small number of lower back problems. Everything else sounds like a duck.

£55 for 15 mins that pisses me off

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People who leave it late sending apologies for not coming on a night out.

Out for a mate’s birthday drink last night (which had been planned for several weeks) and two friends say they’re not coming via WhatsApp around 8:30pm, well into the evening, table booked at a restaurant etc.

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