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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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7 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

And even then it was just the kids who were too shit at Rugby to play Rugby

that's how you get in the Scotland team now isn't it ?

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16 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

My nephew’s 6 and at school they do “the daily mile” where the kids are encouraged to run or jog for 15 minutes everyday. 

However, the parents of the slower kids complained. Now they all have to walk together for 15 minutes instead, to be fair to everybody.  

Now my nephew hates it and finds it boring because he wants to run but he’s not allowed.

I can kind of understand why they’ve done it. If there’s some children that are getting upset that they’re the slowest every single day or they’re dreading it every morning before school, especially as I assume the main aim of this is to encourage them and to get them to enjoy exercising.

But it’s not a race, it’s just running for 15 minutes, nobody finishes last. Making them all walk kind of defeats the purpose a little I think.

I’m sure there’s some kind of “you can’t be the best at everything” lesson in there as well.

At my school they do it in laps round a small-ish field. Go at your own pace, and count your own laps.
so after the first lap everyone is mixed up, you can't tell who is first or last or fastest or slowest.  

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2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

I would. Everyone would have stopped having kids when I was born. That was the cut off.

You're one of those that like to orgasm first, then sod the missus by the sound of it. So am I sometimes ? It's great being selfish sometimes. 

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2 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Anyone in health care, @Ingram85

My grandad had a stroke yesterday at about 5.30 in the afternoon , or that's when we found out he'd had a stroke. He went outside to do something and his neighbour spotted that he weren't well. Anyway, he gets to the hospital for 6.30. They confirm he's had a stroke by doing some tests. They scan his brain, and luckily there is no serious damage or nothing. His speech has gone, his face has dropped, and he keeps feeling dizzy. He's 83, and lives on his own. Stafford hospital send him home at 10.30 at night, and tell him Stoke hospital will ring him in the morning, and tell him what time to go over to that hospital to see a specialist. I'm a bit angry they sent him home, and didn't keep him in just incase. Is this normal procedure? 

I work in mental health Ruge so have no idea about what would happen on a stroke unit but it seems odd that they would send someone home without keeping them in overnight to observe and monitor following such a debilitating illness. As a health care worker I’d be worried about after shocks or minor changes to vitals at least.

As much as you don’t want to talk about politics, there is an element of truth with a Tory attacked and butchered NHS making cruel inhumane decisions through policy change or budget cuts. I see them every day. 

Edited by Ingram85
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Just now, Ingram85 said:

I work in mental health Ruge so have no idea about what would happen on a stroke unit but it seems odd that they would send someone home without keeping them in overnight to observe and monitor.

As much as you don’t want to talk about politics, there is an element of truth with a Tory attacked and butchered NHS making cruel decisions though. I see them every day. 

That's what I thought. Shocking really. 

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got around to doing my expenses and for my hotel in Brum the other month ,  looked at the bill and they've manage to make the car parking look like I purchased an adult movie

it's listed as Room - Misc  - Paradise City  - £10

I went to lengths to point out to the girl in accounts when I passed them to her that it wasn't an adult movie but a car park  ..... and from the smirk on her face when I left I can tell she does indeed think it was an adult movie .

but , on the plus side I've now learnt that she will re-reimburse me for adult movies on my expenses should I ever enter a legit claim for one :)


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I've just rang my mum up to see how he is. He's still at home. He was waiting for the call from Stoke hospital this morning, but it never happened. Obviously he can barely talk, so when my aunty arrived at his house she rang Stoke up. They told her that they had his files arrive, but they don't deal with this kind of thing, and he will have to get in touch with new cross hospital, Wolverhampton. They will send his files there, and if he's considered urgent they will send for him. If it's not urgent then they will see him in 5 days time. My aunt also rang Stafford to see why they would send an 83 year old man home who's just had a stroke. Their answer was, that's what we do now, because by keeping people in hospital it will age them by 10 years, and it's much more comfortable for them at home. Quite frankly I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What a **** shambles. 

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PE in school pissed me off.

We were put into A and B group. Based seemingly on nothing other than rugby ability (very heavy heavy school)

I was a decent tennis, cricket player; and a runner in high school yet I was absolutely terrible at rugby so I was put in B group.

Some of the idiots in A group because they were a prop for the school team and useless at everything else still baffles the mind to this day.

There was a time when I was running for the school, playing tennis and cricket in our 1st team and I was still in B group.

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Always remember thinking I was shit hot at rugby. No sod could catch me, and I'd literally run from one end to the other to score a try. All that changed when we played a grammar school who's main sport was rugby. Proper big lads who knew the game well. That's when I realised I weren't a rugby player. 

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4 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

Quite frankly I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What a **** shambles. 

The service is being deliberately driven into the ground so it can be claimed that it requires privatisation to fix.


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3 minutes ago, Xann said:

The service is being deliberately driven into the ground so it can be claimed that it requires privatisation to fix.


I will take this to the bolitics thread after work, but my eyes are being opened by certain things, and also by your typical Tory. 

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3 hours ago, mjmooney said:

My grammar school didn't allow football, due to our snobby headmaster who insisted "This is a rugby school". The upshot was that most of the sporty kids refused to play for the rugby 1st XV, and went off and formed a Sunday league footie team. In our 6th form, the sporting duffers like me did as you describe - the "float group", alternating rugby, cross-country, hockey, volleyball and badminton. We were mostly unsupervised, so skived off as much as possible. 

I went to a local grammar where football was banned cos "wugger" was THE only sport apparently. Except when in winter when the playing fields were too frozen for wugger so the teachers "let" us play football instead......only, we didn't have any footballs so we had to use basketballs instead. We might as well have used cannon balls especially when heading one or getting one square in the spuds.

It was marginally preferable to cross country though ?

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4 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

It was marginally preferable to cross country though ?

I detested cross country at school. Give me a ten mile XC race now, and I'm happy as a pig in shit. Funny how things turn out. 

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48 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

It was marginally preferable to cross country thoug

cross country was an excuse to head into the woods supervised one teacher to about 30 boys .....  so, we'd sneak off have a crafty cigarette and then rejoin the pack as it come around the loop

once I stopped hanging about with the smokers group , turned out I was actually quite good at it and I used to run competitions for the school , right up to when the knees prohibited me from running I enjoyed nothing more than going out on a long run in the rain and getting splattered with mud

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Our school did actually separate us into sets based on 'ability' for all subjects including PE as an experiment because behaviour was so bad or some other shite.  I was half decent at a fair number of sports but was smaller than most the year so was in set 2, and the problem was most of the bullies were in the same group.  When rugby came around the had a legitimate reason to batter me, though even in badminton I still used to get smacked on the arse with a racket regularly.  I **** hated PE.

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2 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

I enjoyed nothing more than getting splattered with mud


35 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

they had a legitimate reason to batter me. I used to get smacked on the arse with a racket regularly.


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3 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

cross country was an excuse to head into the woods supervised one teacher to about 30 boys .....  so, we'd sneak off to suck each other off And bum one another, we liked that, you see.


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