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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Just saw an advert for a program titled "Jack the Ripper: Killer Revealed". No one knows who he was so its going to be yet another of these "Well, we don't actually know but here are some theories that everyone already knows". Same with aliens or any other mysteries.

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What is it with German car drivers?

Had an Audi tailgating me for a while with his lights on full so when he eventually overtook me, I gave him a taste of his own medicine. rocket polisher.

I think it's more an Oxfordshire thing. I have never seen more tailgaters or generally impatient drivers in my life than round here.
You oxford bumpkins shouldn't be on the road in your tractors anyway :)

But this is yet another area where my driving logic comes into play ... Drive at 70 mph through a 30 zone and you won't get tailgated


As for the lights thing loads of cars have Xenon lights these days and nearly burn my retinas out when they drive towards me ... Drives me mad

The speed some people go around here is nigh on disgraceful. Some of the overtaking and hammering round country lanes and blind corners makes driving to work quite a risk every day. Risk their own lives by any means but not other peoples.

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I've never been this tired. No idea why I'm like this.


I mean, I've been tired where I can't keep my eyes open, but my eyes are heavy and my whole body is just giving up.


Good nights sleep. I've just had 13 hours  :)

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Just saw an advert for a program titled "Jack the Ripper: Killer Revealed". No one knows who he was so its going to be yet another of these "Well, we don't actually know but here are some theories that everyone already knows". Same with aliens or any other mysteries.

Do you think many people would watch 'Jack the Ripper: Someone else's view on the same facts'?
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I've never been this tired. No idea why I'm like this.

I mean, I've been tired where I can't keep my eyes open, but my eyes are heavy and my whole body is just giving up.

Because your body is currently doing this Posted Image

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Subtle shifts of meaning over the years. 


Science fiction: 


A.N. Other - "Oh, you like sci-fi, then? Star Trek, Star Wars, that sort of thing?" 


Me: "No. I like SF. Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Ballard. THAT sort of thing". 


Progressive rock: 


A.N. Other - "Oh, so you like prog, then? Marillion, Spock's Beard, Dream Theater, that sort of thing?" 


Me: "No. I like progressive. Tull, Fairport, Ten Years After, Roy Harper. THAT sort of thing". 

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