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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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TBH, after the first four albums (Asbury Park, Wild & Innocent, Born to Run, Darkness) I dislike most of his albums except the acoustic/folky ones mentioned above. I HATED Born in the USA from the moment I heard it - mainly because of the horrible 80s production.

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TBH, after the first four albums (Asbury Park, Wild & Innocent, Born to Run, Darkness) I dislike most of his albums except the acoustic/folky ones mentioned above. I HATED Born in the USA from the moment I heard it - mainly because of the horrible 80s production.

I took me about 20 years to realize that I did in fact, really like Born in the USA. You could argue that the production value on a lot of his songs before that album was a bit over the top (think Born to Run, Hungry Heart, etc.)

But if you listen to "My Hometown" and "I'm on Fire", they are both sparsely produced tunes that don't scream "The 80's"...in my opinion, anyway.

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TBH, after the first four albums (Asbury Park, Wild & Innocent, Born to Run, Darkness) I dislike most of his albums except the acoustic/folky ones mentioned above. I HATED Born in the USA from the moment I heard it - mainly because of the horrible 80s production.

I took me about 20 years to realize that I did in fact, really like Born in the USA. You could argue that the production value on a lot of his songs before that album was a bit over the top (think Born to Run, Hungry Heart, etc.)

But if you listen to "My Hometown" and "I'm on Fire", they are both sparsely produced tunes that don't scream "The 80's"...in my opinion, anyway.

Apart from Dancing in the Dark and Born in the USA the rest of that LP is great. I love Darlington County :0)

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Jack of All Trades, what a track

Great song! Tbh, theres only one or two tracks that dont quite hit the right mark on this record for me.

Personal faves are Shackled & Drawn, Death to my Hometown and Land of Hope and Dreams.

Love the boston/irish feel to parts of the album, then other songs have that gospel/bluesy sound then you got the straight up rock songs for the commoners.

*Waits for the cynics to point out that that describes most Boss albums* :P

Back on topic,

Young couples on facebook that update about nothing else except their dog.

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I am kind of pissed off but more pissed off that I will be extremely pissed off tomorrow and I am aware of it now...if that makes sense

I have started a new game for the first time in ages on FM12 with the villa and its going great at the moment, only thing is that we have had a fair few drinks tonight to watch the boxing and what not and now I am sat up alone and the only thing I wanna do is put FM back on

I made that fatal error once when I was living at me mom n dads and ended up destroying 3 seasons good work in about 1/2 hour

I recon if I put it on now bent and gabby will be sold and heskey will be main striker with shey given playing at left back and barry bannan in goals or some shite like that

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ok then another one

the adverts about cancer really **** annoy me....maybe that is the wrong word, they really **** depress me

I have just come home from work sitting down eating my dinner and I get a really depressing advert about cancer

I am watching the boxing and I get a really depressing advert about cancer

etc etc

I know its a serious subject and that but I dont want it rammed down my throat constantly I normally mute the TV when they come on.

again I dont mean to sound heartless but I watch TV to be entertained and not to be depressed I have my music for that

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I understand what you mean, it's the same with Children In Need when they go to Africa and show how poor these kids are, or kids dying in hospitals and stuff like that. It's depressing stuff, but it works. These are the sorts of things that we would like to be blissfully ignorant about but they're real and they happen. They work as they're intended, and if it works and people donate and ultimately some lives are saved then it's worth it in my opinion.

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I understand what you mean, it's the same with Children In Need when they go to Africa and show how poor these kids are, or kids dying in hospitals and stuff like that. It's depressing stuff, but it works. These are the sorts of things that we would like to be blissfully ignorant about but they're real and they happen. They work as they're intended, and if it works and people donate and ultimately some lives are saved then it's worth it in my opinion.

Unless the ads are parochial ones, like the Kony one.

Few things I detest more* than fumbling, myopic, amusingly guilt-ridden yet ignorant people in developed countries who sign up for community service "projects" in Third World states that are just a few days in length and do nothing apart from siphon the gullible into parting with their hard-earned money. No, the village in Cambodia doesn't need YOU to build houses for them, especially considering that you have probably never held a spanner in your life - what it does need are funds, food, ideas.


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Popped into a shop yesterday and there was a lovely lady at the head of the queue. She was wearing those tight black leggings and an equally tight black top. Now the annoyance, there were several guys in the queue and she obviously felt (quite rightly) that many were checking out her lovely behind. She spent the whole time trying to pull down her top over her backside as much as she could. Why on earth did she leave the house wearing what amounted to a pair of socks stretched over her whole body if she was paranoid of being looked at?

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Exagerration of distances in football.

There's a story on the BBC gossip column about Luis Adriano having the miss of the season because he fired over "from a yard"

Yet the video attached to the story clearly shows him hitting it on exactly the edge of the 6 yard box

And the other day I was watching highlights of League 1 (I think) and the commentator declared that the player had scored with a "powerful drive from 30 yards" when he clearly hits it just (and I mean just) outside the edge of the penalty area.

Don't make it so obvious!

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