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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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The fact that i cant find a Region 2 DVD of the Gummi Bears!

You don't have a multi-region (or hacked) DVD player? :shock:

A goodly part of my collection is region 1.

Nope, think i might just have to get a multi-region player, then i can also watch High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story.

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The fact that i cant find a Region 2 DVD of the Gummi Bears!

You don't have a multi-region (or hacked) DVD player? :shock:

A goodly part of my collection is region 1.

by the time he gets that DVD working they'll know the kid's missing.

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Upon investigation, you can get the Gummi Bears on region 2 DVD, but only in the "Volumes" format (of which there appears to be 1-7) as opposed to whole series, which in turn will cost you more as each volume (provided you can find somewhere that stocks them all) is ~£20 a pop. There was an Amazon exclusive box-set compiling all 7 of the region 2 volumes, but it's currently unavailable. If you can find that anywhere else, that'd probably be your best bet.

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Philips tend to have intentionally easy-to-deregionalise DVD players. They usually give the code online. Sony on the other hand are evil bastards intent on keeping us in our little regions where they choose our content. Buy Philips :thumb:

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The fact that i cant find a Region 2 DVD of the Gummi Bears!

You don't have a multi-region (or hacked) DVD player? :shock:

A goodly part of my collection is region 1.

by the time he gets that DVD working they'll know the kid's missing.


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Philips tend to have intentionally easy-to-deregionalise DVD players. They usually give the code online. Sony on the other hand are evil bastards intent on keeping us in our little regions where they choose our content. Buy Philips :thumb:

Yep. Google your DVD player's manufacturer/model + 'multi-region hack' (or similar). Chances are there will be instructions available. Did it with mine, and it was piss easy.

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Sony on the other hand are evil bastards intent on keeping us in our little regions where they choose our content.

I bought my DVD player from the sony shop along with a TV and surround sound thingy...they de-regionised the DVD player for me when they came to install it all ... it's done off some remote codes on the handset

maybe it is down to the individual shops rather than Sony policy though

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My dominos no longer taking online orders and then me phoning up to have some knob tell me the deals on the leaflet (that expire end of September) apparently don't exist. rocket polisher. :angry:

*grabs pitchfork*

Where is said pizza establishment!?!? :evil:

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My dominos no longer taking online orders and then me phoning up to have some knob tell me the deals on the leaflet (that expire end of September) apparently don't exist. rocket polisher. :angry:

*grabs pitchfork*

Where is said pizza establishment!?!? :evil:

I think I'll phone up again and tell them unless they give me my pizza wiggy's gonna get 'em.

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I think I've nailed why Liverpool and Man Utd fans are typically such an insufferable lot. That's a generalisation and there are exceptions, but for the purposes of the post, we'll generalise.

Both sets are insufferable for very different reasons, but in equal measure. They both have an arrogance but it's implemented completely differently.

Now let me preface this by saying that this is based on the typical Irish Liverpool/ManU supporter which may or may not be the same as what you face over in England. Let me know if it's the same.

Here's the conclusion I have come to through years of extensive research.

You can never talk to a Liverpool fan about their own club in a way that is anything other than a positive light. A Liverpool fan will listen endlessly to effusive praise of how great everything is at Anfield and of how great the club is or was. But you can never talk in a negative light about their club for any length of time. You get told you don't know what you're talking about and that you don't 'get' the Liverpool way in an almost 'how dare you' kind of way. A case in point the other day even on talkSport (which suggests it's not an exclusively Irish thing) when one of the supposedly professional pundits (Liverpool fan) was talking to one of the others. The non-plop fan suggested that an improvement on the pitch this season even if it didn't mean an improvement in the league table, would be progress because of what they're trying to do. He was swatted down very ignorantly and dismissively as 'not having a clue' what he was talking about and that he just didn't get it - the inference clearly being that Liverpool in this pundits eyes had a divine right to be at the top end of the league and not a single thing; not a project of any size; would ever be accepted as threatening that. You basically can't properly discuss Liverpool with your average Liverpool fan without being told you don't understand if things aren't painted as rosey.

A United fan on the other hand is confident that he knows every goings on about every other club in the league too. Where a Liverpool fan will at least accede to your own assumed greater knowledge about your club, a United fan will sit and tell you exactly where your club has gone wrong and he will not or can not be told any different despite your best efforts. He is absolutely positive that he knows more than you do. He knows everything about everything despite in reality knowing **** all about everything outside Old Trafford. Despite learning everything he knows from Match of the Day, he can tell you where your chairman has gone wrong. Again, I only have Aston Villa as my example, but the amount of times Man U fans have defended things that have happened at Villa with only the most superficial understanding of wider implications has made me furious. But I quickly lose the will to respond and I usually end up nodding, placating them and moving on to some non-morons.

Now the difference between me talking Liverpool to a Liverpool fan and a United fan talking Villa to me is that I'm more than willing to learn and be educated BY the Liverpool fan on and about their club. This is what a discussion is. But a United fan doesn't want to learn, because what he doesn't already know simply isn't worth knowing.

bof, heres why i think utd fans are words removed

a few summers ago, the year of the cardiff blackpool play off final, me and the missus and a couple of mates went to worcester camping, found a nice pub in the town centre and settled in the watch the match, about 20 blokes in there, mix of all club supporters and a few blackpool fans in too, until about 10 minutes before the match 4 man utd fans walked in and proceded to talk about

- why cardiff werent welcome in english football

- why they support utd (even though they were all from bury)

- why "sir alex of ferguson" (thats what they called him) is the greatest man on earth

they went into detail talking about everything man utd, every action on the tele was greeted by "see, if that was sir alex` managing that team, he`d have set them up like this" sort of shite, "sir alex ferguson doesnt make mistakes, only letting pique go back to barcelona". in the space of the first half they emptied the pub. ive yet to meet a utd fan who isnt up his own arse. the god complex that club and fans have is the reason id love to see old trafford burnt to the **** ground

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I'll agree about Liverpool fans, or at least some of them. I work with one, great guy but he's unable to see the reality of the situation at his club at any point. Everything is always rosey and King Kenny could molest the Queen and he'd still be the best person ever.

I work with a Man United fan, who literally does know more football facts than anyone you'll ever likely to meet. He'll be able to tell you what the Swindon vs Wimbledon score was in 1992. It's scary. Pretty much any team that has played in the PL, he can recite their players and results.

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ive yet to meet a utd fan who isnt up his own arse.

I know loads of them. I work opposite Old Trafford.

The vast majority of United fans I know and talk to are sound.

Scouserpool fans on the other hand ... :twisted:

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People who have driving lesson's during rush hour...**** off!!!

Nissan Micras.

Driven at 24 **** MPH everywhere they go.

I learnt to drive in a Nissan Micra (I didn't know!), mainly during rush hour traffic in the old town of Gloucester.

It was a diesel and was something like a 1 point poo litre engine, so 24mph was pushing it.

I like to think that I pissed off many an individual during this time.

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