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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I had heard (from decent sources up here) that had Fergie not won some silverware that year, he was gone.

So people up here credit Lee Martin with having saved his neck, with the winner in the FA Cup final, although I guess Robins also saved his neck too, earlier in the round.

Wasn't a popular chap at that time, Lord Ferg

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I get text message alerts letting me know that my weeks pay has been authorised. Got one at work, checked it, noticed my pay had gone down £40. This is the first thing that pisses me off about this situation.

I then, in a rush and a bit anxious, tried to access the system I use to log timesheets every week to check if something had gone wrong there. Except I forgot I never log in from work and can't remember the password - so 3 unsuccessful attempts later I'm locked out of it. Number 2 piss-er off-er.

It tells me to contact the administrator. No **** clue who that is or even which company actually deals with that whole thing. Number 3.

I remember theres a self service portal for queries etc I had to sign up for when starting the job. Except I've never used that and can't for the life of me remember the password. Number 4.

I'm pissed off. All because of £40 mysteriously vanishing from my weeks wage. I get an electronic payslip later, if that doesn't reveal whats up I'm not going to be impressed. They've already changed my contract once ('Just some behind the scenes stuff, you won't notice a thing' - wage drops £15 a week) I'm not beyond thinking they've screwed me over again.

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How is it that I can see my passport on the same shelf every day, month after month, and always think "Ah yes, my passport, at least I'll know where it is when I need it" - and then when I do need it (for next week)... it isn't there. How? HOW?? :angry:

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How is it that I can see my passport on the same shelf every day, month after month, and always think "Ah yes, my passport, at least I'll know where it is when I need it" - and then when I do need it (for next week)... it isn't there. How? HOW?? :angry:


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Going back to Chindie's post,

the amount of passwords I (and the average person these days I suppose) needs.

You're supposed to not have the same password for anything, and you're supposed to not write them down for security, and they're supposed to be a random combination of letters and numbers.

How could anyone possibly remember all of their passwords in that situation?

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How is it that I can see my passport on the same shelf every day, month after month, and always think "Ah yes, my passport, at least I'll know where it is when I need it" - and then when I do need it (for next week)... it isn't there. How? HOW?? :angry:

I turned up at the Croatian border once only to hand over a passport with a 5 year old child smiling back at the border guard.. My son bless him had thought daddy would like to see a picture of his special guy

Had to drive 40 mins back to the in-laws house to swap passports over , needless to say I don't let anyone near my passport now :-)

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How is it that I can see my passport on the same shelf every day, month after month, and always think "Ah yes, my passport, at least I'll know where it is when I need it" - and then when I do need it (for next week)... it isn't there. How? HOW?? :angry:


...is the correct answer.

She just phoned me at work to say she found it in my bedside cupboard.

Now that may well be true, but if it is then she must have put it there, because I sure as hell didn't.

Oh well.

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Going back to Chindie's post,

the amount of passwords I (and the average person these days I suppose) needs.

You're supposed to not have the same password for anything, and you're supposed to not write them down for security, and they're supposed to be a random combination of letters and numbers.

How could anyone possibly remember all of their passwords in that situation?

I've been using Keepass for the past few months. You only have to remember one master password, and you can generate random strings of any length to use as passwords to anything else you have to use. I just carry it around on a USB drive, seems to do the job.

I used to just use the same 2 or 3 password for everything with the exception of bank logins, then tonnes of sites started getting hacked and it seemed a bad idea.

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