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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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point 2 is amusing, point 1 would risk inducing me to throttle the bastard. Anyone playing loud audio on public transport is just an affrontery to basic self awareness. I'd dip him in a vat of tar, and use him to cover a footpath

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23 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Adverts for joining the forces.

”This is belonging”? F*** off.

"If you can fix your bike then you can fix a type 2 destroyer or a Samsung radar system"... I'm not convinced tbh.

Edited by Genie
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Just to add some fuel to the fire, he's also a bluenose.

Last night I tagged him on a Twitter post that said something like "When you want to kill that friend who plays snapchat videos on full volume in public". He didn't reply.

Another to add to today's events; he just came back from the toilet and brought his phone over to me and the manager, who sits next to me, to show us a video of a Harry Kane interview where his voice has been overdubbed as some slurring bumbling deep voice. Our office is huge and almost silent, and he played about 30 seconds of this loud video, telling us how it had him in stitches last night.

It's probably more annoying that he's a friendly and harmless guy. I'd prefer it if he was an utter word removed, so I could tell him where to go.

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56 minutes ago, Genie said:

"If you can fix your bike then you can fix a tyre 2 destroyer or a Samsung radar system"... I'm not convinced tbh.

But can I put a thin piece of wood in the mechanics of a Destroyer to make it sound like I'm riding a motorbike around my street? I think not.

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6 hours ago, Rob182 said:

I've mentioned the guy at my work that irritates me before. Well here's an update.

1) He continues to play videos (and now games) on his phone at full volume. On the train he puts the 4pm World Cup game on with volume on max (who cares that much about the commentary to listen to it on a train? Just watch the game!). Yesterday he downloaded a shoot-em up game on his phone, and blasted out gun noises in our quiet break room for about 25 minutes.

2) This morning he's shared his dilemma with me, that his mom is getting rid of a grey settee and he's wondering whether to have it. He told me that he currently has a leather settee but it's getting a bit scruffy. He then goes on to show me a photo that his brother has 'photo-shopped' of his mom's grey settee in his living room (which has brown carpet). He asked my opinion, and I told him that the grey and brown all looks a bit dull to me, so I'd put a throw over it, if it was me. I thought that was the end of it, but it's now 3 hours later, and he's just told me that he's sent the two photos of his living room to his work email (presumably one with his current settee, and one with the 'photo-shopped' one) and that he now has them full screen on his two monitors to try to decide whether to have it or not. :mellow:

I despise this low life cretin with every fibre of my being already. 


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On 19/06/2018 at 14:04, Genie said:

Regular readers will know that early May a car went into the back of mine on the motorway. The car was a rental and the rental company referred the repair and resolution to third part company to manage.

6 weeks later they are still pissing about. Initially a car repair centre asked me for pictures etc so they could prepare a quote for the fix. I understand they submitted the repair quote and it was approved. I'd be contacted once they had the parts (bumper) and repair would happen.

It then took a twist as they put that on hold and asked an independent engineer to check the car over. He came, took some pictures and then left. What I suspect is happening is that they think that the damage might not of happened in the accident (it did).

Anyway, 6 weeks on and I'm still waiting. I called twice last week and again yesterday. They just say there are enquiries ongoing and that I need to wait.

I'm rapidly getting furious with all of this. Yesterday I asked to speak to a manager but there wasn't one free so I sent them a strongly worded complaint email... still nothing.

What can I do? Can I bill them for the stress and anxiety they are causing on top of everything else? Should I appoint a solicitor to go after them?

As I asked you last time you posted about this, why are you letting the “at fault” party’s accident management company lead you through this? You aren’t their client, you need someone working for you, not someone working for the at fault party, their job is to reduce the amount paid out to you. Stop letting them do the running. Get a no win no fee solicitor or an accident management company on your side.

This really is non fault accident 101

I had someone go into the back of me on 4th May. At fault party’s insurers have already admitted liability, paid for the vehicle repairs and now all that is left is compensation for my injuries, the delay on that is down to me and the treatments I’m having, the delays should be on your side and in your favour but letting the at fault party run the show is madness, this is always likely to happen.

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7 hours ago, Shropshire Lad said:

Must have been mentioned before now, but when actors names on movie posters aren’t lined up with the correct actor.

Its bothered me for years but, ultimately, it's an ego thing. With actors demanding they get top billing in their contracts or they poo on a mongoose (or something..)

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4 hours ago, AVFC_Hitz said:

Its bothered me for years but, ultimately, it's an ego thing. With actors demanding they get top billing in their contracts or they poo on a mongoose (or something..)

That Crocodile Dundee was a right diva behind the scenes

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Safeguarding courses, today was my fifth in total... oh man, never have I heard so much divorced from reality bollocks in all my life

The Company Secretary volunteered me to accompany him for 45 mins of... seriously? ... No? ...Does that happen?... interjected with Phone the police.... *howls of laughter* "have you ever tried that?" repeat ad nauseum


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Estate agents, they universally provide a shit service, ask them any question and the stock answer is "I don't know". One told me that a border issue will "have to come out in legal", which is a waste of time and money. Utter, utter **** words removed the lot of them.

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People in the Tony Xia thread who simply don't understand 'wait and see', ''speculation', 'reasonable assumption', 'done a runner'.

But instead, ask variations on exactly the same question 17 times every **** day in the hope father christmas turns out to be real.


I'm not even actually annoyed at them, I'm annoyed at me for reading it every day.

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24 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

People in the Tony Xia thread who simply don't understand 'wait and see', ''speculation', 'reasonable assumption', 'done a runner'.

But instead, ask variations on exactly the same question 17 times every **** day in the hope father christmas turns out to be real.


I'm not even actually annoyed at them, I'm annoyed at me for reading it every day.

I've had to take a break from it. 

I'm going to enjoy the World Cup and not think about Villa until its over. 

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