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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who snitch and grass. Really annoying. Especially when you havent done much wrong.
So how old did you think she was?

Nothing to do with me. Colleague got grassed by creative department for claiming to be ill when infact they were looking after someone who was ill, but felt that was not a legitimate reason to be off work. If it aint your business dont get involved.

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Customers moving the goalposts. Leave them where they are please.
But what if they're customers in a goalpost shop, and they've just bought some?
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My boss and the other guy I work with have been given some cases of beer by our printer suppliers for using them and they have left them on the spare desk by us and so for nearly 2 weeks now the same thing keeps happening over and over...

I sit there going about my work when I in the corner of my eye someone coming over to us. I can see they have spotted the beer and a grin is now starting to spread on their face and I think to myself "Ugh... here comes another side splitter...". They hold up an empty toner cartridge and say "Can I get a new ones of these, and ..." Big grin, pointing towards the beer "one of those!?".

The first time wasn't funny but I gave a little laugh out of politeness, I'm a polite person, but now I just give them a look of pity.

Tomorrow I'm going to put the beer in our back room before I have to hurt somebody.

I feel for you. There's a woman who sits near me who says, 'Ooh, having a beer?', everytime she hears me open a can of pop. Like you, I try to be polite, but I could snap one day and end up over-arming the can at her head.

The one I get at work is mainly from any other English people. I love Indian food, I am from Brum so this is to be expected. I eat the stuff I like so If I am going to have one or had one yesterday or someone mentions it in passing.....

"What did you have ? A mild cream Korma ?"

"Korma is too hot for you I reckon !!"

"Korma, Korma cameleon"

"I had a Madras, Neil of course ate lightly heated goats milk with sugar in"

FFS, it's about eating what you like the taste of NOT how hot it is. I dunno, maybe it's because they are not from Brum or something so that should always be taken into account.

It works the other way too.

I love Madras. Probably my favourite curry. I also like Vindaloo, like BOF said, not for the heat, but for the taste.

But if I order anything like that i often get "Ohhh trying to look hard"

or "Tough guy"

from the people I'm with.

No it's just nice you cockbags

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I like hot curries, but along with the enjoyment I get from the flavour and the spice, I also get value from how other people react to trying to taste my curry. It's all part of the experience. Talking about what your order is part of the fun. What annoys me is when someone in the group takes charge of the rices or the naan breads as if they are some sort of expert in the field. 'We will all share these different types of naan bread because I know what is nice, being a connoisseur of the Indian palate.'

Korma is a really awful curry though.

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What annoys me is when someone in the group takes charge of the rices or the naan breads as if they are some sort of expert in the field. 'We will all share these different types of naan bread because I know what is nice, being a connoisseur of the Indian palate.'

Who the **** does that? The only thing they'd share with me is a slap in the chops if they tried that with me.

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bruce springsteen and his latest attempt to appear as the voice of the struggling, working man.


Oi! Leave the boss alone, its a fantastic album :evil:

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bruce springsteen and his latest attempt to appear as the voice of the struggling, working man.


Oi! Leave the boss alone, its a fantastic album :evil:

It's had some very good reviews, that album

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I think its a pretty sad state of affairs that we need an old millionaire rock star to do what new bands/musicians would have done in the past.

Then again I generally cringe at anything that's a tad heavy handed with it's political message. Ballad Of A Thin Man said more about middle-Americas lack of understanding about the changing times in the 60s than any other song, and it did so with midgets and camels.

Try a bit of subtlety Bruce.

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bruce springsteen and his latest attempt to appear as the voice of the struggling, working man.


Oi! Leave the boss alone, its a fantastic album :evil:

Bought it today. It's an 11 out of 10 sort of album to be fair

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I think its a pretty sad state of affairs that we need an old millionaire rock star to do what new bands/musicians would have done in the past.

Then again I generally cringe at anything that's a tad heavy handed with it's political message. Ballad Of A Thin Man said more about middle-Americas lack of understanding about the changing times in the 60s than any other song, and it did so with midgets and camels.

Try a bit of subtlety Bruce.

Why in the hell would you over analyse a Springsteen album? Just enjoy the music, not his politics.

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bruce springsteen and his latest attempt to appear as the voice of the struggling, working man.


Oi! Leave the boss alone, its a fantastic album :evil:

It's had some very good reviews, that album

After getting it today. I can agree. It is fantastic

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I'd rather hear Springsteen do what he feels comfortable with than try and force himself into styles that he just wouldn't do well. I admit that too much Broooooce can get indigestible, but every now and then I enjoy hearing his blue collar anthems. Funnily enough, I've only this week bought Nebraska and Tom Joad for the first time. The new album sounds like it's in a similar vein.

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Born in the USA, The Rising and Magic are all heavy handed, far from subtle 'sending a message' type albums but I couldnt care less as they are great.

Everytime I hear Bruce describe a new album I just roll my eyes and shake my head. I just dont let it affect my enjoyment the actual music.

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