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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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That still doesn't give her any more legal right to use it over you.  Certainly doesn't add any credibility to the other bitch's threat of a fine.  What's good for the goose...  The other one is basically completely abusing her position of authority to benefit her friend.  Maybe someone higher up would be interested to know that...

Just rang my Dad cause I'm a cry baby like that... and he said exactly the same. Trouble is, I'm not one for confrontation, but I can't let this slide..

This calls for a childish and petty exchange of letters, that wastes everybody's time, and makes everyone involved look ridiculous.

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I work at a nightclub close to the beach, and there is this guy who always comes alone drunk as F**k, he is so drunk he can barley speak, and evry time i refuse him entry he go and throw himself in the ocean and then he comes back to the nightclub only in his boxer shorts and gives me a very angry look, like it is all my fault, the fourth time we managed to stop him right before he was gonna throw himself in the ocean, and it was bloody freezing.

Humans, whats wrong with them?

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I work at a nightclub close to the beach, and there is this guy who always comes alone drunk as F**k, he is so drunk he can barley speak, and evry time i refuse him entry he go and throw himself in the ocean and then he comes back to the nightclub only in his boxer shorts and gives me a very angry look, like it is all my fault, the fourth time we managed to stop him right before he was gonna throw himself in the ocean, and it was bloody freezing.

Humans, whats wrong with them?

What an appropriate typo :)

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**** fuming! I live in a set of new build flats where there's a group of people who have a click, and they're always peering through their windows or gossiping about **** who's moved in there, oh did you hear that racket last night etc. Anyways, they all bum off the site estate agent and they all hate me at the moment. Granted, I've been told twice not to park in space '34' (even though it isn't occupied yet) because this site bitch is letting one of her 'friends' have it even though she hasn't got a parking space with her flat - who is my neighbour. Anyway, this morning I took a peep out the window like a nosey fecker and noticed another woman, who lives on her own, hanging out her car window pointing over towards my flat/parking space. Low and behold, a few hours later I get this through my door. 


On what basis is she planning to 'invoice' you?

Are you an owner? Are you a tenant? You say 'site estate agent'? Do you mean the person selling the new plots on behalf of the freeholder?

What signage is around the development?


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send her a letter back that says

'thank you for your letter, as I didn't realise the parking space wasn't to be used by ANYONE' I will not park there again and will let you know if a car so much as uses it to park in for a minute.

inclosed is my invoice for the my time you have caused me to waste for writing this reply.

you owe me £25. If you send me another letter that needs me to reply, ill invoice you a further £25.

Edited by Jimzk5
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Conor mcgregor just "jumped the shark" 

What for? His poppy comments? The headline is mcgregor poppy controversy followed by **** the queen but he's actually defending his right to wear one

I think fair play to him and that he's right, it transcends politics and isn't about Britain and the queen, it's about young men being sent off to fight and die on others behalf, regardless of their nationality

Fair play to aguero for wearing one too

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**** fuming! I live in a set of new build flats where there's a group of people who have a click, and they're always peering through their windows or gossiping about **** who's moved in there, oh did you hear that racket last night etc. Anyways, they all bum off the site estate agent and they all hate me at the moment. Granted, I've been told twice not to park in space '34' (even though it isn't occupied yet) because this site bitch is letting one of her 'friends' have it even though she hasn't got a parking space with her flat - who is my neighbour. Anyway, this morning I took a peep out the window like a nosey fecker and noticed another woman, who lives on her own, hanging out her car window pointing over towards my flat/parking space. Low and behold, a few hours later I get this through my door. 

On what basis is she planning to 'invoice' you?

Are you an owner? Are you a tenant? You say 'site estate agent'? Do you mean the person selling the new plots on behalf of the freeholder?

What signage is around the development?


We are all owners. None of these flats were available for rent. Yes, AFAIK, she has a little office where she basically deals with showing people round the flats. Been doing it since I moved in 2-3 years ago now and still here. Thank God there's only a couple left to sell, hopefully she clears off after.

There's signs around the development basically saying you will be charged at £25 per day if parking in somebody's else's space. 

I feel a lot calmer today and may take the route of just ignoring it and ignoring her from now on, and then calling up head office could potentially open up a can of worms. But this bitch man.. she can't go around doing stuff like that!

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