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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who care way too much what other people think, always striving for perfection. I have always lived by the creed that if someone doesn't like me  that's their problem.  I am not perfect by any means and don't try to be.

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That Scouse guy that dig that one Good impression of Rafa a decade ago making a career off doing absolute shite impressions of other football figures...and the reply that reply saying how accurate they are.

He sounds nothing like these people ffs. The cringe video under Bruce on the Villa channel. Nothing like him.


....and he's back again. He's garbage!!!!

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Back on the women's football, the player threads in On Topic are actually starting to piss me off. Sorry, but these lasses don't play for Aston Villa, they play for Aston Villa Women - which is a different team, albeit part of the same club. Give them a separate sub-forum (which I'll probably never read). 

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3 hours ago, rodders0223 said:

That Scouse guy that dig that one Good impression of Rafa a decade ago making a career off doing absolute shite impressions of other football figures...and the reply that reply saying how accurate they are.

He sounds nothing like these people ffs. The cringe video under Bruce on the Villa channel. Nothing like him.


....and he's back again. He's garbage!!!!

Not sure if it's the same guy, but there's some clown that seems incomprehensibly popular who does really shite impressions, he has done quite a few of Gerrard and it's all just him starting every answer with "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm". People love it, I just don't get it.

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17 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

Not sure if it's the same guy, but there's some clown that seems incomprehensibly popular who does really shite impressions, he has done quite a few of Gerrard and it's all just him starting every answer with "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm". People love it, I just don't get it.

Yeah, it's the same bloke. He's been on TalkSport and Sky doing impressions. Getting people like Alan Brazil into hysterics. So, that tells me all I need to know about the bumder. On the flipside, fair play to him carving some sort of niche career out of it.

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I read "NewsNow Aston Villa" and I just read tonight "Alvarez to Aston Villa for 15,000,000.Then when I click on it.It says Alex McCleash says that we should buy Alvarez for 15,000,000.

Piss me right off.Here I was thinking we have bought Alvarez and its only Alex Mc Stupid.I just went and wasted 1 minute of my life there,FFS.

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2 hours ago, Davkaus said:

Not sure if it's the same guy, but there's some clown that seems incomprehensibly popular who does really shite impressions, he has done quite a few of Gerrard and it's all just him starting every answer with "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm". People love it, I just don't get it.

I've heard him too....i mean, what's so difficult for a scouser to impersonate another scouser ?

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He's a dickhead, and unfunny dickhead - but if people wanna laugh and clap like seals at a guy with no talent, fair play to him.

He's worse than those shitty football comics which kept being posted here ages ago, but at least someone draws for those.  

Anyone, in any comedy who says "wait, what?!" because it's the most overused "gag" and it's never funny. 

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34 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

He's worse than those shitty football comics which kept being posted here ages ago, but at least someone draws for those.  

I’m glad it’s not just me that didn’t find them funny.

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2 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

He's a dickhead, and unfunny dickhead - but if people wanna laugh and clap like seals at a guy with no talent, fair play to him.

He's worse than those shitty football comics which kept being posted here ages ago, but at least someone draws for those.  

Anyone, in any comedy who says "wait, what?!" because it's the most overused "gag" and it's never funny. 

Wa... .....

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When people are rude to those in the service industry(i.e. waiters, servers, etc.) Absolutely no call for it,. And along the same line as this: Terrible tippers. I mean I read something the other day when this one waitress had a table of eight who ordered close to $600 combined of food and they only left her a $5 tip? I mean come on.

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24 minutes ago, sidcow said:

When I worked at McDonalds, one night I was working front of house cleaning.  It was quiet and I swept up some rubbish off the floor next to a table a couple were sitting at.  He said thanks and she said (right in front of me) "Don't thank him, he's just doing his job" 

The bloke said to her there was nothing wrong with manners and too bloody right as well.  What a stupid rude bitch.  Does she really think you shouldn't thank someone if they are just doing a job? And even if you do think that weird as it is, how utterly rude to actually come out and say it. 

I hope he didn't stick with her, she was clearly sub human. Sometimes people would actually tell you to go away if you were cleaning near to them as they didn't want to see you cleaning whilst they were eating.  Like **** me, you would rather eat in an actual pigsty than watch someone clean up for you. 

That's terrible pal smh. I have had similar things happen to me. A good example I can give you is that when I was in college I worked at a Golden Corral(An all you can eat buffet restaurant) and my main job was cleaning and replacing/restocking the food on the lines. Anyway, this one day we were extremely short staffed so fresh food took a bit longer to come out than it normally would. This one guy slapped cussed me out as he had to wait and I quote 'Ridiculously long **** time for a piece of chicken; hurry the **** up next time.' I attempted to apologize for the wait and for the inconvenience, he wasn't having it.  Lucky for him I am generally a nice dude and I didn't punch him right in the face.


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Waiting and tipping is difficult I think, cause it's different from country to country.

Being impolite or behaving shitty is never okay, but tipping itself is difficult. In England I rarely know what to tip and I always tip too much.

The US I think I normally gave 15%.

In Scandinavia you don't give.

I'm in Poland atm. and we literally had this discussion 20 min ago, cause when we paid with a card the waitress removed the option to tip and we didn't have cash on hand.

Guess you just have to google it everytime you go some where.

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20 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

Waiting and tipping is difficult I think, cause it's different from country to country.

Being impolite or behaving shitty is never okay, but tipping itself is difficult. In England I rarely know what to tip and I always tip too much.

The US I think I normally gave 15%.

In Scandinavia you don't give.

I'm in Poland atm. and we literally had this discussion 20 min ago, cause when we paid with a card the waitress removed the option to tip and we didn't have cash on hand.

Guess you just have to google it everytime you go some where.

Yea, always Google!

In the states it depends, if you get shit service, you're told not to tip at all, and when they challenge you about it, you tell them where they fell down on your expectations.

That said, I've never had bad service in the states and when you come home to the UK, it's absolutely depressing going into a weatherspoons where you're treated with distain for having the temerity to order something. :(


A minimum wage would be good for those in the states though! 

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1 hour ago, sidcow said:

When I worked at McDonalds, one night I was working front of house cleaning.  It was quiet and I swept up some rubbish off the floor next to a table a couple were sitting at.  He said thanks and she said (right in front of me) "Don't thank him, he's just doing his job" 

The bloke said to her there was nothing wrong with manners and too bloody right as well.  What a stupid rude bitch.  Does she really think you shouldn't thank someone if they are just doing a job? And even if you do think that weird as it is, how utterly rude to actually come out and say it. 

I hope he didn't stick with her, she was clearly sub human. Sometimes people would actually tell you to go away if you were cleaning near to them as they didn't want to see you cleaning whilst they were eating.  Like **** me, you would rather eat in an actual pigsty than watch someone clean up for you. 

I worked briefly at a cinema on the refreshment counter. It was just a few nights a week as I was working full time during the day. The rudeness of some people, that just assume you are scum, was disheartening. They wouldn't speak to me like that in my day job. 

Once a woman asked for a bag of salty popcorn... I double checked with her as the sweet one made up about 90% of our sales, but she was adamant. Served it to her and she took a mouthful (KW) and stated loudly - "I asked for sweet". I started to tell her that she had requested salty not sweet but she claimed I was lying and started making a scene. I was ready to vault over the counter and roundhouse her and her partner, but thought better of it! I was told to move to the pic n mix instead! 

You see a different side to people when you work in the service industry. I'm always mega polite in places but i've got a friend and she can be a bit short with serving staff and I die inside when she does it. Told her about it a few times and I don't like going out for food with her anymore. She's not a bad person but she doesn't engage her brain sometimes before speaking. 

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