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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I agree, dunno if I can be arsed with the world cup this time, none of it is exciting and the cheating and shirt pulling will be ramped up to 11. Maybe I will maybe I wont, probably the latter.


Every WC, every Euro, every Olympics, etc., I say the same thing - i.e. I feel unenthusiastic, I probably won't watch it, or I'll just watch the odd big event. 


I invariably end up watching every last **** ing minute. 


Same, just at this point its not grabbing me.

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World Cup?


Took the whole family for a big day out last weekend.

Took the eldest to a bit of a do with TV celebs and got photos and autographs midweek.

Took family out for a big slap up meal last night.

Taking my gorgeous missus to see a burlesque show tonight (no, really).

Decorating today.

All World Cup teams have been divvied up between us (drawn out of a hat) and a big sheet of paper with our names next to countries is top centre of the fridge door.


I am ready.

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All World Cup teams have been divvied up between us (drawn out of a hat) and a big sheet of paper with our names next to countries is top centre of the fridge door.

We've done the same, but it gets so competitive that we've had to seed the teams in different pots and make sure we didn't get too many teams from the same groups.

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I'm really looking forward to the World Cup... not next week off work so i can watch all the games without being disrupted by work or having to go to bed  :D

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People getting genuinely angry and upset at the new villa kit not being to their liking. Rocket polisher.


I've only just realised we have announced the new kit, such is my indifference to it! I can't understand the level of interest the kit creates every year

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I agree, dunno if I can be arsed with the world cup this time, none of it is exciting and the cheating and shirt pulling will be ramped up to 11. Maybe I will maybe I wont, probably the latter.


Every WC, every Euro, every Olympics, etc., I say the same thing - i.e. I feel unenthusiastic, I probably won't watch it, or I'll just watch the odd big event. 


I invariably end up watching every last **** ing minute. 


Same, just at this point its not grabbing me.



No, me neither. I'm still seriously considering avoiding it completely (which would at least put me in good favour with the missus). And I'm amazed at the thought of people booking their holidays around it, planning out the TV schedules, etc. 


But, but, but... past experience says I'll relent and end up watching even obscure games at odd hours. 


Which kind of pisses me off, actually. Thus qualifying for this thread. 

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People getting genuinely angry and upset at the new villa kit not being to their liking. Rocket polisher.

I've only just realised we have announced the new kit, such is my indifference to it! I can't understand the level of interest the kit creates every year

It's always amusing to find grown men complaining that the kit doesn't look nice! Doesn't look "nice"!? When are they planning on wearing this kit! The only use for replica kits is at 5-a-side or for down the Villa, so unless they're keen on impressing the boys down the local Power League then I don't understand the concern.

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Looking forward to the World Cup. It's always special, even if I've fallen out of love with football. 


Haven't bought a replica shirt since I was 16, except for a few retro shirts. 

Edited by dAVe80
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No World Cup fever for me yet either

I'll be in Athens when England play Uraguay , might watch it , I might not , probably depends more on where I'm getting drunk that night

Iran will probably be knocked out by the group stages but if they somehow fluke their way to the second round I'll be in Tehran so it would have been interesting to see if there was any interest in the game and any atmosphere in the cafés ... Of course the WC will still be on regardless of Iran so there may still be some interest and I might still get some matches

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Im just looking forward to watching 3 games a day and betting on everything possible. Put my group stage bet on yesterday, every group team but England's group I picked the favs to win. £50 returns 1.1k, now I just have to hope Holland dont beat Spain next Friday and kill the dream before it has started  :D

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I can understand not liking it and saying 'I don't like it' but to be insulted by it on a personal level and upon behalf of Aston villa's legacy? Insane.

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People getting genuinely angry and upset at the new villa kit not being to their liking. Rocket polisher.


I've only just realised we have announced the new kit, such is my indifference to it! I can't understand the level of interest the kit creates every year


And at "only" £48...they can **** off

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