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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Folk who smoke right outside entrances to hospitals. Dont they even see the irony ?

Heavily pregnany women smoking, mid-labor, outside the delivery ward. There are few more sickening sites my eyes have seen.

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Folk who smoke right outside entrances to hospitals.

That's the saddest thing I've sever seen :lol:

especially if it's right outside the doors. :winkold:

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Folk who smoke right outside entrances to hospitals. Dont they even see the irony ?

someone should write a song about that......

Folk who smoke right outside entrances to hospitals. Dont they even see the irony ?

Editors did a song about that very subject.

I believe you 2 chaps are a couple of posts tardy. :mrgreen:

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Going back to the whole banter thing that somebody else mentioned before. When someone constantly banters with you, takes the piss, and then you say one thing back to them they get angry and defensive. Does my head in. :bang:

If you are big enough to dish it out, you should be big enough to take it.

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Southerners call it the Cine-mar, also I've heard black people say it too in Brum.

Don't think it matters, just an accent thing, the only accents anyone should hate is scouse... start hatin'.

Agreed on the scouse accent. It is amazing when you think accents develop over regions and distances. However, the scouse accent is so concentrated in such a small area then when you head 10 miles in a specific direction the accent is completely different .

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We havnt had a good spot of news that we can get embroiled in and have a good old row for ages. Last was the travellers being asked to move from their site.

Someone start a religion thread or death penelty for rapist' thread!

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We havnt had a good spot of news that we can get embroiled in and have a good old row for ages. Last was the travellers being asked to move from their site.

Someone start a religion thread or death penelty for rapist' thread!

Death penalty for religion is my vote.
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We havnt had a good spot of news that we can get embroiled in and have a good old row for ages. Last was the travellers being asked to move from their site.

Someone start a religion thread or death penalty for rapist' thread!

Death penalty for religion is my vote.

Careful, sensationalist media might pick up on that Mike :D

On a less humorous note - I am thinking of setting up a "Noah's Ark" thread. I think it's bin dunne before but I can't find. Had a short but heated "debate"* with a hardcore creationist** on a website I frequent and I told him I would watch the History Channel video he mentioned, but unfortunately I can't find it and at any rate..........it is the History Channel. :lol: So I am considering resorting to the next best thing - getting the views of some of the more religious types on here. All in the interest of giving people with alternative opinions the chance to air them, no matter how ridiculous or poorly supported their arguments are. It's the very essence of science, and of liberty.

* It wasn't a debate really, it was him just spouting senseless stuff that I'd assume arose as a result of childhood indoctrination, not entirely sure.

** He ended the conversation with something along the line of "Even if there were no corroborating evidence to suggest a global flood in the last few thousand years, he would still believe in the historicity of it because the Bible says so and it's the ultimate authority on everything, obviously." Along with a few insults thrown along the way.

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Cue the "Not this shit again" gif...

Directed at me? :lol:

Yeah. I'm always up for a religion argument myself, but I suspect most VTers find them rather tedious.
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